czwartek, 26 marca 2009

Apocalipsis, que afectará al Reino de España

Alabado sea Jesucristo
Apocalipsis, que afectará al Reino de España
Indica que la transmisión sobre la base de María Madre de Dios, que en el "Mensaje" de Fátima en 1917, encargó a la Lucy, el contenido del anuncio "mensaje" para todo el mundo. El día 09 de marzo de 2008, en Varsovia, en la iglesia durante la Misa. He oído que me dirigió la Palabra de Dios el Padre, el Señor Jesús, quien realizó el "Testamento" de Dios Padre, escrito por San Juan el Apóstol en 95 años una nueva era, y por la humanidad en todo el mundo. "Este personaje, que aparece en el cielo, es un signo del comienzo del Apocalipsis. El Señor Dios usa a personas sobre la base de "las palabras", dirigidas a la humanidad en todo el mundo. Hoy, María Madre de Dios, sabiendo que el "castigo" tocará la tierra y la humanidad, pide a las personas a dirigirse a Dios el Señor, en lugar de hacer el mal. Durante las apariciones en Fátima, en julio de 1917, envió la Madre de Dios a Lucy el "Mensaje". Al final de una serie de revelaciones, explicó el "Mensaje", que pasó a la historia, llamada el Tercer Misterio de Fátima. Muchos años después, en 1953, Lucía ha guardado el contenido de este "Mensaje", y lo ha transmitido sellado, al Papa Pío XII, con una nota en el sobre el documento, que después de 1960, puede declarar al mundo entero su contenido. Cuando el papa Pío XII se familiarizó con el contenido del documento estuvo aterrorizado. Una vez más, selló el documento y lo depositó en un lugar seguro, para su sucesor. El anuncio de los contenidos del misterio de Fátima después de 1960 a todo el mundo como lo escribió en el sobre la Hermana Lucía, podría conllevar la conversión de la humanidad a Dios, en vez de sembrar inquietud en el mundo tal como lo sugirió el papa Juan XXIII después de escuchar el contenido del "Mensaje” de Fátima. El papa Juan Pablo II conoció el contenido del "Mensaje" de Fátima, tras el atentado a su vida en la plaza de San. Pedro, el 13 de mayo de 1981. Actuó como sus predecesores, depositó el "Mensaje" en una caja de seguridad en el Vaticano, sin cumplir con la voluntad de la Madre de Dios, escrita en el documento guardado en el sobre por la hermana Lucía, es decir anunciar el Misterio de la Tercera Fátima al mundo entero.
En la noche del verano de 1982, el mismo "cielo" - como visión vino a ver al Santo Padre, Juan pablo II en su apartamento, para que anuncie al mundo entero el Tercer Misterio de Fátima. Sobre esto trata el libro de Stefan Budzyński punto, "El tacto de Dios", "La misteriosa visión de Juan Pablo II." Tras esta visión, Juan Pablo II pidió la traducción del la lengua portuguesa el Tercer Misterio de Fátima. El Papa Juan Pablo II, transmitió al Cardenal Joseph Ratzinger una copia de la traducción de la lengua portuguesa del Tercer Misterio de Fátima para que lo declarase al mundo entero por televisión. Papa Juan Pablo II le dio una segunda copia del misterio al escritor polaco Stefan Budzyński para que lo diera a conocer en Polonia. El "Mensaje" de Fátima, el Tercer Misterio de Fátima, fue publicado en Polonia en el libro "Profecía del Mundo", en 1917. El escritor Stefan Budzynski en el libro "El tacto de Dios" dice en la página 73, línea 11,"Ahora tenemos el texto completo del tercer misterio de Fátima que es una traducción del original en portugués, aunque debo indicar que no viene en las fuentes oficiales". Asimismo, Stefan Budzynski anuncia el Tercer Misterio en el mismo libro en las páginas 73-74, "Mensaje de Nuestra Señora de Akita, y III del misterio de Fátima". En "Fátima 1917", aparecen varios" Mensajes", proporcionados por la hermana de María la Madre de Dios, Lucy, que transmitió al santo Padre Juan Pablo II para transmitirlos en Polonia. La revelación del siglo XXI, será anunciada por UN SIGNO, que aparecerá en el cielo, no hay ninguna otra indicación sobre la fecha.
Las amenazas, de las que habla la Madre de Dios, que afectarán a personas de todo el mundo y al Reino de España, son las siguientes.
1. Se abrirá un profundo precipicio del cual saldrán millones de demonios por un breve "tiempo" - por un período de cinco meses, que las personas se asesinarán uno a los demás y ayudarán al ejército de demonios en chino a sobrevivir "Tiempo". Capítulo 1, 18, verso, capítulo 20, 3, verso, capítulo 9, 10, versículo. Capítulo3 1, 19, verso, capítulo 17, de 1 a 18, versículo: - China.
2. Estalla la guerra en el este de Asia, que será utilizada en las armas nucleares. China quiere aumentar la población de la raza amarilla del mundo. Cuanto más rápido las necesidades de desarrollo de China son las nuevas áreas: rico en yacimientos de petróleo, gas y otros minerales. Estas zonas están ubicadas en el norte de Asia. A fin de disponer de ellos, China pronunciará la guerra a la Federación de Rusia. China tiene grandes reservas de bombas nucleares y misiles. Con bombas va a destruir las fábricas de armamentos nucleares y centros de investigación de las armas nucleares en Rusia. De las explosiones de bombas nucleares, como resultado habrá el caos y la destrucción masiva de la estancia en Rusia, que utilizará el ejército para ayudar a los chinos con los demonios.
3. El partido alemán NPD, cuyo jefe es el Sr. Ugo Voigt, llegará al poder en Alemania. Tal como antes Adolf Hitler, pretenderá crear una "Gran Alemania". Para realizar las ideas de Hitler, Alemania tiene que dar la guerra: a Polonia, la República Checa, Eslovaquia, y la recuperación de la antigua parte de Rusia-Kaliningrado. Después de llegar al poder, los alemanes pedirán a Polonia los terrenos de antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El nuevo Canciller pedirá a la nación alemana el consentimiento para la guerra alemana. Con el consentimiento del pueblo alemán, el ejército alemán atacará a los sectores occidentales y septentrionales de Polonia y el ejército alemán en la tierra y el mar golpeará sobre Kaliningrado, durante la guerra de China con Rusia. En las zonas adquiridas en Polonia, el ejército alemán destruirá todo y matará a la población de Polonia.
4. En la parte inferior del Océano Atlántico y el Mar Ártico, tienen un profundo impacto y son cada vez más fuertes y dan cada vez golpes más poderosos. Estos choques se llevarán a cabo en la fuerza y la explosión. El Tercer Misterio de Fátima, la aparición del "nuevo orden" de las aguas marinas y se hundirá a una tierra muy grande, como un continente. Habrán explosiones, junto con el agua y el hielo. Hielo y agua de las tierras y los mares irán hacia el Océano Atlántico, al elevarse el nivel de las aguas del Océano Atlántico a gran cantidad. El agua, que caerá sobre la tierra antes de la inundación de agua y el desbordamiento continuará su camino por las zonas de tierras bajas de la tierra. El diluvio- una alta ola de agua de mar hundirá las tierras bajas de las zonas costeras y las islas en el mar y el océano Atlántico. En Europa se inundarán las tierras bajas y las zonas costeras, todo esto será la tierra inundada. Si la población no se van dentro de los 30 días del inicio del Apocalipsis en el cielo, la población de las zonas costeras de tierras bajas morirá. El agua de la inundación de onda llegará al Norte, Oeste y Sur de las costas de España. Se inundarán las ciudades y los puertos, ya que el nivel de agua en el océano Atlántico, pueden ser unos pocos metros más alto del actual.
5. En el Mediterráneo, poco después de la explosión en la parte inferior del mar Ártico, en aguas profundas, habrá los terremotos y erupciones volcánicas. El Volcán Etna inundará toda la isla de Sicilia con lava y ceniza volcánica. El volcán Vesuvio, con choques horribles destruirá una gran área del brote en la tierra y en el mar. Roma y el Vaticano serán destruidos, y muchas otras ciudades en el mar Mediterráneo. Monstruosas olas \ "Tsunami" caerán con mucha fuerza en las zonas costeras y las islas, provocando una destrucción masiva. Los puertos y la flota marítima en los puertos serán destruidos, en el este de España. Las playas de en España serán destruidas por la olas gigantes "tsunami". Los terremotos en España, podrán producir la activación de volcanes. Hay un volcán inactivo en la zona de Cataluña al cual se hacen excursiones, yo también estuve allí, un volcán increíble con una pequeña capilla construida dentro. En cambio, en el próximo pueblo, se puede beber agua termal caliente. Ciudades y pueblos en la parte oriental de España, serán destruidas por la elevación del mar y de las olas "tsunami", que con una enorme fuerza golpearán los bordes de la península y las islas. 6. Poco después de la de aguas profundas, los terremotos, tendrá lugar la invasión de la tierra en el mar Mediterráneo por el ejército chino que en el Mediterráneo, destruirá todo y matará a la población de la raza blanca. El ejército, después de matar la población de las islas griegas y el continente, será seguido por la zona de Bulgaria, el Danubio, en la carretera, destruyendo todo y asesinando la población. Por el valle del río Danubio el ejército chino se moverá en la dirección de Alemania y Francia para reunirse con otros soldados del ejército chino para atacar a las zonas de Francia y Bélgica. En el Bosque de Baviera en Alemania, para reemplazar el ejército y el país se verá amenazada con la batalla, de aviones chino aviones militares y permanecerán en el Bosque Bávaro. El segundo ejército chino después de un ataque en Italia y el Mar Adriático, el río Po, se moverá hacia los Alpes. En los Alpes, la ruta de las tropas del ejército chino reemplazará principio los países en situación de riesgo cerca del Monte Blanco. Desde el sur vendrán aviones y tropas de los chinos y habrá una batalla. Habrán países que proporcionarán ayuda militar para derrotar al ejército chino
6. La intrusión en la tierra de "la piedra y el planeta-rojo-vivo golpea las aguas del Océano Atlántico, cerca del Mar Caribe, causando una destrucción masiva en las tres Américas. "Una Planetoide piedra-golpeará con gran fuerza en el fondo del Océano Atlántico, a fin de generar terremotos profundos, olas horriblemente altas" un tsunami "que tocará la isla y el continente, las costas de las Américas y en Europa y África. Las olas "tsunami" cuyos bordes de ataque tocarán España y Portugal. Esta será la "tercera noche", la necesidad de quedarse en casa cerrados. 8. Las palabras de Jesús dirigidas a la humanidad en todo el mundo, para el conocimiento del "tiempo" la intrusión "Planetoide-piedra" en la esfera de la tierra y la forma de actuar para no para morir. No se sabe cual es el "Tiempo" de la entrada en la atmósfera de la tierra "Planetoides". Transmite el Señor Jesús, que se sabrá sólo sobre la base de tiempo y los terremotos. Que se iniciará en una noche muy fría. El trueno y el terremoto tendrá una duración de dos días y dos noches. Última (segunda) noche va a ser muy fría, el viento soplará y después de algún tiempo se oirá un trueno: usted cierre entonces las ventanas y puertas no hable con nadie fuera de casa. Pongan se todos de rodillas debajo de la cruz, lamentando vuestros pecados y pidiendo a mi madre por su cuidado. Y quien no obedezca a esta orden, morirá en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. El corazón de Dios no aguantará este punto de vista. El aire estará saturado y gas será venenoso. Abarcará toda la tierra. La tercera noche habrán terremotos y fuego, pero al día siguiente el sol brillará más. Por favor, pidan entonces la salvación a la Virgen María, diciendo: "Reina de la Navidad, mediadora de las personas, nuestra única esperanza y misericordiosa salvación para nosotros". Es posible que muera entonces una 1 / 3 de la población del mundo. Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska

poniedziałek, 2 marca 2009


Praise be to Jesus Christ.


At the end of the world war I, on May 13, 1917, in a small mountain town in Portugal, there took place revelations of Blessed Virgin, experienced by three shepherd children:
ten-year old Lucia, a year younger Francisco and his sister Jacinta were given an address from Mary, which has been discussed, analyzed and speculated on ever since.
The first two parts of the address, i.e. the first two Secrets, have been known since long ago. The Third Secret hasn’t been officially published to this day.
It is so according to the Catholic writer Stefan Budzyński, who in 1995 announced the contents of the Third Secret of Fátima received from Pope John Paul II, having it first translated from the original written down by sister Lucia in Portuguese, in his book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”] on pages 73 and 74, in an article entitled “Orędzie Madonny z Akita a III tajemnica fatimska” [“Address of Madonna of Akita and the 3rd Secret of Fátima”].
The Catholic writer Stefan Budzyński claims to be in the possession of a text being a translation of the original Fátima address, written down in Portuguese by sister Lucia, called the Third Secret of Fátima, which he received from Pope John Paul II in order to edit it and then have it published in print in Poland. Instructed by the pope, Stefan Budzyński published a text received from pope John Paul II in a book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”], among other prophecies entitled “FÁTIMA 1917”.
Having been instructed to do so by Mary, Mother of God, I, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, send this text, FÁTIMA 117, together with a letter containing information about dangers described in individual parts of Fátima 117, to governments of different countries, so that they be aware of dangers inhabitants of a given state will have to face.
Fátima 117 is a “Testament” of God the Father, written down and encrypted in the “Bible-Apocalypse” by Saint John the Apostle of Jesus.
“Fátima 117”, currently called “The Third Secret of Fátima”, has already been deciphered and enumerates the “Punishments”, written down in the “Testament” of God the Father, humankind and the earth will experience.

“The SIGN which will appear in the sky is the sign of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.

These are the words passed on by Jesus on March 9, 2008 in the Church at 17 Gwiaździsta Street in Warsaw, during the service. It was me, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, who heard these “Words” of Jesus. When I heard the words I trembled in fear. Now I pass on these words to other people.
The “SIGN” to appear in the sky will signal the beginning of the Apocalypse. There is no other date of the beginning of the Apocalypse. Jesus will decide himself when the Apocalypse begins.
What “Punishments” will afflict those who abandoned God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
1. a war will break out in eastern Asia and in Europe. The war in Asia will be declared on the Russian Federation by China. Nuclear weapons will be used in this war. Having defeated the Russian Federation, China will declare war on the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and countries by the Caspian Sea over oil-rich seams currently belonging to these countries. China will declare war also on Southern Europe to murder the white people living there and drop nuclear missiles on the whole world.
2. Germany will declare war on Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia – to take back the former Königsberg, on Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, and Germany will want to annex Austria to the “Great Germany”. This is what the NPD party wants to do in order to fulfill Hitler’s idea and its aspirations.
For those who don’t want to believe that the NPD party will come to power – it is written down in the Bible-Apocalypse in chapter 13, verses 11-15. It says in the Bible-Apocalypse that during the war the United States of North America will help Germany till the fulfillment of Hitler’s idea and the forming of the “Great Germany”. There will be signed the “Atlantic Treaty” on the mutual help between Germany and the United States. In the next part of the Third Secret of Fátima it is stated that Germany will engage in war the U.S. as an Atlantic ally. Support provided by America for Germany will focus on Asia, which is where the U.S. armed forces will land.
3. Depth earthquakes which will cause the emergence of the “New Land” from the sea depths of about 4300 meters. Water above this bottom will cause FLOOD in the Northern Hemisphere, flooding the low-lying land areas, connecting to sea or ocean. The flood water will flow into seas and oceans, thus raising their water level.
4. Depth earthquakes under the bed of the Mediterranean Sea will cause the following volcanoes to erupt: Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius. Mount Etna will flood the Sicily island with lava and cover it with volcanic ash. A huge explosion of Mount Vesuvius will destroy areas surrounding it, Rome, the Vatican City and sea islands, whereas some other areas will fall in – Marseille city will fall in, there will start orogeny in the French Alps, in the territory of Switzerland and Italy, and terrible ocean waves called “tsunami” will hit shore areas and islands, bringing about huge destruction.
5. A plate under the Rhine river in the territory of Westphalia will fall in, wreaking havoc on many cities and towns.
6. A “foreign matter from outer space” will enter the terrestrial zone and hit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea, bringing about huge destruction and taking a heavy toll on the lives of those who fail to leave the endangered area.
In the period from May to October 1917, on the thirteenth day of each month, there took place a series of six revelations of Mary, Mother of God. During the third revelation on July 13, 1917, children were very frightened. Still, they didn’t reveal the reason for their mental condition, calling it a secret. After years it turned out that at that time they had been given an address from Mary, aimed at the whole world.
It concerned: Church and humanity.
In 1936, Lucia (already a discalced Carmelite nun in the nunnery in Coimbra), following the will of a bishop of the Leiria Diocese, a part of which is Fátima, wrote down the first account of the revelations. She wrote down the next accounts in 1937 and 1941. The last document concerned the Third Secret and was to be delivered to the pope in person.
On the 25. anniversary of revelations (in 1942), pope Pius XII officially announced to the public the contents of the first two parts of the address of Fátima.
The First Secret concerned the vision of hell seen by children in July 1917 and heralded the outbreak of world war II.
The Second Secret concerned the wish of Mary, Mother of God, for the worship of Her Immaculate Heart to be promoted. At the time, Mary uttered the following, among other words:

“When some night you sea strange light, be advised that this is a sign from God and the time of punishment for the world, for its numerous crimes, is approaching. This punishment will be war, famine, persecution of the Church and the Holy Father.
In order to prevent it, the Holy Father should entrust humanity to My Immaculate Heart, and on the first Saturday of each month a practice of Holy Communion should become established, as a reward for human sins. If my requests are complied with, Russia will convert and peace will ensue. Otherwise, perverse and immoral teachings will spread, causing wars and persecution of the Church. The Holy Father will have to suffer a lot. Many good people will be martyred and many nations destroyed. Finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will entrust Russia to My care and it will convert. Humanity will live in peace.”
During the revelation in July 1917, Mary gave a special address to Lucia, and at the end of the revelations she explained it additionally. This address has gone down in history under the name of the Third Secret of Fátima. Many years later sister Lucia wrote down the contents of this address and in 1953 it was delivered in a sealed envelope to pope Pius XII. “With a wish of Mary, Mother of God, for the address to be announced to the whole world”. Sister Lucia placed a note on the document’s envelope saying that after 1960 the document could be revealed to the whole world.
Having made himself familiar with the content of the secret document, pope Pius XII was distressed, horrified even. He sealed it again and secured it in the safe for his successor.
In 1958, John XXIII was elected pope. He made himself familiar with the secret as late as two years later. He was shocked at it. Then he concluded that the terrible “Punishments” predicted in the address did not refer to his times.
He ordered that the document be placed with other most closely guarded Vatican secrets and prohibited anyone from disclosing any information about it. He believed that publicizing the address could trigger panic on a world scale.
John XXIII’s successor, pope Paul VI, having read the address, approved the decision of his predecessors in recognizing that the document should remain a secret of Vatican for some time. Pope Paul VI shied away from publicizing the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Still, he had no doubts that at least a part of it should be used to secure peace in the world. This was done during the Cuban crisis. Revealing the content of some fragments of the address to the leaders of the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain in the years 1963-1964 contributed to them entering into a peace agreement.
Pope John Paul II familiarized himself with the contents of the address of Fátima after the assassination attempt on his life in St Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981. He acted similarly as his predecessors in placing the address of Fátima back in the Vatican safe, thus not fulfilling the wish for the Third Secret of Fátima to be announced to the whole world, which was written on the envelope. The time of “Punishment” was approaching, and the address with the Third Secret of Fátima was hidden in a closed Vatican safe, waiting for a successor to the Holy See.
At night, Heaven itself arrived to pope John Paul II at his apartment so that he could see what “Punishments” would fall on the world. This secret vision of John Paul II is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”], “John Paul II’s Secret Vision”, page 91. Quotation: “I have learnt about the dramatic vision experienced by John Paul II from the church sources shortly before the canonization of Maximilian Kolbe, who was canonized on October 10, 1982. His personal secretary, prelate Dziwisz, heard a loud voice of the pope coming from his apartment. He was surprised as he knew from the pope’s schedule that there were no visits planned at that time and it was not customary for John Paul to pray aloud and alone.

When he heard the pope’s words “Please, be merciful to Poland”, he entered the room and saw the Holy Father lying on the floor and hiding his face in his hands. There were tears rolling down his face. He was dejected and sad. I touched the pope’s shoulder and asked: “What has happened, Your Holiness?” After a moment of silence the pope replied: “Nothing, I am OK. – So, why are you crying, Holy Father?” asked Dziwisz. – If you had seen what I saw, you would cry as well.”
Who was this mysterious person that John Paul II was obviously talking to?
What did the pope see? What was the vision? One can only guess that Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, revealed the future and tragic, as it seems, fate of the world. (I heard about this vision of John Paul II in summer 1982 from nuns of this nunnery who worked in the Vatican City).
After this vision, John Paul II had the text of the Third Secret of Fátima translated from Portuguese into Italian. He gave one translated text of the Portuguese original written down by sister Lucia to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in order to announce it to the whole world.
Pope John Paul II gave the second copy of the translation of the Third Secret of Fátima from the Portuguese original written down by sister Lucia to the Polish Catholic writer Stefan Budzyński in order to edit it and have it published in print in Poland.
The full text of the addresses of Fátima, which are a translation from the original written down in Portuguese by sister Lucia and which were received from pope John Paul II, has been edited by the Catholic writer Stefan Budzyński and published in a book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”], “FÁTIMA” 1917.
“Fátima” 1917 comprises parts of the addresses given to Lucia by Mother of God and includes:
  1. Events – a foreword written by Stefan Budzyński.
  2. The Third Secret of Fátima.
  3. The predicted course of the third world war.
  4. Disturbances in nature.
  5. Later addresses delivered to sister Lucia.
  6. Address of Mother of God from 1954.
  7. Jesus Christ’s words, addressed to people from all around the world. How may we recognize the “Time” of “an alien object from the space” coming to the earth’s atmosphere? Padro Pio says that this will be a “Boulder”, not a comet. The “Boulder” will hit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, near the Caribbean Sea. Then the air all around the earth will be polluted with “Methane”, which is present in seawaters and comes into being by decomposition of dead bodies in the ocean, and with space gases which will break into through the damaged ionosphere.

Time has come to present the full version of the famous address. It has to be admitted that some earlier press leaks and diplomatic indiscretions did not depart from the truth. Still, despite sister Lucia’s note on the envelope delivered with the Third Secret of Fátima to the hands of pope Pius XII, saying that after 1960 the contents of the Third Secret of Fátima could be revealed to the whole world, next popes remain silent on this issue.
Now we can quote the full text of the Third Secret of Fátima, which is a translation of the original written down by sister Lucia in Portuguese and which has been published in a book of a known Catholic writer Stefan Budziński entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”], printing house Adam, Warsaw 1995, who writes: “Currently we have the full text of the Third Secret of Fátima, which is a translation of the original written down by sister Lucia in Portuguese, however I must make a reservation that though it does not come from official church sources, it is highly reliable.
(It was pope John Paul II himself who gave the full contents of the address of Fátima translated from sister’s Lucia original written down in Portuguese to Stefan Budzyński to edit it and have it published in print in Poland”. Some priests refuse to accept the text of “Fátima 1917”, with the text of the Third Secret of Fátima and the “Words” of Jesus addressed to people who will survive the “Flood”. In the future there will be another “Flood”, caused by the red-hot “Boulder”, as huge as a mountain, hitting the water from the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.)
At present, verses from the Bible Apocalypse which concern the boulder that is to invade the earth and the flood caused by the emergence of the “New Land” from sea depths are read out in the Church during Advent:
Chapter 8, verses 8 and 9 and chapter 21, verse 1, ”And the sea is now no more”.

This is the full contents of THE THIRD SECRET OF FÁTIMA.

„Don’t be afraid, my dear daughter! Mother of God is speaking to you and orders you to announce this address to the whole world. In doing this, you will face fierce opposition. Listen carefully and attentively to what I will tell you. People should be better. They should ask in humble prayers for the absolution of their sins. You want me to give you the sign so that everyone accepts My words which I address to you, and through your agency to all humankind. You have seen the miracle of the sun, and everyone else with you: peasants, burghers, scholars, journalists, laymen and priests.
Now announce on My behalf: A great punishment will afflict all humankind, not today, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the 20thcentury (pope John Paul II begged Jesus for the annulment of the punishment which is to afflict the whole world. He merely received the postponement of the date of punishment until the 21st century). I have already revealed it to children in La Salette: Melanie and Maximin, and today I repeat it to you since humankind sinned against God that created it. There is no order in any part of the world and Satan triumphs on the highest posts, determining the course of events. Eventually he will manage to take the highest position within the Church. He will manage to deceive the minds of great scholars who invent weapons which will make it possible to destroy most of humankind within several minutes.
He will have control of leaders of different nations and incite them to produce huge amounts of such weapons.
If humankind is not be able to oppose them, through the moral revival of spirit and penance, I will be forced to release the punishing hand of My Son.
If the great of this world and the church don’t want to prevent it from happening, I myself will demand from God the Father that a great punishment afflicts humankind. Be advised that God will punish humankind with greater severity than he would during the flood. The time of the times and the end of all the times will come if humankind does not convert. If everything stays as it is now or worsens, then the great of this world will die together with the small and weak.
The time of a great trial will also come for the Church. Cardinals will oppose cardinals, and bishops will oppose bishops. Satan will join their ranks and great changes will take place in Rome. What is corrupt will fall and rise no more. Dark clouds will surround the Church and the world will shiver in fear. The time will come when a king, cardinal or bishop will not await the arrival of the one who is to judge according to God the Father’s plans. A great war will break out in the second half of the 20th century (at the request of pope John Paul II, Jesus postponed the date of punishment until the 21st century).
Fire and smoke will fall down from the sky, ocean waters will turn into steam, and the froth will rise and flood everything. Millions of people will die hour by hour, and those who stay alive will envy the dead.
Wherever the eyes will fall, there will be grief, poverty and ruins in all the countries. This time is getting nearer and nearer and the precipice is widening.
The good will die with the bad, the great with the small, the princes of the Church with their faithful, national leaders with their own nations. Death will spread everywhere due to the mistakes made by those obedient to Satan, who will rule the world at that time. Eventually those who survive all these events will live and preach the word of God again. They will serve Him like in the past, when the world wasn’t spoilt.
Go, my little girl, and announce it! I will stand by your side and assist you in this mission."

Commentary: the content of the Third Secret of Fátima was announced by Stefan Budzyński in 1995 in the book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”] on pages 73-74, in the article “Orędzie Madonny z Akita, a III tajemnica Fatimska” [“Address of Madonna of Akita and the 3rd Secret of Fátima”] after he received the translation of the original written down in Portuguese by sister Lucia from pope John Paul II, who asked him to print a part of the address: the text of the Third Secret of Fátima.

Further parts of the address, received from pope John Paul II, have been edited by Stefan Budzyński and published in print in the book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”], among other prophecies in FÁTIMA 1917.

I, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, already knew the “Punishments” that would afflict the world during the third world war. In the years 1935-1943, they were announced in the revelations of Mary, Mother of God, on the meadows of Przygoda village, which is where I was appointed by Mary so that she could use me in the future. I enable her to use me now by informing the governments of the nations to be afflicted by the ‘FLOOD.

The next part of the address of Fátima, written down by sister Lucia and sealed in 1953, given to pope Pius XII.
With a note written by sister Lucia saying “after 1960, it can be reveled to the whole world”.

Pope John Paul II, having the text of the original written down by sister Lucia translated from Portuguese, which original concerned the whole address, as well as the next addresses of Fátima, gave them to the Catholic writer Stefan Budzyński to edit it and have it published in print in Poland.

The predicted course of the THIRD WORLD WAR.

“The world will be surprised with and shocked at the quick offensive of China against Russia. The intensity and atrocities of the fights will be horrible. The Chinese will imitate the actions taken by the Japanese during world war II: surprise, speed and terror.
China’s victories will frighten the United States. China will drop nuclear bombs on armaments plants and nuclear weapons testing plants in Russia. They will trigger huge destruction, shocks and disturbances in nature, which will then backfire on the Chinese themselves. The Chinese army will die from nuclear weapons dropped by it on the whole world, despite gaining victories in the beginning. Its attack will come from many places so that Russia will be forced to fight all along the border. At the same time, strong landing forces will penetrate deep into the country. The American will not want to get directly involved in the war, but seeing the actions of the Chinese, they are bound to wish victory for Russia. The German will draw the U.S. into the war as an Atlantic ally. Support for Germany provided by America will focus on Asia, which is where American and British soldiers will land (Iraq, Turkey, Iran and the Balkans) in defense against the Chinese.
What the German do will prove a suicidal step. The will count on the seizure of Poland. Driven by hatred, they will not realize that the sympathy of the west and the rest of the world will be on the Russia’s side.
The Chinese army will devastate and raze to the ground all cities, towns and villages inhabited by white people, and spare those coming from Asian republics that will partly rise against Russia and join them.
It will be called in Chinese a crusade against the hegemony of the white race. They will announce its end, and describe themselves as the long arm of justice.
The attack will be launched by surprising Germany. Russia will launch an offensive against Europe. Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, being aware that the German victory is tantamount to them being mass murdered, will create a common defense system against the German.
The German will also fight with each other, and Russia will take ferocious revenge on this country for a stab in the back, for defeats in the west and for the specter of defeat. Not until Russia reaches the Atlantic Ocean will other nations under direct threat move against them as well. The Russian will be forced to move back to Ukraine, leaving behind burnt land and ashes of cities and towns. Indifference to harm and getting rich at the expense of others will call for revenge. An example will be the fate of Sweden and Switzerland. Russia that used to betray and deceitfully violate treaties and agreements in the past, will experience the same from others.
Ukraine and Lithuania will also suffer defeat, with Latvia and Estonia to a smaller degree. Belarus, Poland and Hungary will be relatively peaceful, and the only nation to come out unharmed will be Poland thanks to the God’s Mercy protecting it.
The Czech Republic and Slovakia will be damaged only during the withdrawal of the Russian army, which will move back towards Ukraine and the Balkans. From the south, from Iraq, the American will hit, and an uprising will break out in the Caucasus, reaching as far as Turkey. From Turkey, the English will attack.
Atmospheric phenomena to appear in the sky as early as with the onset of war will be a final warning uttered by Mary, Queen of the World, in many revelations. They will be a confirmation of the approaching period of wars and natural disasters. They will also be a sign that it proved impossible to make people repent their sins, show remorse and willingness to improve their lives in order to prevent evil hanging over the world, so far stopped by the hand of God. God’s justice cannot tolerate the triumph of villainy and contempt for His sacred laws. Mutual hatred will come back to mankind with all its terror and vileness.
Natural disasters will put a stop to wars and save the rest of humankind from complete destruction, thus proving to be rescue offered through God’s mercy.

Commentary-explanations concern the address of Mother of God written down by sister Lucia:
“The predicted course of the third world war”.

The text of the address written down by sister Lucia often lacks continuity of action. To help understand what it refers to, I provide explanations as follows.
In the Bible-Apocalypse, in chapter 17, verses 1 to 18, verse, there is an encrypted message from God the Father written down by Saint John the Apostle, which concerns China. People who used to believe in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, abandoned the faith in God. China, a nation that doesn’t believe in God, has to kill during the war all those who used to believe in God the Father and have abandoned God, doing evil, and the Jewish who don’t want to recognize Jesus as Son of God the Father and murdered Him, hanging his body to the cross by means of nails.

The Chinese army will perish from nuclear weapons, which it will throw on the world, despite being victorious in the beginning. As the Bible-Apocalypse says, China will be helped by devils for a short “Time” so that it can survive and gain victories – this is described in chapter 20, verses 2 and 3. The attack by the Chinese army will come from many places so that Russia will be forced to fight all along the border with China. At the same time, strong landing forces will penetrate deep into the country.
The American will not want to get directly involved in the war, but seeing the actions of the Chinese, they are bound to wish victory for Russia. The United States of North America has signed an agreement with China under which Russia will be provided with no military support, in exchange for not annexing the island of Taiwan to China. Since China prepared for the war with Russia over the areas contributing to a speedier economic development of China, they analyzed the reasons for Germany losing the war. They came to a conclusion that the U.S. should be exempt from the possibility of providing military help for Russia. This is why they entered into an agreement with the U.S. so that the United States does not provide military help for Russia. During world war II, the German gained victory after victory as they had been assisted by devils, which ensured that they survived and gained victories for the “Time” of 42 months, from August 23, 1939 to February 22, 1943. During the expected war, China and Germany will receive help from devils as well, for a short “Time”.
The German will draw the U.S. into the war as an Atlantic ally. The German have signed an Atlantic treaty with the United States of North America – concerning mutual help in case of war. Support for Germany provided by America will focus on Asia, which is where American and British soldiers will land (Iraq, Turkey, Iran and the Balkans) in defense against the Chinese. After the war with Russia, China will declare war on the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and countries by the Caspian Sea in order to win their territories and oil-rich seams, and on the Southern Europe in order to murder the white and reach Brussels. At the same time, they will throw nuclear missiles on the whole world.
What the German do will prove a suicidal step. They will count on the seizure of Poland.
The German NPD party whose leader is Udo Voigt will strive to fulfill Adolph Hitler’s idea of forming the “Great Germany”. In order to fulfill the idea of forming the “Great Germany”, the NPD party has to seize power in Germany and declare war on: Poland and Russia in order to take back from Russia the former Königsberg-Kaliningrad, during the war between China and Russia, after the seizure of Kaliningrad and defeat of Poland within a short period of time and murder of Polish citizens who haven’t managed to leave Poland. Germany will declare war on the Czech Republic and Slovakia. People of non-German origin will be murdered and leave their country. Next, the German NPD party will declare war on: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark and will annex Austria to the “Great Germany”. The aspirations of the NPD party and its leader would be fulfilled were in not for the joint defense of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It says below: Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, being aware that the German victory is tantamount to them being mass murdered, will create a common defense system against the German.
The Polish government doesn’t want to recognize the fact that the German pose a threat for Poland, that the German army will invade Poland and murder the Polish citizens.
Driven by hatred, the German will not realize that the sympathy of the West and the rest of the world will be on the Russia’s side.
There will be a surprise-attack on Germany. Russia will attack Europe. Having lost the war in the east, Russia will win back Kaliningrad-Königsberg from the German, whose inhabitants the German murdered. The Russian army will invade the territory of Germany. The German themselves will also fight with each other – the present government in Germany will defend itself faced with attempts by the NPD party to overthrow it, whereas Russia will take ferocious revenge on Germany for a stab in the back, i.e. the attack of the German army on Kaliningrad, during the Chinese-Russian war, for defeats in the east, and for the specter of defeat. Not until Russia reaches the Atlantic Ocean will other nations under direct threat move against them as well. The Russian will be forced to move back to Ukraine, leaving behind burnt land and ashes of cities and towns (the German ones). Ukraine and Lithuania will also suffer defeat, with Latvia and Estonia to a smaller degree. Belarus, Poland and Hungary will be relatively peaceful, and the only nation to come out unharmed will be Poland thanks to the God’s Mercy protecting it. The Holy See will be moved from damaged Rome and the Vatican City to Licheń near Konin as a result of horrible earthquakes and the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius, and then because of the Chinese army that will invade the territory of Southern Europe to murder the white people.
The Czech Republic and Slovakia will be damaged as late as during the withdrawal of the Russian troops toward Ukraine and the Balkans. From the south of Iraq, American troops will attack and an uprising will break out in the Caucasus, reaching as far as Turkey. The English will hit from the side of Turkey. It’s a fragment of final fights between the Chinese army and allied forces, defending themselves already in the territory of the Caucasus. The attack of American troops from Iraq and the Arab countries will make it possible for American, English, Turkish, Iraqi and Iranian troops to defeat, in a joint effort, the Chinese army.
Atmospheric phenomena to appear in the sky as early as with the onset of war will be a final warning uttered by Mary, Queen of the World, in many revelations.
On March 9, 2008, during the service in the Church at 17 Gwiaździsta Street, I heard these Words passed on to me by God the Father. Next to me there was my daughter Hanna, but she heard nothing.

“The SIGN to appear in the sky will signal the beginning of the Apocalypse”.

It’s Jesus himself who decides on the beginning of the Apocalypse.
These Words from God the Father were heard by Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska. There is no other date of the beginning of the Apocalypse. The sign in the sky will signal the Apocalypse, which will begin with a war fought between China and Russia over Asian territories belonging to the Russian Federation.

The SIGN is to appear in the sky at an unexpected moment and it will bring people to their knees. (Words of Jesus during a conversation with Anna, from a book entitled “Boże Wychowanie” [“God’s Education]).

Mutual hatred will come back to mankind with all its terror and vileness. Devils released from the abyss will evoke hatred in people so that they murder one another. It is written in chapter 20, 3. – and then it is to be released for a short time (five months).
Natural disasters will put a stop to wars and save the rest of humankind from complete destruction, thus proving to be rescue offered through God’s mercy.


Natural disasters will trigger off such panic and so much tragedy that further prosecution of hostilities will prove impossible. They will not happen immediately and with the same strength. These will be movements of the earth’s crust, gradually intensifying till they turn into huge and violent tremors. The tremors will get stronger and volcanoes will start to erupt. Even the ones long considered inactive will become active again. Mount Etna will bring catastrophe for the whole Sicily. The areas near Mount Vesuvius and the adjacent islands will be evacuated.
The eruptions of Mount Etna and other volcanoes will bring about atmospheric disturbances, rain of ashes, hurricanes, torrential rain and floods. The shore configuration of the Italian Peninsula will change. On the Mediterranean Sea the movements of the sea bottom will create huge waves and the shoreline will change. In France Marseille will fall in.
The movements of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean will cause the emergence of the new land. Land and sea earthquakes will cause the most severe destruction of the shores of Europe and both Americas (less severe in South America) and Africa. Still, Europe, the U.S. and several islands on the Caribbean Sea will suffer the greatest damage. These last events will happen within a few hours. Then the earth will become calm.
Almost all seaside towns and a big strip of land will be damaged. Holland will be damaged as well, with Belgium sustaining a bit smaller damage. Germany will be flooded by the sea that will force its way into the Rhine valley.
Earthquakes in America will continue long after the Europe becomes calm. From the side of the Pacific Ocean, the damage of California will reach as far as the mountains, and ocean waves will flood many cities, including Los Angeles. The damage of the cities will depend on whether people improve. However, there exist cities that are guilty of so many base acts that they have to do penance for their actions and will be damaged. These include New York, Washington and cities with tolerating the most anarchy.
Huge damage will be suffered by the European countries. Germany, Denmark and Holland will be flooded by water like all other seaside areas. Norway will be the least damaged country.
In Switzerland there will occur orogenic events, and, as a consequence, river floods and the bursting of dams. The will be floods and landslides. It also refers to Tyrol, northern Italy and the French Alps. Freezing weather and blizzards will make it impossible for help to arrive. Maps will have to be drawn up from scratch. There will be local earthquakes, atmospheric disturbances, hurricanes and blizzards in the Balkans, but they will be spared from complete damage.
From the north, cataclysms will hit the Chinese army already in Europe, during fights with Russia. These horrible cataclysms will force the Chinese to withdraw. It will last only a few weeks, but the dread it causes will be so horrific that it will be justified to conclude that the world has not experienced similar calamities before. The raging elements will bring Paris to ruins, but not all of its inhabitants will die. Mainly the center will burn down. Paris will be rebuilt.
We should humbly accept the disasters awaiting us. Mass crimes, hatred and arrogance, egoism and exploitation as well as cruelty to the weaker nations, contempt for them, instead of help and care, lack of mercy, pity and compassion – this is what the world will be. Those who showed no mercy for their neighbors will beg for it in vain. Only the weaker will be able to count on mercy, and the great, arrogant nations will be faced with justice.
Germany will suffer the greatest damage since it’s difficult to save individuals when millions are dying. This is the warning for all Poles staying in Germany – if you survive the war, you will die in ocean waves that will flood almost all the country. Nuclear weapons will thrown on Germany. Fire, air, water – they will rebel for being tainted by immorality. The German used all forces of nature to bring death, so they will turn against them and bring multiplied death to them.
The Rhine valley will become a death valley. Big cities will turn into ashes and smoke, which will be washed off by ocean waves. New lands will emerge from the bottom of the Ocean, and waves thus triggered will spread with unexpected strength. Waves will rush through London as well, but the city will not be swept away. From the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, from the snow of Alaska to the deserts of the South, lands and mountains will slide.
There will come the time of hunger, deadly fights and death. When the world starts to heal its wounds, America will not come out of chaos for a long time to come. The American will eventually understand that the dollar is not the purpose of their lives. They will crave for bread and brotherhood. They will beg for God’s mercy that they haven’t had for each other.

Commentary: to a part of the address of Fátima “Disturbances in nature”

There are many fragments of events referred to in the address: the eruption of Mount Etna will damage the whole Sicily island, flooding it with a huge amount of lava and covering it with ashes. The horrible tremors and eruption of the extinct Mount Vesuvius will damage the vast areas around Rome and the Vatican City as well as sea islands. Depth earthquakes under the bed of the Mediterranean Sea will trigger earthquakes on land and in the mountains. There will start orogeny in the French Alps in Switzerland and in the Italian Alps. In Westphalia in Germany a deep-sea plate under the Rhine river will fall in and many cities will be damaged.
On the Mediterranean Sea, the deep-sea movements of undersea plates, pushed by the African land, will trigger “tsunami” sea waves which will crash into islands and shores of lands, bringing about huge damage. The Chinese army will force its way into the territory of the Mediterranean Sea, like a locust, in order to wreak havoc on the areas inhabited by the white and to murder those inhabitants.
From the north, cataclysms will surprise the Chinese army already in Europe, during fights with Russia. These horrible cataclysms will force the Chinese to withdraw. This will last only a few weeks but the dread caused by these events will be so horrific that it will be justified to conclude that the earth has not experienced similar calamities before.
(This fragment concerns the emergence of the “New big land” from the depths of the Arctic Ocean. Mary, Mother of God, informs that within a few weeks the sea bed will be lifted up from the depth of about 4300 meters, thus creating the „New big land”. Over the sea bottom there is water and ice. The amount of water is huge. This water will fall down on the land by the sea and into interconnected seas, significantly increasing their water level and flooding the areas by the Arctic Ocean up to a high altitude, thus causing the FLOOD.
In order to understand the addresses given by Mary, Mother of Jesus and encrypted in the Bible-Apocalypse by Saint John who wrote down the revelations of God the Father in the 95th year of the new era, and now after the years (2009 – 95), after 1914 years it is bound to happen. The following is written in chapter 21, verse 1:
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were gone and the sea is now no more.
This verse refers to the Flood in the Northern hemisphere. The Artic Ocean and other seas at the very north will disappear. The sea bottom lifted up together with water and ice will turn into the “New big land”, in the northern hemisphere. Having been lifted up, the sea water over this bottom will flow down and raise the water level in seas and oceans and will cause the flooding of low-lying areas. This water will spread onto further areas. The water level on the flooded areas will slowly decrease.
Mary, Mother of Jesus, wants to save from the FLOOD as many people as possible. She addresses those who believe or will believe in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ so that within 30 days of the appearance of the sign on the sky they leave their houses, endangered by the flood, and move to upland and mountainous areas or to another country. The high wave-element of the rushing wall of sea water will flood the shore areas of the land and those who don’t manage to leave will drown in ice-cold water. The flowing water will fall into seas and oceans, raising their water level even by several meters. The low-lying shore areas will be flooded if water in the sea and ocean will be higher than the altitude of the land.
I come back to where it was broken off – i.e. the issue of what the message of Mother of God, contained in the address, pertained to.
Europe and the U.S., as well as many islands on the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, will suffer most.
These last events will happen within a few hours. Then the earth will become calm. This fragment of the address concerns the falling of “An alien object from the space - boulder” into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea. This fragment, in “Disturbances in nature” was stressed by Mary, Mother of God. It only mentions the fact that many islands on the Caribbean Sea will suffer and that it relates to the Caribbean Sea. It says in the Third Secret of Fátima that: The fire and smoke will fall down from the sky, ocean waters will turn into steam and the froth will rise and flood everything.
Quotation from chapter 8, verses 8 and 9 of the “Bible-Apocalypse”.
And the second angel sounded: and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was
cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood
and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died;
and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
This is how Saint John described the falling down of „An alien object from the space – boulder”. It is to be a huge boulder-rock, if Saint John calls it a mountain burning with fire.
As stated by Padro Pio, the boulder-rock, having entered the earth’s atmosphere, will get hotter under air pressure to a very high temperature, reaching even a melting point. Thorn off chunks of the rock will fall down on the earth’s surface, hitting Paris in France, bringing about fires and the ruin of Paris.
Two spots are mentioned – Paris and islands on the Caribbean Sea. The boulder-rock will fly over Asia and Europe and hit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Whoever stays on the islands of the Caribbean Sea and shores of three Americas will stand no chance of surviving. Hot water will cause fires, boiling water in the ocean and a huge shock wave, formed as a result of the Boulder-rock hitting the water, will damage everyting on the islands and shores of three Americas.
Earlier, a high wave of sea water from the FLOOD will force its way into the Caribbean Sea, spread across it, thus raising the water level in the sea, and flood the low-lying areas of islands and shores of three Americas.
Mary, Mother of God, is very concerned about the inhabitants of islands and shores of the Caribbean Sea. She turned to me in order to rescue the people dear to Her heart.
How to rescue if the popes don’t want to announce the “Addresses” of Fátima and priests don’t want to accept Fátima with the Third Secret of Fátima.
Thus, pronouncing a death sentence for 1/3 of the world’s population. It is so according to those sources – 2 billion people will die during the Apocalypse – within about 9 months.

And maybe by doing so the popes want to prevent Jesus Christ from executing the “Testament” of God the Father written down in the “Bible-Apocalypse” in order to save the world?

I, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, appointed by Mary, Mother of Jesus, in the 10th year of my life, to serve Her on the earth, wish to carry out each order well, aware that without the help of Mary, Mother of God, I can’t do anything. I don’t give up but search for other people who believe and so will help.
I need to have information about the threat to the population and the places to which it has to move translated into foreign languages. The price for one page is about PLN 100. The exact price is calculated by a sworn translator on the basis of a number of strokes.
The northern part of South America, the whole Middle America and Northern America, in particular the United States, will be damaged as a result of the “Boulder-rock” from the space hitting the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It depends on where exactly it hits the ocean water and the bottom, causing depth earthquakes on both sides of Americas. It may come to the shaking of the earth and the forming of horrible ocean waves known as “tsunami” which will hit, with great strength, lands and islands of the Caribbean Sea, Americas, Africa and Europe. The entering of the “Boulder-rock” into the earth’s atmosphere will cause the poisoning of the whole Earth’s air with gases. One should stay in closed rooms.

Later addresses given to sister Lucia.

There is no doubt that the content of the Secret revealed on July 13, 1917 was much more modest than the version known nowadays. While in the nunnery in Coimbra, Lucia had experienced further revelations of Mother of God, during which she was given further revelations. It is possible that it lasted till her death.
The revelations handed over by sister Lucia through the agency of father Augustine Fuentes cast some light on that issue. This monk called for the commencement of the beatification process of Jacinta and Francisco. From the unofficial sources it is known that pope John Paul II intends to canonize those two visionaries in 2000.

Address of Mother of God from 1954

In 1954, Mother of God appeared in front of sister Lucia in the nunnery. She looked beautiful and dignified. It was then that she told to her confident:

“My Daughter, Your Mother is speaking to you”

The face of the Holy Virgin was sad and there were two tears visible on her cheeks. She continued her speech:

“Listen carefully to what I am going to tell you and repeat my words to the whole world: Despite numerous warnings people don’t come back to God, count on his mercy and don’t listen to My voice. Have no doubts as to what I will tell you next. My words are very clear and you have to repeat them to everyone.
Dark and horrible days are approaching. Humankind is surrounded by dense fog of numerous cardinal sins spread across the whole earth. Nowadays people count on appeal to heaven more than ever before. They blaspheme against God, living in mud. Look, my daughter – My Heart is full of thorns of sins. My face is distorted by pain, and eyes full of tears.
The reason for My sadness is many souls perishing forever. The leaders of nations do and say a lot about peace but the whole world will soon find itself in the fire of war. The whole humankind will be overcome with sadness for the God’s justice has to fulfill itself.
Disasters are close. There will be terrible revolutions on the whole earth. People, like during the flood, have abandoned God and have been led by Satan’s soul. Priests should unite in penance and payer, spreading respect for the Holy Heart of Jesus and Mary. My hour is close. If priests accept this appeal and their tears join My tears, they will receive grace for the salvation of the sinners.
My daughter, convey this Warning of Mine to others so that they know that the punishment is close. The God’s justice is hanging over the world and the humankind, whose sins will be washed with its own blood because of epidemics, famine, earthquakes, hurricanes and wars. People don’t know about this and don’t want to believe that My tears are a sign to warn them about the horrible events awaiting the world.
If people don’t improve, terrible fire will hit from the sky and people will be punished according to their debts to the God’s Justice. The punishment will be horrible for heaven will join the earth to carry out destruction. Some nations will be cleared, with others disappearing completely”.
“And what will happen with Italy?” – asked Lucia.
“Italy will go through a great revolution and will clear itself during this revolution.
It will be saved only partially. God’s mercy will be great in the case of those sinners who turn to My Motherly Heart.
Repeat My warning so that they could do penance, return to God and avoid these horrible punishments.
It will happen, My daughter, very soon, at an unexpected moment. God’s justice will fulfill itself. My love for sinners is great. I do everything so that they could be saved.
Look at My coat – it’s huge – if I didn’t bend over the world, protect and defend it with my Motherly love, a storm of fire would fall on the nations of this earth. Oh, My Dear Mother – I haven’t seen you in that coat.
Look: I use my right arm to cover and save the sinners, and the left one to stop the God’s justice hanging over the world in order to extend the time of mercy. Signal to everyone that Mary’s hour is close and that everyone who says prayers with genuine belief and trust will reap abundant rewards. With arms folded into a cross, often say the following prayer:
“Holy Queen, mediatrix of people, our only refuge and hope, be merciful to us”.


“People will ignore these signs and follow the path of debauchery, lie and greed. God will be thrown out of schools, family homes, offices and then a fair and irreversible punishment will come. It will start at a very cold night. Thunders and earthquakes will last two days and two nights.
This will prove that God is Lord for everyone.
Those who find hope in Me and believe in My words shouldn’t fear anything for I will not leave them, and also those who announce this revelation so that people come to their senses. Those who will be in a state of sanctifying grace and with my Mother need not fear either.
I give you the signs so that you be prepared. Be careful: the last night (the second night) will be very cold, the wind will be roaring and thunders will be heard after some time. At that time close all the windows and doors, and don’t talk to anyone from outside.
Kneel under a cross, repent of your sins and ask Mother of Jesus for care. Those who don’t follow this advice, will die immediately. Their hearts will not bear that sight. The air will be saturated with gas and poison. It will spread over the whole earth.
Those who shall be suffering innocently will not die but they will become martyrs and will enter God’s Kingdom. On the third night fire and earthquakes will start and on the next day – the sun will shine. Angels will come from heaven in a human form and will bring peace for the earth.
The immense gratitude of the rescued will rise to the sky in thanksgiving and prayer.
The punishment to afflict humankind cannot be compared to any other punishment that has been sent by God since the creation of the world.
One third of humankind will die."

Commentary: to the “Words” of Jesus. What punishment do the “Words” of Jesus refer to? Information given by Jesus, addressed to people, says that people will be punished. Jesus gives instruction as to how to behave in order to save one’s life. It has to be a horrible punishment if people have to stay in a closed room, and only pray and ask Mother of God to save them, for three days. Mary, Mother of God, referred to this punishment in the revelations in the years 1935-1943, that one has to light the blessed candles.
What horrible punishment do the Words of Jesus refer to?
There is only a mention of it in a part of the address “Disturbances in nature”. Quotation: “Still, Europe and the U.S. as well as many islands on the Caribbean Sea will suffer most. These last events will happen within a few hours. Then the earth will become calm.”
Analyzing the last sentence “that these events will occur within a few hours”.
In order to save their lives, people should lock themselves up in their homes for a period of three days, with drawn curtains and a burning candle. Not a bulb lighting the flat. I asked Mary, Mother of God, about it, sitting on the bed and saying the rosary. My body continued to sit on the edge of the bed with a rosary in the hand while Wanda asked Mary, Mother of God, being outside the body, and was wandering and seeing the following examples: 1. a car stops next to me and doesn’t want to go further despite the driver’s efforts to start it; the driver goes out of the car, lifts the hood, looks inside and drops dead.
I continue asking Mary, Mother of God, why it is necessary to burn a candle and why the car’s driver died. 2. I am by the water, a hydroplane lands on the water, its pilot tries to start the engine, in vain, goes out and drops dead. I still don’t understand why the candle needs to be burning for three days; after the death of those two men I continue asking Mary, Mother of God. 3. Why the blessed candle has to burn for three days. Now I am in a coal mine, in a gallery, and everything is black. A miner has a miner’s lamp in which a candle is burning, we are going along the gallery when the miner sees that the candle starts to go out and says that we have to go back as there is no oxygen in the air. This was when I understood that the burning candle shows the quality of air in a room, in which we are staying, as outside the air is poisoned with “Methane” and there is no air to breathe. As a result, Mother of God told me why the air would contain “Methane”. The 12th TV channel was on. In the sea depths there are dead bodies of whales, sharks and other animals, and the decomposition of the dead bodies produces a gas called Methane. A burning “Boulder from the space” crushes into the sea, reaching as far as the sea bottom; there are depth earthquakes and movement of depth water, whereas methane comes to the surface; it’s a poisonous gas.
The only hint I have found was in the prophecy of Padro Pio “Padro Pio conveys all the “Words” of Jesus and adds the following: “Your task and duty is to warn about the approaching danger for your lack of knowledge will not be justified. Heaven has been waiting and warning for a long time, but people ignore it.
“When it’s too late, the boulder will appear from behind the white fog filling the night”.
It will be a really horrible tragedy for people on the earth, inhabiting the area of three Americas and about 600 islands of the Caribbean Sea.
Quotation from chapter 8, verses 8 and 9 of the Bible-Apocalypse:
And the second angel sounded: and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast
into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood
and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died;
and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
These verses show a great tragedy that is going to afflict the earth and its inhabitants.
Padro Pio transmits the following message: the boulder will appear from behind the white fog filling the night – it will hit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea. According to scientists, a huge rock from the space which hit the Yucatán Peninsula many million years ago destroyed with high temperature the former life on the whole earth – Dinosaurs.
Probably it will be a huge chunk of rock-boulder that will force its way into the earth’s atmosphere. Under air pressure, it will heat up to a high temperature, lower its speed of falling down and the melting rock will crack, with its thorn off chunks causing fires on reaching the earth.
The falling boulder will bring with it very hot air which will be fatal for people and animals inhabiting the islands of the Caribbean Sea.

Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska