Alabado sea Nuestro Señor Jesucristo!
“ La señal que se mostrará en el cielo, es la señal del principio del Apocalipsis”
Son estas palabras de Dios Padre, que fueron transmitidas el 09 de majo del 2008, en la Parroquia de la calle Gwiazdzista 17, durante la misa de las 10:45 horas. Yo, Wanda Stanska-Proszynska, oí estas palabras de Nuestro Señor y ahora las transmito.
La humanidad abandonó Dios, Satanás quiere gobernar el mundo e intenta conquistar la Iglesia. Dios no lo quiere permitir, lanzará contra la humanidad „Castigos”, que están anunciados en la Biblia, en el Apocalipsis, pero que están codificados por San Juan, hasta que llegue “El Tiempo”.
Nuestra Señora, Madre de Jesús, transmitió en el „Mensaje” de Fátima a la Hermana Lucía y le mandó guardar por escrito los castigos que afectarán a la humanidad, para que ella pudiera conocerlos. Al final de las apariciones, Nuestra Señora, Madre de Jesús, le explicó el „Mensaje” especial, que pasó para la historia con el nombre de „tercer Secreto de Fátima.
Estos mensajes, tras ser anunciados a la Hermana Lucia, fueron entregados al Papa PiUS XII en 1953, con el pedido de nuestra Señora, Madre de Jesús, para que el contenido del “Mensaje” fuera anunciado a la humanidad entera, después del año 1960.
El Papa Pío XII, tras conocer el contenido del documento, quedó horrorizado con los castigos que tocarán a toda la tierra. Los Papas siguientes, tras conocer todo el contenido del „tercer Secreto de Fátima”, temían que la publicación del „Mensaje” causara un pánico a escala mundial.
¿Acaso la publicación de la totalidad del „tercer Secreto de Fátima”, después del año 1960 por el Papa Juan XXIII, cuyo contenido prevé „castigos terribles” para la humanidad, podría influenciar un cambio del comportamiento de la humanidad, horrorizada por los posibles efectos del Apocalipsis?
Lo que está escrito en el „tercer Secreto de Fátima” es tan aterrador, que el Papa Juan Paulo II tras conocer el contenido del documento, lo envió de vuelta para hacerlo guardar en el cofre de Vaticano. ¡Pero estos acontecimientos afectarán a toda la humanidad!
Fue el propio „Cielo” que llegó, entró en el apartamento del Papa Juan Paulo II, en el Vaticano para que en una visión dramática el Papa pudiese ver la amenaza que caería sobre toda la humanidad. Fueron las monjas de Polonia, que trabajaban en el Vaticano durante el Verano del año 1982, quienes transmitieron la información sobre la terrible visión del Papa Juan Paulo II.
El Papa Juan Paulo II tras la intervención del “Cielo”, pidió una traducción del “tercer Secreto de Fátima” de la lengua portuguesa al italiano. El Papa Juan Paulo II transmitió al Cardenal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe la traducción del “tercer Secreto de Fátima”, para que éste fuera anunciado a través de la televisión a todo el mundo.
En el libro de Stefan Budynski “El toque de Dios”, en la página 73, el autor informa, que dispone actualmente del texto completo del “tercer Secreto de Fátima”, que es una traducción de la versión original de la Hermana Lucía, “a pesar de poner la condición, de que no se mencionara que ésta procedía de fuentes oficiales. Juan Paulo II tiene un ejemplar de la traducción del texto completo del „Tercer Secreto”. El escritor Stefan Budzynski, recibió de las manos del Papa el “Secreto de Fátima” escrito por la Hermana Lucia, para que fuera publicado en Polonia.
El texto de la totalidad del “Mensaje” de Fátima fue publicado en el libro “Profecías para el mundo”, con el título de: FÁTIMA 1917. En el libro se encuentra la totalidad del „Mensaje” de Fátima, que fue transmitido por Nuestra Señora, Madre de Jesús y escrito por la Hermana Lucia. FÁTIMA contiene los siguientes capítulos: 1. Los acontecimientos relacionados con el periodo de las apariciones de Nuestra Señora, Madre de Jesús. 2. El tercer Secreto de Fátima. 3. La previsión de la tercera guerra mundial. 4. Los disturbios en la naturaleza. 5. Los mensajes que fueron transmitidos a la Hermana Lucia más tarde 6. El Mensaje de Nuestra Señora del año 1954 7. Las palabras de Nuestro Señor dirigidas a la humanidad y que están relacionadas con la caída de un cuerpo extraterrestre sobre la faz de la Tierra. 8. Las palabras del día 26 de Diciembre del año 1957 9. El llamamiento del día 22 de Mayo de 1958.
¿Que „Castigos” caerán sobre la humanidad?
Se pueden enumerar los episodios que están anunciados en el “tercer Secreto de Fátima”. 1. 1. 1. Explotarán guerras en territorios de Asia y en Europa, donde serán utilizadas armas nucleares. El Apocalipsis comenzará con la guerra de China contra la Federación Rusa por amplios terrenos de Asia. China buscará obtener el dominio de la raza amarilla sobre el Mundo. Por eso pondrá en marcha la guerra contra la Federación Rusa, para conquistar los terrenos fértiles donde hay petróleo que podrían posibilitar un desarrollo económico mayor de China. En el „tercer Secreto de Fátima” viene dicho, que en esta guerra serán las tropas chinas las que usarán bombas nucleares. Las armas nucleares que serán lanzadas sobre las fábricas de armamento en Rusia provocarán enormes pérdidas. Una gran parte de la Tierra quedará completamente destruida, ni siquiera habrá ruinas de edificios, porque todo irá evaporando bajo el efecto de las elevadas temperatura. El viento que surgirá tras estas explosiones será como un huracán y transportará por toda la Tierra el polvo radioactivo nocivo para el organismo humano. La segunda Guerra será en Europa. El partido nazi en Alemania alcanzará el poder y declarará la guerra: a Polonia, a la República Checa, a la Eslovaquia y a Rusia, buscando formar „La Grande Alemania”.
2. Un diluvio en el hemisferio norte provocado por el surgimiento de „Un continente enorme”, viniendo de las profundidades del mar.
Los movimientos por debajo del fondo del Océano Atlántico y en el norte por debajo del fondo del Océano Ártico provocaran el surgimiento en las profundidades del mar de un „Nuevo y enorme continente”.
El surgimiento de un “Nuevo y enorme continente” provocará una INUNDACIÓN, un diluvio en el hemisferio norte. El agua que quedará por encima de este nuevo fondo, será elevada juntamente con el fondo y caerá encima del continente, inundándolo y juntando así los mares existentes y se distribuirá por el océano Atlántico. Esta enorme cantidad de agua en el Océano Atlántico formará una ola gigante que se desplazará hasta inundar terrenos bajos en la parte trasera del continente y hundirá ciudades, barrios enteros y los puertos erguidos sobre los mismos. Esta agua inundará los terrenos bajos en la parte oriental de América del Norte y de Europa. El agua se desplazará bajo la forma de una ola gigante hasta a los terrenos del Mar del Caribe, inundando y hundiendo los terrenos bajos de las islas y las costas del continente.
Nuestra Señora, Madre de Jesús quiere salvar a personas que creen en Dios Padre y en su Hijo Jesús Cristo o aquellas que creerán.
Las personas que habitan en los terrenos bajos de las islas del Sur deben ser desplazadas hacia terrenos más altos de la misma y más seguros de América por un periodo de 30 días, tras la aparición de la „Señal en el cielo”. El agua venida del Norte bajo la forma de ola gigante inundará todo y puede hundir los terrenos bajos de las islas. El regreso hacia los terrenos de las islas del Mar del Caribe puede ser ocurrir sólo tras el golpe del „Planetoide -piedra” venido del espacio sobre las aguas del Océano Atlántico cerca del Mar de las Caribes. Será imposible salvar las personas que habiten en las islas tras el pasaje del agua del „Diluvio”. Quién vuelva a las islas, tras el pasaje del agua del mar y de la inundación de los terrenos bajos, será condenado a la muerte. Actualmente no conozco “El Tiempo” de la entrada del „Planetoide -piedra” sobre la atmósfera terrestre y de su golpe contra las aguas del Océano Atlántico.
Si quieres vivir, entonces no pienses en un regreso breve a las islas del Mar del Caribe.
El agua del mar, que en el inicio tendrá forma de una ola muy alta en el norte, despacio irá perdiendo altura, esparciéndose por el océano. El nivel del agua en el mar irá subiendo unos metros. Los terrenos de América del Norte y de Europa serán invadidos con una mayor cantidad de agua venida de los mares del norte del que el Océano Pacifico. El exceso de agua del Océano Atlántico se perderá por el Océano Pacifico por el Estrecho de Drague y por el Océano Índico junto al “Cabo de la Buena Esperanza”.El diluvio afectará dolorosamente Europa. Los terrenos bajos serán inundados con el agua del mar, algunos de ellos quedarán sumergidos. Holanda y Dinamarca quedarán sumergidas debido a altos niveles de agua del mar. Lo mismo acontecerá con las zonas costeras de todos los países bañados por el mar o por el océano.
China declarará la guerra a los países Árabes del Golfo y a los países de la zona de Mar Caspio, para conquistar zonas ricas en petróleo. Seguidamente las tropas chinas atacarán Europa del Sur y lanzará armas nucleares sobre todo el mundo.
En el Mediterráneo ocurrirán movimientos profundos de placas, provocando la explosión de los volcanes: del Etna y del Vesuvio, que ya no está activo, cuyas erupciones destruirán una gran parte de la tierra, incluyendo Roma y el Vaticano. El volcán Etna destruirá la isla de Sicilia, inundándola con lava y cubriéndola con ceniza volcánica. Los temblores profundos de las placas del Mediterráneo provocarán el surgimiento de grandes olas, „tsunamis”, que caerán con una fuerza enorme sobre el continente y sobre las islas, destruyendo todo lo que aparezca por el camino. Puede darse el colapso del terreno por bajo de la ciudad de Marsella, provocado por los temblores de tierra en los Alpes franceses y en Suiza.
El ejército chino invadirá el territorio de Europa del Sur, destruyendo todo lo que encuentre por el camino y asesinando la sus habitantes. Avanzarán en la dirección de Francia y de Bélgica. Pero este ejército será destruido por un escuadrón de aviones que vendrá del sur.
Un objeto extraterrestre golpeará en la tierra. El Padre Pío dijo, que será una gran „Piedra” y que no será vista, porque estará cubierta con una niebla blanca. El „Planetoide -Piedra” durante su vuelo, se calentará hasta alcanzar una temperatura elevada. Durante su entrada en la tierra, muchos pedazos pequeños y grandes caerán por todas partes y provocarán grandes destrucciones e incendios. „El Planetoide -piedra”, caerá en las aguas del Océano Atlántico en las proximidades del Mar del Caribe, causando grandes estragos en las islas y en la parte oriental de América. El aire se calentará hasta una enorme temperatura y provocará incendios. Los movimientos en las profundidades del Océano Atlántico, causados por la caída del „Planetoide -Piedra”, provocarán profundos temblores de tierra en ambos lados de América y altas olas, „tsunamis”, que caerán sobre los territorios de las islas, de América, de Europa, de África, Australia y de las islas del Océano Pacífico. Se producirá un colapso de las islas y de una parte del continente.
Del mar surgirá un gas formado a causa de los cuerpos en putrefacción de animales marítimos y junto con el gas venenoso venido del espacio viciarán el aire en toda la tierra. Por eso aún, la población que habita las islas del Mar de las Caribe, tras abandonarlas, no deberá volver a las islas, antes de la caída del „Planetoide -piedra”.
En el „tercer Secreto de Fátima”, el capítulo „Las palabras de Nuestro Señor, está dirigido a las personas que sobrevivan la guerra y el diluvio y ahora estarán esperando la caída del „Planetoide -piedra” en las aguas del Océano Atlántico. Como podrán conocer „El Tiempo”, en que el „Planetoide -piedra” caerá sobre la faz de la Tierra y sabrán como tendrán que comportarse para sobrevivir este terrible „Tiempo” y no envenenarse con el gas, que cubrirá toda la Tierra.
Todo comenzará en una noche fría. Los truenos y los terremotos durarán dos días y dos noches. Esto será una prueba de que Dios es el Señor de todas las cosas. Los que tengan esperanza en Mí y crean en mis palabras, no tendrán miedo de nada, porque no los abandonaré y de la misma forma aquellos, que divulguen este mensaje parar ayudar la humanidad en su comportamiento. Quién esté en estado de gracia santificante o bajo el cuidado de mi Madre, también a estos nada le acontecerá.
Para que esteis preparados para todo esto os dare senales:
Atención: la última (segunda) noche será muy fría, el viento soplará y seguidamente habrá truenos. Entonces deberán cerrar las ventanas y las puertas y no hablar con nadie de fuera de vuestras casas. Arrodíllense enfrente de la cruz, pidan perdón por vuestros pecados y pidan ayuda a mi Madre Quién no escuche este consejo, morirá en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Su corazón no aguantará esta visión.
En la tercera noche habrá incendios y terremotos y al día siguiente el sol calentará la tierra. Los Ángeles descenderán del cielo bajo la forma humana e vendrán a traer consigo la paz al mundo. La inmensa gratitud de los que serán salvados se elevará hasta el cielo en forma de una oración de acción de gracias.
La única salvación es la Madre de Jesús. En tiempo de amenaza deben dirigirse a Ella con las palabras: „Santa Reina, intercesora de los humanos, nuestro único refugio y esperanza, ten misericordia de nosotros”.
wtorek, 27 stycznia 2009
wtorek, 20 stycznia 2009
APOCALYPSE which will greatly affect the Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN
Praise be to God.
APOCALYPSE which will greatly affect the Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN
I write on the basis of the words of Mary, Mother of Jesus, who in the “Address” of Fátima in 1917 ordered Lucia to announce the contents of the “Address” to the whole world.
“The SIGN which will appear in the sky will be the SIGN of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.
These are the “Words” of God the Father passed on in a church during the service by Jesus Christ, the executor of God’s “Will”. It was me, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, who heard the “Words” of God the Father addressed to me. When I heard it I trembled in fear and now I am passing them to the others. There will be given no date of the beginning of the Apocalypse.
The beginning of the 21st century Apocalypse will be announced by the “SIGN” which will appear in the sky.
Through people on the earth God spreads His “Words” addressed to all the people in the world.
At present Mary, Mother of God, who knows the “Punishments” that will affect mankind and the earth, is appealing to all the people who abandoned faith in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ to start believing in God anew and stop doing evil.
During the revelations in Fátima, in July 1917, Mary, Mother of God gave an “Address” to Lucia, and at the end of the revelations she explained and gave an additional, special “Address” to Lucia which has gone down in history under the name of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Many years later Lucia wrote down the content of the “Address” and in 1953 it was delivered in a sealed envelope to Pope Pius XII with sister’s Lucia note on the envelope saying that after 1960 the document could be revealed to the whole world.
Having made himself familiar with the content of the document, Pope Pius XII was distressed, horrified even. He sealed it again and secured it in the safe for his successor.
In 1958, John XXIII was elected pope. He made himself familiar with the secret as late as two years later. He was shocked at the “Punishments” which will affect people. He ordered that the document be placed in the Vatican safe for his successor. He believed that the publicizing of the ”Address” could trigger panic on a world scale.
Revealing the full contents of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the whole world after the year 1960, as it was written in the note by sister Lucia, could cause people’s conversion to God, but would not spread panic as Pope John XXIII suggested after having read the contents of the document.
The wish of Mary, Mother of God, being unfulfilled will lead to destruction of many countries and death of one third of population. The countries which are especially endangered are those situated by the sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
After reading the “Address” of Fátima Pope Paul VI approved of the decisions of his predecessors. He refused to reveal “Third Secret of Fátima” to the public but he did not doubt that it should be used at least partly to ensure peace in the world. This happened during the Cuban crisis. Revealing some fragments of the “Address” in 1963-64 to leaders of the Soviet Union, United States of America and Great Britain contributed to them entering into a peace treaty.
Pope John Paul II read the contents of the “Address” after having the assassination attempt on his life on May 13, 1981. He took similar actions as his predecessors did: the letter containing the “Third Secret of Fátima” was sent back to the Vatican safe, thus not fulfilling the wish of Mary, Mother of Jesus, to reveal the full contents of the “Address” of Fátima to the whole world, which was written by sister Lucia on the envelope. The time of “Punishment” was approaching and the contents of the “Address” of Fátima remained closed in the Vatican safe and was unknown to the people all over the world.
“HEAVEN” itself intervened with Pope John Paul II. At night in his apartment in Vatican he had a vision on the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. This is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”] as “Mysterious Vision of John Paul II”. His personal secretary heard the pope’s words coming from the pope’s apartment: “Please, be merciful to Poland”, he entered the room and saw the pope hiding his face in his hands. There were tears rolling down his face. He was dejected and sad. Father Dziwisz touched the pope’s shoulder and asked: “What has happened, Your Holiness?”. After a moment of silence the pope replied: “Nothing, I am OK. – So, why are you crying, Holy Father?” asked Father Dziwisz. – If you had seen what I saw, you would be crying as well.”
Who was this mysterious person that John Paul II was obviously talking to? After this dramatic vision Pope John Paul II had the “Address” of Fátima together with the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated into Italian.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, received it from Pope John Paul II in order to publicize this text via television to the whole world.
Pope John Paul II gave the second copy of the translation of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the Polish catholic writer Stefan Budzyński in order to edit it and have it published in print in Poland. The “Address” of Fátima together with the “Third Secret of Fátima” was published under title “FATIMA 117”, among other prophecies, in a book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”].
Stefan Budzyński in his book “Dotknięcie Boga” informs us on page 73, line 11 counting from the top of the page – “Currently we have the full text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” which is a translation from the sister Lucia’s original written down in Portuguese, however I must make a reservation that it does not come from official sources”.
Stefan Budzyński publicized the text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” in a book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” on pages 73-74, in an article entitled “Orędzie Madonny z Akita, a III tajemnica fatimska” [“Address of Lady from Akita and the Third Secret of Fátima”]. The book was published in print in Poland in 1995 in the printing house “Adam”.
“FATIMA 1917” includes a foreword with an introduction to the period from the times of conveying the “Address” of Fátima by Mary, Mother of God, to Lucia to the period when it was kept in the Vatican safe. Pope John Paul II had the text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated in 1982 after personal intervention of Mary, Mother of God.
1. Events.
2. The Third Secret of Fátima.
3.The predicted course of the third world war.
4. Disturbances in nature.
5. Later addresses delivered to sister Lucia.
6. Address of Mother of God from 1954.
7. Jesus Christ’s words concerning recognition of the “Time” when “an alien object from the space” will burst and fall into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
8. Poisoning of the air on the entire earth with “Methane and gas from outer space”.
The “Punishments” that will affect humanity of the world are provided in part 3, 4, 7 and 8 of “FATIMA 1917”.
Wars will break out in the eastern Asia and in Europe during which nuclear weapon will be used.
As it is given, in Asia China will declare war on Russia in order to gain the northern territories of Asia that now belong to the Russian Federation for they are rich in oil and gas and China needs them to boost its economic development. After defeating Russia China will attack the Arab countries situated by the Persian Gulf and countries by the Caspian Sea, countries in the south of Europe and they will drop missiles on the whole earth.
In Germany the NPD party whose leader is Udo Voigt will strive to gain power and the Germans will be fighting with the Germans. The German NPD party aspires to fulfill Adolf Hitler’s idea of forming “Great Germany”. In order to fulfill this idea, the NPD party after seizing power in Germany will declare war on: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia. The German party NPD after seizing power will attack Kaliningrad – the former German Królewiec – Konigsberg to reclaim it from Russia during the Chinese-Russian war. When the German party NPD is in power, the Germans will invade the territories of western and northern Poland, destroying everything and murdering Polish inhabitants on the territories once belonging to the Germany.
Terrible earthquakes will start under the bottom of the Arctic Sea caused by emerging of the “New Big Land” – “Sea bottom”, forecast in FATIMA 1917 “Disturbances in nature”. This will generate the “FLOOD” in the northern hemisphere. Water and ice from the depth of approx. 4300 meters will be lifted up together with sea bottom. Sea bottom will become the “New Big Land” and water with ice will fall down on the land by the sea, flooding them, and into seas increasing significantly the level of: Baffin, Greenland, Norwegian and White seas. Water will flow down to the Atlantic Ocean. Water of the “FLOOD” flowing with a very high wave in the Atlantic Ocean will be flooding and sinking low-lying shores, islands, fleet, cities, ports and other buildings. The level of water will be decreasing gradually and water will flow apart into seas and the ocean lifting the sea level by several meters. A high wave of water from the Norwegian Sea will flow into the North Sea, flooding and sinking the lowlands of the Netherlands-Holland, shores of Norway and Sweden as well as completely flooding Denmark; flood water will flow into the Baltic Sea increasing the sea level by several meters and flooding sandbars and lowland coastal territories of all countries situated by the Baltic Sea. The lowlands of northern Germany will be flooded and sunk, the same will happen to northern Poland and western parts of Belgium, western lowlands of France and moreover water will burst with a high wave into the territory of Great Britain and Ireland. Islands, coastal lowlands of Scotland and Ireland will be flooded and sunk. The flowing flood waters will be restrained from getting into the English channel by the Strait of Dover. Seawater will burst into the lowlands of England flooding and sinking; it will also flow across London, the capital of England.
I hereby inform, as the clairvoyant says, that Queen Elisabeth II together with her husband will be flooded with water and both will drown.
It is necessary to relocate people and animals to high-lying lands – approx. by 100 meters above the sea level during 30 days after the “SIGN” forecasting the beginning of the Apocalypse appears in the sky. I was informed by Mary, Mother of God, that such period of the “Time” preceding the explosion under the bottom of the Arctic Sea will be granted in order to save people from drowning – those who believe in God the Father and Jesus Christ, His Son, or those who will believe.
I quote: it is given in “Disturbances in nature” – From the north disasters will surprise the Chinese army when in Europe fighting with Russia. The Chinese will withdraw because of these horrifying calamities.
“This will last only few weeks but its horror will be so terrible as no similar disaster has ever affected the earth”.
The phrase mentioned above refers to the “New Big Land” emerging out of the waters of the Arctic Sea. Terrible earthquakes will last barely few weeks, more than 5 and less than 10.
There will be no sea as it is given in the Bible – Apocalypse in chapter 21, line 1. I quote: I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone and the sea is now no more.
In the north instead of the sea there will be the “New Big Land”.
More water from the Arctic Sea and the northern seas by the lands fell down on the territories of North America and Canada, the seas and Europe than into the Pacific and on the territory of Asia. Water level of the seas and the Atlantic Ocean will be higher than it is now. The water levels will equal near Antarctica. Water from the Atlantic Ocean will be flowing into the Indian Ocean and the Pacific till the levels of water are equal.
Father Pio in his revelations passes the “Words” of Jesus: “You do not know the day or the hour, when the punishment comes”. My Father knows when it comes. Keep in mind this harsh admonition that he gives. Do not be afraid of it and do not ignore it for all the mankind is threatened with a danger. Because there is no much time left we have to use it ardently, not surrendering to the evil and not yielding. Your task and your duty is to point to the approaching danger for there will be no excuse that you did not know about it. The heaven has been waiting and warning for a long time but people do not care about it.
When it is too late, at night a “HUGE BOULDER” will appear out of white fog and will hit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
The strike of such a “Huge Boulder” in the water of the Atlantic Ocean will result in immense destruction caused by “Tsunami” waves which will burst with a great power into the shores and islands, destroying everything on the way. Hot air around the “Planetoid-boulder” will cause fires and people’s death.
The fall of the “Planetoid-boulder” into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean may cause wobbling of the earth, depth earthquakes; islands and parts of land of South America may sink, California Peninsula may tear off the North America’s lands. The horrific “Tsunami” waves that will fall down on the territory of Europe, Africa and three Americas will cause unimaginable destruction.
The “Tsunami” waves will burst with tremendous power into the lands of Great Britain, Ireland and islands or they will hit the high shores bringing about vast destruction. This will happen in the “Third night” after the planetoid-boulder’s fall into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Terrible earthquakes will start. People who live near the southern territories by the sea should be transferred already during the first night, which will be very cold, and the second day about one kilometer away from the shores to such premises as: hotels, schools and others and they should stay there for the period of “Three-day” disaster and the time of the sea waves “Tsunami” bursting into the territories of Great Britain and Ireland.
The words of Jesus refer to the strike of the “Huge Boulder” from outer space into the earth surface. “This will start on a very cold night. Thunders and earthquakes will linger for two days and two nights. This will prove that God rules above all of us. Those who have a hope in Me and believe My words, let they not fear anything, because I will not abandon them, as well as those who spread this revelation in order to make people come to their senses. Those who will be in a state of grace and with My Mother, those will survive.
In order to prepare you, I hereby give you the signs. Be careful: the last night will be very cold, the wind will be roaring and then thunders will be heard. Close the windows and doors, do not speak to anyone outside your home.
Then kneel under a cross, repent for your sins and ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for care. Those who will not follow this advice, will die immediately, their hearts will not stand this view.
The air will be saturated with gas and poison which will spread over the whole earth. Those who shall be suffering innocently will not die but they will become martyrs and will enter the God’s Kingdom.
On the third night fire and earthquakes will start and on the next day – the sun will shine. Depth earthquakes may result in collapsing of buildings and may force people to leave their houses and go outside into the poisoned air. One should ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for salvation, in such words:
“Holy Queen, mediatrix of people, our only refuge and hope, be merciful to us.”
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
APOCALYPSE which will greatly affect the Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN
I write on the basis of the words of Mary, Mother of Jesus, who in the “Address” of Fátima in 1917 ordered Lucia to announce the contents of the “Address” to the whole world.
“The SIGN which will appear in the sky will be the SIGN of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.
These are the “Words” of God the Father passed on in a church during the service by Jesus Christ, the executor of God’s “Will”. It was me, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, who heard the “Words” of God the Father addressed to me. When I heard it I trembled in fear and now I am passing them to the others. There will be given no date of the beginning of the Apocalypse.
The beginning of the 21st century Apocalypse will be announced by the “SIGN” which will appear in the sky.
Through people on the earth God spreads His “Words” addressed to all the people in the world.
At present Mary, Mother of God, who knows the “Punishments” that will affect mankind and the earth, is appealing to all the people who abandoned faith in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ to start believing in God anew and stop doing evil.
During the revelations in Fátima, in July 1917, Mary, Mother of God gave an “Address” to Lucia, and at the end of the revelations she explained and gave an additional, special “Address” to Lucia which has gone down in history under the name of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Many years later Lucia wrote down the content of the “Address” and in 1953 it was delivered in a sealed envelope to Pope Pius XII with sister’s Lucia note on the envelope saying that after 1960 the document could be revealed to the whole world.
Having made himself familiar with the content of the document, Pope Pius XII was distressed, horrified even. He sealed it again and secured it in the safe for his successor.
In 1958, John XXIII was elected pope. He made himself familiar with the secret as late as two years later. He was shocked at the “Punishments” which will affect people. He ordered that the document be placed in the Vatican safe for his successor. He believed that the publicizing of the ”Address” could trigger panic on a world scale.
Revealing the full contents of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the whole world after the year 1960, as it was written in the note by sister Lucia, could cause people’s conversion to God, but would not spread panic as Pope John XXIII suggested after having read the contents of the document.
The wish of Mary, Mother of God, being unfulfilled will lead to destruction of many countries and death of one third of population. The countries which are especially endangered are those situated by the sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
After reading the “Address” of Fátima Pope Paul VI approved of the decisions of his predecessors. He refused to reveal “Third Secret of Fátima” to the public but he did not doubt that it should be used at least partly to ensure peace in the world. This happened during the Cuban crisis. Revealing some fragments of the “Address” in 1963-64 to leaders of the Soviet Union, United States of America and Great Britain contributed to them entering into a peace treaty.
Pope John Paul II read the contents of the “Address” after having the assassination attempt on his life on May 13, 1981. He took similar actions as his predecessors did: the letter containing the “Third Secret of Fátima” was sent back to the Vatican safe, thus not fulfilling the wish of Mary, Mother of Jesus, to reveal the full contents of the “Address” of Fátima to the whole world, which was written by sister Lucia on the envelope. The time of “Punishment” was approaching and the contents of the “Address” of Fátima remained closed in the Vatican safe and was unknown to the people all over the world.
“HEAVEN” itself intervened with Pope John Paul II. At night in his apartment in Vatican he had a vision on the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. This is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”] as “Mysterious Vision of John Paul II”. His personal secretary heard the pope’s words coming from the pope’s apartment: “Please, be merciful to Poland”, he entered the room and saw the pope hiding his face in his hands. There were tears rolling down his face. He was dejected and sad. Father Dziwisz touched the pope’s shoulder and asked: “What has happened, Your Holiness?”. After a moment of silence the pope replied: “Nothing, I am OK. – So, why are you crying, Holy Father?” asked Father Dziwisz. – If you had seen what I saw, you would be crying as well.”
Who was this mysterious person that John Paul II was obviously talking to? After this dramatic vision Pope John Paul II had the “Address” of Fátima together with the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated into Italian.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, received it from Pope John Paul II in order to publicize this text via television to the whole world.
Pope John Paul II gave the second copy of the translation of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the Polish catholic writer Stefan Budzyński in order to edit it and have it published in print in Poland. The “Address” of Fátima together with the “Third Secret of Fátima” was published under title “FATIMA 117”, among other prophecies, in a book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”].
Stefan Budzyński in his book “Dotknięcie Boga” informs us on page 73, line 11 counting from the top of the page – “Currently we have the full text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” which is a translation from the sister Lucia’s original written down in Portuguese, however I must make a reservation that it does not come from official sources”.
Stefan Budzyński publicized the text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” in a book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” on pages 73-74, in an article entitled “Orędzie Madonny z Akita, a III tajemnica fatimska” [“Address of Lady from Akita and the Third Secret of Fátima”]. The book was published in print in Poland in 1995 in the printing house “Adam”.
“FATIMA 1917” includes a foreword with an introduction to the period from the times of conveying the “Address” of Fátima by Mary, Mother of God, to Lucia to the period when it was kept in the Vatican safe. Pope John Paul II had the text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated in 1982 after personal intervention of Mary, Mother of God.
1. Events.
2. The Third Secret of Fátima.
3.The predicted course of the third world war.
4. Disturbances in nature.
5. Later addresses delivered to sister Lucia.
6. Address of Mother of God from 1954.
7. Jesus Christ’s words concerning recognition of the “Time” when “an alien object from the space” will burst and fall into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
8. Poisoning of the air on the entire earth with “Methane and gas from outer space”.
The “Punishments” that will affect humanity of the world are provided in part 3, 4, 7 and 8 of “FATIMA 1917”.
Wars will break out in the eastern Asia and in Europe during which nuclear weapon will be used.
As it is given, in Asia China will declare war on Russia in order to gain the northern territories of Asia that now belong to the Russian Federation for they are rich in oil and gas and China needs them to boost its economic development. After defeating Russia China will attack the Arab countries situated by the Persian Gulf and countries by the Caspian Sea, countries in the south of Europe and they will drop missiles on the whole earth.
In Germany the NPD party whose leader is Udo Voigt will strive to gain power and the Germans will be fighting with the Germans. The German NPD party aspires to fulfill Adolf Hitler’s idea of forming “Great Germany”. In order to fulfill this idea, the NPD party after seizing power in Germany will declare war on: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia. The German party NPD after seizing power will attack Kaliningrad – the former German Królewiec – Konigsberg to reclaim it from Russia during the Chinese-Russian war. When the German party NPD is in power, the Germans will invade the territories of western and northern Poland, destroying everything and murdering Polish inhabitants on the territories once belonging to the Germany.
Terrible earthquakes will start under the bottom of the Arctic Sea caused by emerging of the “New Big Land” – “Sea bottom”, forecast in FATIMA 1917 “Disturbances in nature”. This will generate the “FLOOD” in the northern hemisphere. Water and ice from the depth of approx. 4300 meters will be lifted up together with sea bottom. Sea bottom will become the “New Big Land” and water with ice will fall down on the land by the sea, flooding them, and into seas increasing significantly the level of: Baffin, Greenland, Norwegian and White seas. Water will flow down to the Atlantic Ocean. Water of the “FLOOD” flowing with a very high wave in the Atlantic Ocean will be flooding and sinking low-lying shores, islands, fleet, cities, ports and other buildings. The level of water will be decreasing gradually and water will flow apart into seas and the ocean lifting the sea level by several meters. A high wave of water from the Norwegian Sea will flow into the North Sea, flooding and sinking the lowlands of the Netherlands-Holland, shores of Norway and Sweden as well as completely flooding Denmark; flood water will flow into the Baltic Sea increasing the sea level by several meters and flooding sandbars and lowland coastal territories of all countries situated by the Baltic Sea. The lowlands of northern Germany will be flooded and sunk, the same will happen to northern Poland and western parts of Belgium, western lowlands of France and moreover water will burst with a high wave into the territory of Great Britain and Ireland. Islands, coastal lowlands of Scotland and Ireland will be flooded and sunk. The flowing flood waters will be restrained from getting into the English channel by the Strait of Dover. Seawater will burst into the lowlands of England flooding and sinking; it will also flow across London, the capital of England.
I hereby inform, as the clairvoyant says, that Queen Elisabeth II together with her husband will be flooded with water and both will drown.
It is necessary to relocate people and animals to high-lying lands – approx. by 100 meters above the sea level during 30 days after the “SIGN” forecasting the beginning of the Apocalypse appears in the sky. I was informed by Mary, Mother of God, that such period of the “Time” preceding the explosion under the bottom of the Arctic Sea will be granted in order to save people from drowning – those who believe in God the Father and Jesus Christ, His Son, or those who will believe.
I quote: it is given in “Disturbances in nature” – From the north disasters will surprise the Chinese army when in Europe fighting with Russia. The Chinese will withdraw because of these horrifying calamities.
“This will last only few weeks but its horror will be so terrible as no similar disaster has ever affected the earth”.
The phrase mentioned above refers to the “New Big Land” emerging out of the waters of the Arctic Sea. Terrible earthquakes will last barely few weeks, more than 5 and less than 10.
There will be no sea as it is given in the Bible – Apocalypse in chapter 21, line 1. I quote: I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone and the sea is now no more.
In the north instead of the sea there will be the “New Big Land”.
More water from the Arctic Sea and the northern seas by the lands fell down on the territories of North America and Canada, the seas and Europe than into the Pacific and on the territory of Asia. Water level of the seas and the Atlantic Ocean will be higher than it is now. The water levels will equal near Antarctica. Water from the Atlantic Ocean will be flowing into the Indian Ocean and the Pacific till the levels of water are equal.
Father Pio in his revelations passes the “Words” of Jesus: “You do not know the day or the hour, when the punishment comes”. My Father knows when it comes. Keep in mind this harsh admonition that he gives. Do not be afraid of it and do not ignore it for all the mankind is threatened with a danger. Because there is no much time left we have to use it ardently, not surrendering to the evil and not yielding. Your task and your duty is to point to the approaching danger for there will be no excuse that you did not know about it. The heaven has been waiting and warning for a long time but people do not care about it.
When it is too late, at night a “HUGE BOULDER” will appear out of white fog and will hit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
The strike of such a “Huge Boulder” in the water of the Atlantic Ocean will result in immense destruction caused by “Tsunami” waves which will burst with a great power into the shores and islands, destroying everything on the way. Hot air around the “Planetoid-boulder” will cause fires and people’s death.
The fall of the “Planetoid-boulder” into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean may cause wobbling of the earth, depth earthquakes; islands and parts of land of South America may sink, California Peninsula may tear off the North America’s lands. The horrific “Tsunami” waves that will fall down on the territory of Europe, Africa and three Americas will cause unimaginable destruction.
The “Tsunami” waves will burst with tremendous power into the lands of Great Britain, Ireland and islands or they will hit the high shores bringing about vast destruction. This will happen in the “Third night” after the planetoid-boulder’s fall into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Terrible earthquakes will start. People who live near the southern territories by the sea should be transferred already during the first night, which will be very cold, and the second day about one kilometer away from the shores to such premises as: hotels, schools and others and they should stay there for the period of “Three-day” disaster and the time of the sea waves “Tsunami” bursting into the territories of Great Britain and Ireland.
The words of Jesus refer to the strike of the “Huge Boulder” from outer space into the earth surface. “This will start on a very cold night. Thunders and earthquakes will linger for two days and two nights. This will prove that God rules above all of us. Those who have a hope in Me and believe My words, let they not fear anything, because I will not abandon them, as well as those who spread this revelation in order to make people come to their senses. Those who will be in a state of grace and with My Mother, those will survive.
In order to prepare you, I hereby give you the signs. Be careful: the last night will be very cold, the wind will be roaring and then thunders will be heard. Close the windows and doors, do not speak to anyone outside your home.
Then kneel under a cross, repent for your sins and ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for care. Those who will not follow this advice, will die immediately, their hearts will not stand this view.
The air will be saturated with gas and poison which will spread over the whole earth. Those who shall be suffering innocently will not die but they will become martyrs and will enter the God’s Kingdom.
On the third night fire and earthquakes will start and on the next day – the sun will shine. Depth earthquakes may result in collapsing of buildings and may force people to leave their houses and go outside into the poisoned air. One should ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for salvation, in such words:
“Holy Queen, mediatrix of people, our only refuge and hope, be merciful to us.”
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
Praise be to Jesus Christ.
I write on the basis of the words of Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, who in the “Address” of Fátima in 1917 ordered Lucia to announce the contents of the “Address” to the whole world.
“The SIGN which will appear in the sky will be the SIGN of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.
On March 9, 2008 in a church in Warsaw at 17 Gwiaździsta Street during the service at 10.45 a.m. I, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, heard the “Words” of God the Father passed by Jesus Christ, the executor of God’s “Will” written down in the “Bible- Apocalypse” by Saint John the Apostle in 95 A.C. and it concerns the whole population of the world:
In 1938, when the second world war was about to break out, the SIGN in the sky was “Glow of the aurora“ seen all around the Europe.
Now the “SIGN” that will appear in the sky is to bring the people to their knees.
Beginning of the 21st century Apocalypse will be preceded by the “SIGN” which will appear in the sky; there will be no other date given.
Through people on the earth God spreads His “Words” so that they are conveyed to all the people in the world. At the age of 10 I, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, being unaware of it, took part in the revelation of Mary, Mother of Jesus, on August 26, 1935 on the meadows of Przygoda village: I was appointed by Mary, Mother of Jesus, and led by an angel to kneel next to a visionary in order to witness the truth of the revelations of Mary, Mother of God, and then to commemorate the place of the revelation by erecting a chapel on the meadows of Przygoda village. Now I inform people about the “Punishments” that will affect the whole world.
During the revelations in Fátima, in July 1917, Mary, Mother of God, gave an address to Lucia, and at the end of the revelations she explained and gave an additional, special “Address” to Lucia which has gone down in history under the name of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Many years later Lucia wrote down the content of the “Address” and in 1953 it was delivered in a sealed envelope to Pope Pius XII with sister’s Lucia note on the envelope saying that after 1960 the document could be revealed to the whole world.
Having made himself familiar with the content of the secret document, Pope Pius XII was distressed, horrified even. He sealed it again and secured it in the safe for his successor.
In 1958, John XXIII was elected pope. He made himself familiar with the secret as late as two years later. It shocked him. He concluded then that the terrible “Punishments” predicted in the “Address” did not refer to his times. He believed that the publicizing of the address could trigger panic on a world scale.
Revealing the full contents of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the whole world after the year 1960, as it was written in the note by sister Lucia, could cause people’s conversion to God, but would not spread panic as Pope John XXIII suggested after having read the contents of the document.
The wish of Mary, Mother of God, being unfulfilled will lead to destruction of many countries and death of one third of the world population which is to die in the course of the Apocalypse. The countries which are especially endangered are three Americas because of downfall of a rock from the space into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, near the Caribbean Sea.
Pope Paul VI, having read the address, approved the decision of his predecessors in recognizing that the document should remain a secret of Vatican for some time. Pope Paul VI shied away from publicizing the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Still, he had no doubts that at least a part of it should be used to secure peace in the world. This was done during the Cuban crisis. Revealing the content of some fragments of the address to the leaders of the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain in the years 1963-1964 resulted in them entering into a peace agreement.
John Paul II familiarized himself with the content of the address of Fátima after the assassination attempt on his life in St Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981. He acted similarly as his predecessors in placing the address of Fátima back in the Vatican safe, thus not fulfilling the wish of Mary, Mother of God, which was written on the envelope by sister Lucia. This wish was the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the whole world. The time of “Punishment” was approaching, and the content of the “Third Secret of Fátima” was hidden from the world in a closed Vatican safe, unknown to people.
“HEAVEN” itself intervened with Pope John Paul II. At night in his apartment in Vatican he had a vision on the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. This is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”] as “Mysterious Vision of John Paul II”. His personal secretary heard the pope’s words coming from the pope’s apartment: “Please, be merciful to Poland”, he entered the room and saw the pope hiding his face in his hands. There were tears rolling down his face. He was dejected and sad. Father Dziwisz touched the pope’s shoulder and asked: “What has happened, Your Holiness?”. After a moment of silence the pope replied: “Nothing, I am OK. – So, why are you crying, Holy Father?” asked Father Dziwisz. – If you had seen what I saw, you would be crying as well.”
Who was this mysterious person that John Paul II was obviously talking to? After this dramatic vision Pope John Paul II had the “Address” of Fátima together with the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated into Italian.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, received it from Pope John Paul II in order to publicize this text via television to the whole world.
Pope John Paul II gave the second copy of the translation of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the Polish catholic writer Stefan Budzyński in order to edit it and have it published in print in Poland. The “Address of Fátima” together with the “Third Secret of Fátima” was published under title “FATIMA 1917”, among other prophecies, in a book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”].
Stefan Budzyński in his book “Dotknięcie Boga” informs us on page 73, line 11 counting from the top of the page – “Currently we have the full text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” which is a translation from the sister Lucia’s original written down in Portuguese, however I must make a reservation that it does not come from official sources”. Stefan Budzyński publicized the text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” in a book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” on pages 73-74, in an article entitled “Orędzie Madonny z Akita, a III tajemnica fatimska” [“Address of Lady from Akita and the Third Secret of Fátima”]. The book was published in print in Poland in 1995.
“FATIMA 1917” includes a foreword with an introduction to the period from the times of conveying the “Address” of Fátima by Mary, Mother of God, to the period when it was kept in the Vatican safe, before it was translated from Portuguese into Italian. Pope John Paul II had the text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated in 1982 after personal intervention of Mary, Mother of God.
1. Events.
1. Events.
2. The Third Secret of Fátima.
3.The predicted course of the third world war.
4. Disturbances in nature.
5. Later addresses delivered to sister Lucia.
6. Address of Mother of God from 1954.
7. Jesus Christ’s words concerning recognition of the “Time” when “an alien object from the space” will burst and fall into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
8. Poisoning of the air on the entire earth with “Methane and gas from outer space”.
The “Punishments” that will affect humanity of the world are provided in full version of the “Address of Fátima” called the “Third Secret of Fátima”.
Life of the population of the United States of North America is in danger: earthquakes caused by emerging of “New Big Land”– “Sea bottom” out of the depths of the Arctic Sea. Water from the depth of approx. 4300 meters will be lifted up together with the sea bottom by a depth explosion provoking the “FLOOD” covering the low-lying territories of Canada with high-level sea water. Thrown out by the explosion the waters of the Arctic Sea will fall into: Baffin, Greenland, and Norwegian seas and then they will flow into the Atlantic Ocean. At the beginning the level of the seas and the Atlantic Ocean will be very high. The water flowing with a very high wave will be flooding and sinking low-lying shores; gradually the water level will be decreasing and later water will flow apart into seas and the ocean. The water level in the seas and the ocean will be higher than it is currently. The low-lying lands will be sunk together with city buildings, ports and other buildings. Water thrown out by depth explosion from the Arctic Sea on the territory of Canada will be flowing along its lowlands and falling into the ocean when the level in the ocean will be lower than on the territory of Canada. The water may partly flow onto lowlands of the USA.
Depth explosions will occur under the New York City and Washington and these cities will be destructed while the isle on which NY is situated will be flooded.
A war will break out in Asia during which nuclear weapon will be used. China aims at making the yellow race rule over the world. They will declare war on Russia, and after defeating it – on the Arab countries situated by the Persian Gulf and the countries situated by the Caspian Sea, countries in the south of Europe and they will drop missiles on the whole earth.
A war will break out in Europe, too. The German NPD party will come to power and will declare war on: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia.
After the disaster the Chinese army will invade the territories of the Mediterranean Sea to destroy and murder white people living in these areas.
Mary, Mother of God, calls all the Polish people to go back to Poland. People who live on coastal territories of the USA and in New York City and Washington and who believe in God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, should flee from the lowland shores of the USA and move to higher safe lands within 30 days after the „SIGN” appears in the sky. After the wave of FLOOD flows away, you may come back if the territory is not covered with water.
The high wave of FLOOD water flowing within the Atlantic Ocean towards the South Pole will be flooding and sinking low-lying territories, islands and shores of both Americas. Sea water from the flood will flow into the Caribbean Sea increasing its level by several meters. The lowlands of islands will be under water. Inhabitants of islands and shores of the Caribbean Sea should leave these territories within 30 days after the “SIGN” forecasting the Apocalypse appears in the sky and before the high flood wave comes on the territory of the Caribbean Sea.
People may come back to the islands on the Caribbean Sea that will not be sunk after downfall of the “Planetoid-boulder” in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea. People who stay on the islands of the Caribbean Sea before the downfall of the “Planetoid-boulder” will die.
Father Pio in his revelations passes the “Words” of Jesus:
“The gravity of the time induces Me to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that a great danger is looming over people if they do not change their behavior.
You do not know the day or the hour, when the punishment comes. My Father knows when it comes. Keep in mind this harsh admonition that he gives. Do not be afraid of it and do not ignore it for all the mankind is threatened with a danger. Because there is no much time left we have to use it ardently, not surrendering to the evil and not yielding. Your task and your duty is to point to the approaching danger for there will be no excuse that you did not know about it. The heaven has been waiting and warning for a long time but people do not care about it.
When it is too late, at night a “HUGE BOULDER” will appear out of white fog and will hit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
The strike of such a “Huge Boulder” in the water of the Atlantic Ocean will result in immense destruction caused by “Tsunami” waves which will burst with a great power into the shores and islands, destroying everything on the way. Hot air around the “Planetoid-boulder” will cause fires and people’s death.
The fall of the “Planetoid-boulder” into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean may cause wobbling of the earth, depth rock movements; islands and parts of lands may sink; there will be earthquakes on both sides of the United States and the California Peninsula may tear off North America’s lands.
In order to save one’s life you need to believe in God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ; there is also a chance for those who will start believing in God now.
The words of Jesus refer to the strike of the “Huge Boulder” from outer space into the earth surface. “This will start on a very cold night. Thunders and earthquakes will linger for two days and two nights. This will prove that God rules above all of us. Those who have a hope in Me and believe My words, let they not fear anything, because I will not abandon them, as well as those who spread this revelation in order to make people come to their senses. Those who will be in a state of grace and with My Mother, those will survive.
In order to prepare you, I hereby give you the signs. Be careful: the last night will be very cold, the wind will be roaring and then thunders will be heard. Close the windows and doors, do not speak to anyone outside your home. Then kneel under a cross, repent for your sins and ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for care. Those who will not follow this advice, will die immediately, their hearts will not stand this view.
The air will be saturated with gas and poison which will spread over the whole earth. Those who shall be suffering innocently will not die but they will become martyrs and will enter God’s Kingdom.
On the third night fire and earthquakes will start and on the next day – the sun will shine.
Depth earthquakes may result in collapsing of buildings and may force people to leave their houses and go outside into the poisoned air. One should ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for salvation, in such words:
“Holy Queen, mediatrix of people, our only refuge and hope, be merciful to us.”
Wanda Stańka-Prószyńska
I write on the basis of the words of Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, who in the “Address” of Fátima in 1917 ordered Lucia to announce the contents of the “Address” to the whole world.
“The SIGN which will appear in the sky will be the SIGN of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.
On March 9, 2008 in a church in Warsaw at 17 Gwiaździsta Street during the service at 10.45 a.m. I, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, heard the “Words” of God the Father passed by Jesus Christ, the executor of God’s “Will” written down in the “Bible- Apocalypse” by Saint John the Apostle in 95 A.C. and it concerns the whole population of the world:
In 1938, when the second world war was about to break out, the SIGN in the sky was “Glow of the aurora“ seen all around the Europe.
Now the “SIGN” that will appear in the sky is to bring the people to their knees.
Beginning of the 21st century Apocalypse will be preceded by the “SIGN” which will appear in the sky; there will be no other date given.
Through people on the earth God spreads His “Words” so that they are conveyed to all the people in the world. At the age of 10 I, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, being unaware of it, took part in the revelation of Mary, Mother of Jesus, on August 26, 1935 on the meadows of Przygoda village: I was appointed by Mary, Mother of Jesus, and led by an angel to kneel next to a visionary in order to witness the truth of the revelations of Mary, Mother of God, and then to commemorate the place of the revelation by erecting a chapel on the meadows of Przygoda village. Now I inform people about the “Punishments” that will affect the whole world.
During the revelations in Fátima, in July 1917, Mary, Mother of God, gave an address to Lucia, and at the end of the revelations she explained and gave an additional, special “Address” to Lucia which has gone down in history under the name of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Many years later Lucia wrote down the content of the “Address” and in 1953 it was delivered in a sealed envelope to Pope Pius XII with sister’s Lucia note on the envelope saying that after 1960 the document could be revealed to the whole world.
Having made himself familiar with the content of the secret document, Pope Pius XII was distressed, horrified even. He sealed it again and secured it in the safe for his successor.
In 1958, John XXIII was elected pope. He made himself familiar with the secret as late as two years later. It shocked him. He concluded then that the terrible “Punishments” predicted in the “Address” did not refer to his times. He believed that the publicizing of the address could trigger panic on a world scale.
Revealing the full contents of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the whole world after the year 1960, as it was written in the note by sister Lucia, could cause people’s conversion to God, but would not spread panic as Pope John XXIII suggested after having read the contents of the document.
The wish of Mary, Mother of God, being unfulfilled will lead to destruction of many countries and death of one third of the world population which is to die in the course of the Apocalypse. The countries which are especially endangered are three Americas because of downfall of a rock from the space into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, near the Caribbean Sea.
Pope Paul VI, having read the address, approved the decision of his predecessors in recognizing that the document should remain a secret of Vatican for some time. Pope Paul VI shied away from publicizing the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Still, he had no doubts that at least a part of it should be used to secure peace in the world. This was done during the Cuban crisis. Revealing the content of some fragments of the address to the leaders of the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain in the years 1963-1964 resulted in them entering into a peace agreement.
John Paul II familiarized himself with the content of the address of Fátima after the assassination attempt on his life in St Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981. He acted similarly as his predecessors in placing the address of Fátima back in the Vatican safe, thus not fulfilling the wish of Mary, Mother of God, which was written on the envelope by sister Lucia. This wish was the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the whole world. The time of “Punishment” was approaching, and the content of the “Third Secret of Fátima” was hidden from the world in a closed Vatican safe, unknown to people.
“HEAVEN” itself intervened with Pope John Paul II. At night in his apartment in Vatican he had a vision on the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. This is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”] as “Mysterious Vision of John Paul II”. His personal secretary heard the pope’s words coming from the pope’s apartment: “Please, be merciful to Poland”, he entered the room and saw the pope hiding his face in his hands. There were tears rolling down his face. He was dejected and sad. Father Dziwisz touched the pope’s shoulder and asked: “What has happened, Your Holiness?”. After a moment of silence the pope replied: “Nothing, I am OK. – So, why are you crying, Holy Father?” asked Father Dziwisz. – If you had seen what I saw, you would be crying as well.”
Who was this mysterious person that John Paul II was obviously talking to? After this dramatic vision Pope John Paul II had the “Address” of Fátima together with the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated into Italian.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, received it from Pope John Paul II in order to publicize this text via television to the whole world.
Pope John Paul II gave the second copy of the translation of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the Polish catholic writer Stefan Budzyński in order to edit it and have it published in print in Poland. The “Address of Fátima” together with the “Third Secret of Fátima” was published under title “FATIMA 1917”, among other prophecies, in a book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”].
Stefan Budzyński in his book “Dotknięcie Boga” informs us on page 73, line 11 counting from the top of the page – “Currently we have the full text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” which is a translation from the sister Lucia’s original written down in Portuguese, however I must make a reservation that it does not come from official sources”. Stefan Budzyński publicized the text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” in a book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” on pages 73-74, in an article entitled “Orędzie Madonny z Akita, a III tajemnica fatimska” [“Address of Lady from Akita and the Third Secret of Fátima”]. The book was published in print in Poland in 1995.
“FATIMA 1917” includes a foreword with an introduction to the period from the times of conveying the “Address” of Fátima by Mary, Mother of God, to the period when it was kept in the Vatican safe, before it was translated from Portuguese into Italian. Pope John Paul II had the text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated in 1982 after personal intervention of Mary, Mother of God.
1. Events.
1. Events.
2. The Third Secret of Fátima.
3.The predicted course of the third world war.
4. Disturbances in nature.
5. Later addresses delivered to sister Lucia.
6. Address of Mother of God from 1954.
7. Jesus Christ’s words concerning recognition of the “Time” when “an alien object from the space” will burst and fall into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
8. Poisoning of the air on the entire earth with “Methane and gas from outer space”.
The “Punishments” that will affect humanity of the world are provided in full version of the “Address of Fátima” called the “Third Secret of Fátima”.
Life of the population of the United States of North America is in danger: earthquakes caused by emerging of “New Big Land”– “Sea bottom” out of the depths of the Arctic Sea. Water from the depth of approx. 4300 meters will be lifted up together with the sea bottom by a depth explosion provoking the “FLOOD” covering the low-lying territories of Canada with high-level sea water. Thrown out by the explosion the waters of the Arctic Sea will fall into: Baffin, Greenland, and Norwegian seas and then they will flow into the Atlantic Ocean. At the beginning the level of the seas and the Atlantic Ocean will be very high. The water flowing with a very high wave will be flooding and sinking low-lying shores; gradually the water level will be decreasing and later water will flow apart into seas and the ocean. The water level in the seas and the ocean will be higher than it is currently. The low-lying lands will be sunk together with city buildings, ports and other buildings. Water thrown out by depth explosion from the Arctic Sea on the territory of Canada will be flowing along its lowlands and falling into the ocean when the level in the ocean will be lower than on the territory of Canada. The water may partly flow onto lowlands of the USA.
Depth explosions will occur under the New York City and Washington and these cities will be destructed while the isle on which NY is situated will be flooded.
A war will break out in Asia during which nuclear weapon will be used. China aims at making the yellow race rule over the world. They will declare war on Russia, and after defeating it – on the Arab countries situated by the Persian Gulf and the countries situated by the Caspian Sea, countries in the south of Europe and they will drop missiles on the whole earth.
A war will break out in Europe, too. The German NPD party will come to power and will declare war on: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia.
After the disaster the Chinese army will invade the territories of the Mediterranean Sea to destroy and murder white people living in these areas.
Mary, Mother of God, calls all the Polish people to go back to Poland. People who live on coastal territories of the USA and in New York City and Washington and who believe in God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, should flee from the lowland shores of the USA and move to higher safe lands within 30 days after the „SIGN” appears in the sky. After the wave of FLOOD flows away, you may come back if the territory is not covered with water.
The high wave of FLOOD water flowing within the Atlantic Ocean towards the South Pole will be flooding and sinking low-lying territories, islands and shores of both Americas. Sea water from the flood will flow into the Caribbean Sea increasing its level by several meters. The lowlands of islands will be under water. Inhabitants of islands and shores of the Caribbean Sea should leave these territories within 30 days after the “SIGN” forecasting the Apocalypse appears in the sky and before the high flood wave comes on the territory of the Caribbean Sea.
People may come back to the islands on the Caribbean Sea that will not be sunk after downfall of the “Planetoid-boulder” in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea. People who stay on the islands of the Caribbean Sea before the downfall of the “Planetoid-boulder” will die.
Father Pio in his revelations passes the “Words” of Jesus:
“The gravity of the time induces Me to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that a great danger is looming over people if they do not change their behavior.
You do not know the day or the hour, when the punishment comes. My Father knows when it comes. Keep in mind this harsh admonition that he gives. Do not be afraid of it and do not ignore it for all the mankind is threatened with a danger. Because there is no much time left we have to use it ardently, not surrendering to the evil and not yielding. Your task and your duty is to point to the approaching danger for there will be no excuse that you did not know about it. The heaven has been waiting and warning for a long time but people do not care about it.
When it is too late, at night a “HUGE BOULDER” will appear out of white fog and will hit the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
The strike of such a “Huge Boulder” in the water of the Atlantic Ocean will result in immense destruction caused by “Tsunami” waves which will burst with a great power into the shores and islands, destroying everything on the way. Hot air around the “Planetoid-boulder” will cause fires and people’s death.
The fall of the “Planetoid-boulder” into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean may cause wobbling of the earth, depth rock movements; islands and parts of lands may sink; there will be earthquakes on both sides of the United States and the California Peninsula may tear off North America’s lands.
In order to save one’s life you need to believe in God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ; there is also a chance for those who will start believing in God now.
The words of Jesus refer to the strike of the “Huge Boulder” from outer space into the earth surface. “This will start on a very cold night. Thunders and earthquakes will linger for two days and two nights. This will prove that God rules above all of us. Those who have a hope in Me and believe My words, let they not fear anything, because I will not abandon them, as well as those who spread this revelation in order to make people come to their senses. Those who will be in a state of grace and with My Mother, those will survive.
In order to prepare you, I hereby give you the signs. Be careful: the last night will be very cold, the wind will be roaring and then thunders will be heard. Close the windows and doors, do not speak to anyone outside your home. Then kneel under a cross, repent for your sins and ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for care. Those who will not follow this advice, will die immediately, their hearts will not stand this view.
The air will be saturated with gas and poison which will spread over the whole earth. Those who shall be suffering innocently will not die but they will become martyrs and will enter God’s Kingdom.
On the third night fire and earthquakes will start and on the next day – the sun will shine.
Depth earthquakes may result in collapsing of buildings and may force people to leave their houses and go outside into the poisoned air. One should ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for salvation, in such words:
“Holy Queen, mediatrix of people, our only refuge and hope, be merciful to us.”
Wanda Stańka-Prószyńska
APOKALYPSEN – SYNDAFLODEN som kommer att drabba kungariket Sverige
Lovad vare Jesus Kristus.
APOKALYPSEN – SYNDAFLODEN som kommer att drabba kungariket Sverige
”Detta tecken som kommer att visas på himmelen är tecknet på Apokalypsens början”.
Människorna har vandrat bort från Gud. Det är satan som försäker att ta i besittning Kyrkan. Herre Gud vill inte tillåta detta, Han kommer att sända straff över människor så att de återvänder till Gud. Dessa straff finns nedskrivna i Bibeln – i Apokalypsen (Uppenbarelseboken), men de är chiffrerade ”till en viss tid”.
Dessa straff som kommer att drabba människor har meddelats av Modern till Herre Jesus Maria i ”Fatimabudskapet”. De finns nedskrivna av syster Lucia tillsammans med ”den Tredje Fatimahemligheten”. På befallning av Modern till Herre Jesus, Maria, skulle innehållet i ”Fatimabudskapet” kungöras till hela världen. Handlingarna överlämnades år 1953 till påven Pius XII. Syster Lucia hade skrivit på kuvertet som innehöll handlingarna att de fick offentliggöras till hela världen efter år 1960. Meningen med det var att människor skulle återvända till Gud då de fick känna till de straff som skulle drabba dem.
Påven Johannes XXIII, efter att ha gjort sig bekant med innehållet i den hemliga handlingen, blev förfärad och konstaterade att de i budskapet varslade om straffen gäller inte hans ”Tid”. ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” tilsammans med de nedskrivna straffen hamnade i Vatikanens kassaskåp.
Påven Paulus VI, efter att ha läst „Fatimabudskapet” vägrade att offentliggöra ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima”. Under Kuba-krisen däremot gjorde påven Paulus VI några avsnitt ur ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” tillgängliga till de oense parterna. Krigets utbrott blev det inte utan de oense parterna undertecknade ett fredsavtal.
Påven Johannes Paulus II, efter att ha gjort sig bekant med „Fatimabudskapet”, skickade handlingen till kassaskåpet utan att utföra Modern till Herre Jesus, Marias befallning att meddela det av syster Lucia nedskrivna innehållet i ”Fatimabudskapet” till hela världen.
Själva ”Himlen” fick ingripa hos påven Johannes Paulus II på natten beträffande meddelande av innehållet i ”Fatimabudskapet” till hela världen. Detta tillkännages i Stefan Budzynskis bok ”Guds beröring”, på sid. 91. Man kan endast ana att den Heligaste Maria, Modern till Herre Jesus, hade uppenbarat för påven världens framtida tragiska öde. När påven såg de faror som skulle drabba världen, fick han gråta.
”Fatimabudskapet” har översatts, såsom ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima”, från portugisiska till italienska. Översättningen omfattar:
1. ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” inklusive ”Fatimabudskapets” avsnitt som gäller ”Straffen”.
2. Förutsett förlopp av det tredje världskriget.
3. Störningar i naturen.
4. Senare budskap överlämnade till syster Lucia.
5. Guds Moders budskap från 1954.
6. Herre Jesu ord beträffande igenkännande av ”Tiden”, inträngande av en ”Planetoid-stenblock” in i jordens luftrum samt hur man ska bete sig för att inte förintas.
Kardinal Joseph Ratzinger, troskongregationens ordförande, erhöll den översatta texten av ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” från påven Johannes Paulus II, så att han skulle meddela den till hela världen på teve.
Texten av ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” finns utgiven i Stefan Budzynskis bok ”Guds beröring”, på sid. 72.
Påven Johannes Paulus II överlämnade ett exemplar av översättningen av ”Fatimabudskapet”, som i sin helhet betecknas som ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” till den polske katolske författaren Stefan Budzynski för bearbetning och tryckt utgivning i Polen. Hela det ”Fatmabudskapet”, vilket skrivits ner som ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima”, blev utgivet i boken med titeln ”Förutsägelser för världen”, med titeln ”Fatima 117” och är en sann översättning nedskriven av syster Lucia.
Vilka straff kommer att drabba mänskligheten över hela världen?
1. Det kommer att bryta ut krig i vilka kärnvapen kommmer att användas. I Asien kommer Kina att förklara krig mot Ryssland och därafter mot arabstaterna runt Persiska viken, mot staterna runt Kaspiska havet, mot Sydeuropa, och då kastar de kärnmissiler över hela världen.
2. Det tyska partiet NPD kommer att ta över makten i Tyskland och förklara krig mot Polen, Tjekien, Slovakia, Ryssland, i syfte att återvinna det gamla Königsberg från Ryssland, mot Litauen, Lettland, Estland, Danmark samt mot Österrike för att ansluta det till det ”Stora Tyskland”
3. Explosioner av kärnbomber kommer att orsaka jordbävningar.
4. ÖVERSVÄMNING på det norra halvklotet orsakad av uppdykande av ett ”Nytt land” från under Norra ishavets vatten.
5. Jordbävningar.
6. Vulkaner kommer att ha utbrott.
7. En „Planetoid-stenblock” kommer att tränga in i jordens luftrum och falla ner in i Atlantiska oceanens vatten, i närheten av Karibiska havet, och vålla fruktansvärd förstörelse inom området av Karibiska havet och de tre Amerikerna.
8. Gas kommmer att tränga in genom förstörda jonosfären och ut ur havsdjupet och förgifta luften över hela jorden.
Modern till Herre Jesus, Maria, vill rädda så många som möjligt utav människor i Sverige från ÖVERSVÄMNINGEN, de som tror på Gud Fader och Hans Son Jesus Kristus.
Efter det att TECKNET som varslar om Apokalypsen visar sig på himmelen, bör man inom 30 dagar lämna det av översvämningen hotade området och förflytta sig till Sveriges bergstrakter. När vattnet har rinnit bort kan man återvända hem om inte terrängen hade satts under vatten.
Djupa rörelser vid Atlantens botten kommer att vålla uppdykande av ett „Nytt stort land” ut ur havets djup, vilket i sin tur kommer att leda till översvämning av lågländerna i Sverige. Befolkningen som bor i norra Sverige kommer att lämna dessa trakter då man börjar erfara bävningarna på havets botten. De måste bara underrättas om var de kommer att vara säkra mot vattnet som kommer att lyftas upp och översvämma norra Sverige.
Befolkningen och djur bör riktas mot höglandstrakterna söderut, långt borta från polcirkeln, inom 30 dagar efter det att ”TECKNET” visar sig på himmelen, så att de får rädda sig från att drunkna.
Sveriges befolkning som bor på låglandstrakterna i västra delen: Dalsland, Västergötaland, och i södra delen: Skåne, bör lämna dessa trakter och förflytta sig mot Sveriges höglandstrakter, närmare till fjällen. In i dessa terränger kan en hög våg av vatten tränga in after det att den översvämmer Danmark.
Låglandstrakterna vid Sveriges östra kust kommer att översvämmas av havsvatten. De städer och hamn som ligger vid själva havsstranden kommer att sättas under vatten. Det är nu svårt att bedöma hur hög blir den våg som kommer att förflytta sig längs Norska havet eller till vilken nivå vattnet stiger i hav och oceaner. Man måste lämna sin bostad, endast för en kort tid, inom 30 dagar från kännbara bävningar under Norra ishavets botten, för att man inte drunknar. Vattennivå i Östersjön kommer att stiga med några meter jämfört med dagens nivå. Vatten som flyter in i Östersjön kommer att sjunka långsamt tills vattennivå jämnar ut sig på alla hav och oceaner som är förbundna med varandra, men förblir högre än idag.
Det kommmer att tränga in i jordens område en ”Planetoid-stenblock” från stjärnkonstellationen Lejonet och fall ner i Atlantiska oceanens vatten nära Karibiska havet, och vålla jordbävningar på djupet, förintelse av öar och delar av fastlandet samt förstörelse på öar och stränder i alla tre Ameriker. Höga havsvågor som uppstår, „Tsunami”, kommer att störta ner med jättestyrka på öar och stränder av Ameriker, Afrika och Europa, vållande enorma skador.
Genom jonosfären, som förstörs av inträngandet av ”Planetoid-stenblocken” till jordens område, kommer gas att flyta in från rymden och havsdjupet och kommer att förgifta luften över hela jorden.
Hela utgåvan av ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” innehåller, i kapitlet ”Herre Jesu Kristi ord”, upplysningar om ”Ord” riktade till mänskligheten om hur man känner igen ”Tiden” då ”Planetoid-stenblocken” tränger in jordens område: ”Det kommer att börja på en mycket kall natt. Åskknallar och jordbävningar kommer att vara två dagar och två nätter. Detta blir bevis att Gud är Herre över allt”. Han ger er tecken: den sista natten (den andra) blir mycket kall, vinden kommer att blåsa och efter en viss tid kommer det åskknallar. Stäng då dörrar och fönster och prata inte med någon som helst som inte hör hemma. Knäböj hemma under korset, ångra era synder och be Modern till Herre Jesus om omsorg. Den som inte lyssnar till detta råd förgås ögonblickligen. Hans hjärta härdar inte ut detta åsyn.
Luften bilr genomsyrad av gas och gift. Den sprider sig över hela jorden, man ska vistas i stängda utrymmen och tända ljus.
På den tredje dagen kommer eld och jordbävningar och dagen efter kommer solen att lysa igen.
För att man ska rädda sitt liv måste man vända sig till Herre Jesu Moder Maria i bön:
„Heliga Drottning, människors förmedlare, vår enda tillflykt och vårt enda hopp, var barmhärtig mot oss”.
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
Warszawa, den 17 december 2008
För att rädda fartyg ska man avsegla mot sydpolen och avvakta översvämningen i södra Afrikas hamn, och därefter återvända till Östersjön.
APOKALYPSEN – SYNDAFLODEN som kommer att drabba kungariket Sverige
”Detta tecken som kommer att visas på himmelen är tecknet på Apokalypsens början”.
Människorna har vandrat bort från Gud. Det är satan som försäker att ta i besittning Kyrkan. Herre Gud vill inte tillåta detta, Han kommer att sända straff över människor så att de återvänder till Gud. Dessa straff finns nedskrivna i Bibeln – i Apokalypsen (Uppenbarelseboken), men de är chiffrerade ”till en viss tid”.
Dessa straff som kommer att drabba människor har meddelats av Modern till Herre Jesus Maria i ”Fatimabudskapet”. De finns nedskrivna av syster Lucia tillsammans med ”den Tredje Fatimahemligheten”. På befallning av Modern till Herre Jesus, Maria, skulle innehållet i ”Fatimabudskapet” kungöras till hela världen. Handlingarna överlämnades år 1953 till påven Pius XII. Syster Lucia hade skrivit på kuvertet som innehöll handlingarna att de fick offentliggöras till hela världen efter år 1960. Meningen med det var att människor skulle återvända till Gud då de fick känna till de straff som skulle drabba dem.
Påven Johannes XXIII, efter att ha gjort sig bekant med innehållet i den hemliga handlingen, blev förfärad och konstaterade att de i budskapet varslade om straffen gäller inte hans ”Tid”. ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” tilsammans med de nedskrivna straffen hamnade i Vatikanens kassaskåp.
Påven Paulus VI, efter att ha läst „Fatimabudskapet” vägrade att offentliggöra ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima”. Under Kuba-krisen däremot gjorde påven Paulus VI några avsnitt ur ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” tillgängliga till de oense parterna. Krigets utbrott blev det inte utan de oense parterna undertecknade ett fredsavtal.
Påven Johannes Paulus II, efter att ha gjort sig bekant med „Fatimabudskapet”, skickade handlingen till kassaskåpet utan att utföra Modern till Herre Jesus, Marias befallning att meddela det av syster Lucia nedskrivna innehållet i ”Fatimabudskapet” till hela världen.
Själva ”Himlen” fick ingripa hos påven Johannes Paulus II på natten beträffande meddelande av innehållet i ”Fatimabudskapet” till hela världen. Detta tillkännages i Stefan Budzynskis bok ”Guds beröring”, på sid. 91. Man kan endast ana att den Heligaste Maria, Modern till Herre Jesus, hade uppenbarat för påven världens framtida tragiska öde. När påven såg de faror som skulle drabba världen, fick han gråta.
”Fatimabudskapet” har översatts, såsom ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima”, från portugisiska till italienska. Översättningen omfattar:
1. ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” inklusive ”Fatimabudskapets” avsnitt som gäller ”Straffen”.
2. Förutsett förlopp av det tredje världskriget.
3. Störningar i naturen.
4. Senare budskap överlämnade till syster Lucia.
5. Guds Moders budskap från 1954.
6. Herre Jesu ord beträffande igenkännande av ”Tiden”, inträngande av en ”Planetoid-stenblock” in i jordens luftrum samt hur man ska bete sig för att inte förintas.
Kardinal Joseph Ratzinger, troskongregationens ordförande, erhöll den översatta texten av ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” från påven Johannes Paulus II, så att han skulle meddela den till hela världen på teve.
Texten av ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” finns utgiven i Stefan Budzynskis bok ”Guds beröring”, på sid. 72.
Påven Johannes Paulus II överlämnade ett exemplar av översättningen av ”Fatimabudskapet”, som i sin helhet betecknas som ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” till den polske katolske författaren Stefan Budzynski för bearbetning och tryckt utgivning i Polen. Hela det ”Fatmabudskapet”, vilket skrivits ner som ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima”, blev utgivet i boken med titeln ”Förutsägelser för världen”, med titeln ”Fatima 117” och är en sann översättning nedskriven av syster Lucia.
Vilka straff kommer att drabba mänskligheten över hela världen?
1. Det kommer att bryta ut krig i vilka kärnvapen kommmer att användas. I Asien kommer Kina att förklara krig mot Ryssland och därafter mot arabstaterna runt Persiska viken, mot staterna runt Kaspiska havet, mot Sydeuropa, och då kastar de kärnmissiler över hela världen.
2. Det tyska partiet NPD kommer att ta över makten i Tyskland och förklara krig mot Polen, Tjekien, Slovakia, Ryssland, i syfte att återvinna det gamla Königsberg från Ryssland, mot Litauen, Lettland, Estland, Danmark samt mot Österrike för att ansluta det till det ”Stora Tyskland”
3. Explosioner av kärnbomber kommer att orsaka jordbävningar.
4. ÖVERSVÄMNING på det norra halvklotet orsakad av uppdykande av ett ”Nytt land” från under Norra ishavets vatten.
5. Jordbävningar.
6. Vulkaner kommer att ha utbrott.
7. En „Planetoid-stenblock” kommer att tränga in i jordens luftrum och falla ner in i Atlantiska oceanens vatten, i närheten av Karibiska havet, och vålla fruktansvärd förstörelse inom området av Karibiska havet och de tre Amerikerna.
8. Gas kommmer att tränga in genom förstörda jonosfären och ut ur havsdjupet och förgifta luften över hela jorden.
Modern till Herre Jesus, Maria, vill rädda så många som möjligt utav människor i Sverige från ÖVERSVÄMNINGEN, de som tror på Gud Fader och Hans Son Jesus Kristus.
Efter det att TECKNET som varslar om Apokalypsen visar sig på himmelen, bör man inom 30 dagar lämna det av översvämningen hotade området och förflytta sig till Sveriges bergstrakter. När vattnet har rinnit bort kan man återvända hem om inte terrängen hade satts under vatten.
Djupa rörelser vid Atlantens botten kommer att vålla uppdykande av ett „Nytt stort land” ut ur havets djup, vilket i sin tur kommer att leda till översvämning av lågländerna i Sverige. Befolkningen som bor i norra Sverige kommer att lämna dessa trakter då man börjar erfara bävningarna på havets botten. De måste bara underrättas om var de kommer att vara säkra mot vattnet som kommer att lyftas upp och översvämma norra Sverige.
Befolkningen och djur bör riktas mot höglandstrakterna söderut, långt borta från polcirkeln, inom 30 dagar efter det att ”TECKNET” visar sig på himmelen, så att de får rädda sig från att drunkna.
Sveriges befolkning som bor på låglandstrakterna i västra delen: Dalsland, Västergötaland, och i södra delen: Skåne, bör lämna dessa trakter och förflytta sig mot Sveriges höglandstrakter, närmare till fjällen. In i dessa terränger kan en hög våg av vatten tränga in after det att den översvämmer Danmark.
Låglandstrakterna vid Sveriges östra kust kommer att översvämmas av havsvatten. De städer och hamn som ligger vid själva havsstranden kommer att sättas under vatten. Det är nu svårt att bedöma hur hög blir den våg som kommer att förflytta sig längs Norska havet eller till vilken nivå vattnet stiger i hav och oceaner. Man måste lämna sin bostad, endast för en kort tid, inom 30 dagar från kännbara bävningar under Norra ishavets botten, för att man inte drunknar. Vattennivå i Östersjön kommer att stiga med några meter jämfört med dagens nivå. Vatten som flyter in i Östersjön kommer att sjunka långsamt tills vattennivå jämnar ut sig på alla hav och oceaner som är förbundna med varandra, men förblir högre än idag.
Det kommmer att tränga in i jordens område en ”Planetoid-stenblock” från stjärnkonstellationen Lejonet och fall ner i Atlantiska oceanens vatten nära Karibiska havet, och vålla jordbävningar på djupet, förintelse av öar och delar av fastlandet samt förstörelse på öar och stränder i alla tre Ameriker. Höga havsvågor som uppstår, „Tsunami”, kommer att störta ner med jättestyrka på öar och stränder av Ameriker, Afrika och Europa, vållande enorma skador.
Genom jonosfären, som förstörs av inträngandet av ”Planetoid-stenblocken” till jordens område, kommer gas att flyta in från rymden och havsdjupet och kommer att förgifta luften över hela jorden.
Hela utgåvan av ”Den tredje hemligheten från Fatima” innehåller, i kapitlet ”Herre Jesu Kristi ord”, upplysningar om ”Ord” riktade till mänskligheten om hur man känner igen ”Tiden” då ”Planetoid-stenblocken” tränger in jordens område: ”Det kommer att börja på en mycket kall natt. Åskknallar och jordbävningar kommer att vara två dagar och två nätter. Detta blir bevis att Gud är Herre över allt”. Han ger er tecken: den sista natten (den andra) blir mycket kall, vinden kommer att blåsa och efter en viss tid kommer det åskknallar. Stäng då dörrar och fönster och prata inte med någon som helst som inte hör hemma. Knäböj hemma under korset, ångra era synder och be Modern till Herre Jesus om omsorg. Den som inte lyssnar till detta råd förgås ögonblickligen. Hans hjärta härdar inte ut detta åsyn.
Luften bilr genomsyrad av gas och gift. Den sprider sig över hela jorden, man ska vistas i stängda utrymmen och tända ljus.
På den tredje dagen kommer eld och jordbävningar och dagen efter kommer solen att lysa igen.
För att man ska rädda sitt liv måste man vända sig till Herre Jesu Moder Maria i bön:
„Heliga Drottning, människors förmedlare, vår enda tillflykt och vårt enda hopp, var barmhärtig mot oss”.
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
Warszawa, den 17 december 2008
För att rädda fartyg ska man avsegla mot sydpolen och avvakta översvämningen i södra Afrikas hamn, och därefter återvända till Östersjön.
To the people of the Northern Hemisphere of the whole Earth
To the people of the Northern Hemisphere of the whole Earth.
On March 9, 2008, in the church at 17 Gwiaździsta Street in Warsaw during the service at 10.45, I heard the “Words” of God the Father, passed on by Jesus, executor of God the Father’s “Testament” written down in the Bible by St. John the Evangelist, called Apocalypse and referring to the people from all around the World:
“The SIGN which will appear in the sky is the sign of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.
At night on January 24-25, 1938, when the Second World War was to break out. The sing in the sky was the “Glow of Aurora”, seen all over Europe. The SIGN to appear in the sky will knock humanity to its knees.
The “SIGN” to appear in the sky will signal the beginning of the Apocalypse of the 21st century.
God uses some of us, the chosen ones, to pass on His “Words” addressed to people around the world. At the age of 10, unaware of it, while experiencing revelations of Mary, Mother of Jesus on August 26, 1935 on the meadows in Przygoda village, I, Wanda Stańska, was appointed by Mary, Mother of God and led by an angel to kneel down next to a visionary in order to vouch for the truthfulness of revelations of Mary, Mother of Jesus and to let her use me. The revelations on the meadows of Przygoda village started on July 12, 1935. Mary, Mother of Jesus appealed to people to pray and do penance for the “Punishment” was awaiting them. The war that broke out on September 3, 1939.
At present, Mary, Mother of Jesus, being aware of punishments that will affect people and the Earth, appeals to people to come back to God and stop doing evil.
During the revelations in Fátima, in July 1917, Mary, Mother of God gave an address to Lucia, and at the end of the revelations she explained and gave an additional, special “Address” to Lucia which has gone down in history under the name of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Many years later Lucia wrote down the content of the “Address” and in 1953 it was delivered in a sealed envelope to Pope Pius XII with sister’s Lucia note on the envelope saying that after 1960 the document could be revealed to the whole world.
Having made himself familiar with the content of the secret document, Pope Pius XII was distressed, horrified even. He sealed it again and secured it in the safe for his successor.
In 1958, John XXIII was elected pope. He made himself familiar with the secret as late as two years later. It shocked him. He concluded then that the terrible punishments predicted in the address did not refer to his times. He ordered that the document be placed with other most closely guarded Vatican secrets and prohibited anyone from disclosing any information about it. He believed that the publicizing of the address could trigger panic on a world scale.
Pope Paul VI – John XXIII’s successor, having read the address, approved the decision of his predecessors in recognizing that the document should remain a secret of Vatican for some time. Pope Paul VI shied away from publicizing the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Still, he had no doubts that at least a part of it should be used to secure peace in the world. This was done during the Cuban crisis. Revealing the content of some fragments of the address to the leaders of the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain in the years 1963-1964 resulted in them entering into a peace agreement.
John Paul II familiarized himself with the content of the address of Fátima after the assassination attempt on his life in St Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981. He acted similarly as his predecessors in placing the address of Fátima back in the Vatican safe, thus not fulfilling the wish of Mary, Mother of God, which was written on the envelope by sister Lucia. This wish was the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the whole world. The time of “Punishment” was approaching, and the content of the “Third Secret of Fátima” was hidden from the world in a closed Vatican safe, unknown to people.
At night, “HEAVEN” itself intervened with Pope John Paul II in his apartment on the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. This is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”], “John Paul II’s Secret Vision”, page 91. Quotation: “I have learnt about the dramatic vision experienced by John Paul II from the church sources shortly before the canonization of Maximilian Kolbe. His personal secretary, prelate Dziwisz, heard a loud voice of the pope coming from his apartment. He was surprised as he knew from the pope’s schedule that there were no visits planned at that time and it was not customary for John Paul to pray aloud.
When he heard the Pope’s words “Please, be merciful to Poland” he entered the room and saw the pope hiding his face in his hands. There were tears rolling down his face. He was dejected and sad. I touched the pope’s shoulder and asked: “What has happened, Your Holiness?”. After a moment of silence the pope replied: “Nothing, I am OK. – So, why are you crying, Holy Father?” asked Dziwisz. – If you had seen what I saw, you would be crying as well.”
Who was this mysterious person that John Paul II was obviously talking to? What did the pope see? – the “Punishments” that would afflict the world:
The whole “Address” of Fátima, also referred to as the “Third Secret of Fátima”, enumerates the “Punishments” that will afflict humans the world over, Poland included.
The life of people living in the northern hemisphere is in danger of wars in which nuclear weapons will be used, “FLOOD” caused by the emergence from the sea depths of the “New Big Land” and the flooding of the Earth by seawater which is over the future land. The fall of “Planetoid” – a big boulder from the Leo constellation, which will fall into the Atlantic Ocean, near the Caribbean Sea, flooding the shore areas of three Americas and islands on the Caribbean Sea, bringing about huge destruction and sinking of islands and some parts of land.
The things to come are described in the “Bible-Apocalypse” in chapter 21, verse 1:
I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone and the sea is now no more.
When reading St John’s words in chapter 21, verse 1 it was difficult for me to accept the information that the sea was no more. Unfortunately, in the „Third Secret of Fátima”, on page 118, line 5 from the bottom of the page, it is written that “Movements within the bed of the Atlantic Ocean will cause the emergence of a new land.” The “New Land” predicted in the “Third Secret of Fátima” is to emerge from the sea as a result of deep-sea movements within the bed of the Atlantic Sea which are to last for a few weeks.
Which sea mentioned in chapter 21, verse 1 does this prediction refer to? Nostradamus, in a couplet marked C2 K52 determines the place of emergence of the “New Land”.
For many nights the earth will shake twice in the spring, Asia will be in 2 seas.
At present Asia is surrounded by sea from three sides.
The prediction of Nostradamus may only be fulfilled if there is no Arctic Ocean. For the prediction of Nostradamus to come true, the Arctic Ocean and seas within the polar circle should cease to exist and beds of these seas be moved upward, thus creating “New Big Land”. Asia will then be surrounded by the sea only from its two sides and it will happen in the spring.
Nostradamus failed to predict that the huge amount of seawater thrown upward by the explosion from the northern seas will also hit Asia, flooding the area of the “West Siberian Lowland” and possibly rushing further through the Turgai Valley toward Kazakhstan and into the Aral Sea, from where it will flow into the Caspian Sea, thereby flooding the Turan Depression. The inhabitants of lowland in northern and western Asia are in danger of “FLOOD”.
Mary, Mother of Jesus, wants to save the people who believe or will believe in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. When they see the “Sign” in the sky they should leave the low-lying area of the ”West Siberian Lowland” and move on to the mountainous areas.
The water and ice over the bed of the Arctic Ocean are 4,300 m in depth. The seawater, together with the bed of the Arctic Ocean and beds of other nearby seas will be thrown up following depth shocks and explosions, and then it will flood, up to a high altitude, the low-lying northern areas of North America, Europe and Asia.
At that time wars will be fought in Asia: China will fight with the Russian Federation, in Europe: Germany will attack Poland and Russia in order to take over Kaliningrad.
In a photo taken in the Brooks Range in Alaska, from the Mount Michelson at an altitude of 2,816 m, or from a plane, after the explosion under the bed of the Arctic Ocean, the Rocky Mountains and the Brooks Range will be visible in Alaska, with the rest area flooded by water. Northern Canada, from the Mackenzie Mountains to the mountains of the Baffin Island and the Hudson Bay, is under water. Further to the east the Greenland glacier and its edges can be seen as well as the ridges of mountains in Iceland, with nothing but water all around. The photo also shows Europe with the Scandinavian Mountains and the ridge of the Ural Mountains, with nothing but water between them. In Asia, between the Ural Mountains and the Putoran Mountains, there is a huge body of water in the area of the West Siberian Lowland, with the Verkhoyansk Range seen further to the east surrounded by water from its western side. The Indigirka Lowland and the Kolyma Lowland will be completely flooded by water. Further to the east, the Anadyr Mountains and the Koryak Mountains can be seen, with water surrounding them.
He who sees these lowland areas in the very north flooded by water will have no doubts that it is impossible for anyone or anything to survive.
Therefore, when shocks are felt from deep underground in the very North, within 30 days (this is the time limit for people to save their lives) from seeing the sign in the sky signaling the Apocalypse, the inhabitants of the northern areas and animals living there should be moved on to a higher, safer place. Animals sense deep-sea shocks much faster than humans.
The seawater thrown up from the Arctic Ocean and other seas within the “North Pole” will flood all low-lying areas in the north and flow onto other further low-lying areas of the land, or into seas and oceans, substantially raising their water levels.
Following the explosion under the bed of the Arctic Ocean, less water from the northern seas will flow into the Pacific Ocean, thus reducing the level of flooding of shore areas of Asia and North America from the side of the Pacific Ocean.
A huge amount of water thrown up, as a result of a depth explosion, from the Arctic Ocean onto the areas of North America will flood Canada and Alaska. The low-lying areas of Canada will remain under the seawater as the level of water in the Atlantic Ocean will be higher. Some part of water will flow from Canada to the United States and into the Atlantic Ocean, following the flowing of a huge “Flood” wave and the lowering of the water level in the Atlantic Ocean.
Water thrown up as a result of depth explosion under the bed of the Arctic Ocean and other seas in the North, will rush into the Greenland Sea and the Norwegian Sea, raising the level of water up to a very high altitude. It will flow as a very high wave into the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, thus flooding the low-lying regions of Norway and Sweden, the whole area of the Netherlands and Denmark. Flooded by the high wave of the seawater will also be the area of northern Germany, northern and western areas of Belgium, western areas of France, eastern and northern areas of Great Britain as well as islands on the seas and on the Atlantic Ocean. Having flooded Denmark, the seawater, still as a high wave, will flow into the Baltic Sea, flooding the sandbars and shore areas of the whole Baltic Sea.
The low-lying areas in northern Poland will be flooded by seawater and some of them will be flooded as a result of a higher water level in the Baltic Sea.
Water thrown up as a result of depth explosion under the bed of the Arctic Ocean and from the northern seas, will rush toward the northern Europe, flooding the low-lying areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russian on the European side, after which it will flow into the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland, raising the level of water in the Baltic Sea. Within Europe, in Russia, the northern areas of tundra will be flooded by seawater.
At present, it is difficult to determine the height of the initial Flood wave, the level of seawater in the Baffin Bay, the Greenland Sea and the Norwegian Sea as well as in the area of Canada. The water from these seas will flow into the Atlantic Ocean. Water rushing from Canada will partly flood the low-lying northern areas of the United States. Following the lowering of the water level in the Atlantic Ocean, it will flow into this ocean. A clairvoyant to whom I spoke told me that he had seen a very high wall of water. He didn’t know that this was the water of the Arctic Ocean and other northern seas, lifted by the depth explosion, together with their beds that will turn into land.
At the same time, a very large amount of water from the northern seas will flow into the Atlantic Ocean, raising its water level up to a high altitude. This high “Flood” wave flowing in the Atlantic Ocean will flood these areas of land that border on the ocean. The seaside ports and towns will be completely flooded by seawater after the flowing of a high sea wave. Next, the water will occupy further areas. Still, the water level in the Atlantic Ocean will be higher than at present.
It is hard to accept the fact that your house will be flooded by a high wave of seawater. If you want to save your life, you have to leave it.
Animals living in the very north will sense the movements of the earth’s crust, gradually intensifying. The flight of animals from endangered areas will make inhabitants of such areas leave as well. In the “Third Secret of Fátima”, in a part concerning the depth movements of the earth’s crust under the bed of the Arctic Ocean, the following is written:
“From the north, cataclysms will hit the Chinese army already in Europe, during fights with Russia. It will last only a few weeks, but the dread it causes will be so horrific that it will be justified to conclude that the world has not experienced similar calamities before.
A few weeks: will it be 35 days or maybe 63 days of depth shocks, followed by a horrific explosion and the “FLOOD”.
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
To the people of the Northern Hemisphere of the whole Earth.
On March 9, 2008, in the church at 17 Gwiaździsta Street in Warsaw during the service at 10.45, I heard the “Words” of God the Father, passed on by Jesus, executor of God the Father’s “Testament” written down in the Bible by St. John the Evangelist, called Apocalypse and referring to the people from all around the World:
“The SIGN which will appear in the sky is the sign of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.
At night on January 24-25, 1938, when the Second World War was to break out. The sing in the sky was the “Glow of Aurora”, seen all over Europe. The SIGN to appear in the sky will knock humanity to its knees.
The “SIGN” to appear in the sky will signal the beginning of the Apocalypse of the 21st century.
God uses some of us, the chosen ones, to pass on His “Words” addressed to people around the world. At the age of 10, unaware of it, while experiencing revelations of Mary, Mother of Jesus on August 26, 1935 on the meadows in Przygoda village, I, Wanda Stańska, was appointed by Mary, Mother of God and led by an angel to kneel down next to a visionary in order to vouch for the truthfulness of revelations of Mary, Mother of Jesus and to let her use me. The revelations on the meadows of Przygoda village started on July 12, 1935. Mary, Mother of Jesus appealed to people to pray and do penance for the “Punishment” was awaiting them. The war that broke out on September 3, 1939.
At present, Mary, Mother of Jesus, being aware of punishments that will affect people and the Earth, appeals to people to come back to God and stop doing evil.
During the revelations in Fátima, in July 1917, Mary, Mother of God gave an address to Lucia, and at the end of the revelations she explained and gave an additional, special “Address” to Lucia which has gone down in history under the name of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Many years later Lucia wrote down the content of the “Address” and in 1953 it was delivered in a sealed envelope to Pope Pius XII with sister’s Lucia note on the envelope saying that after 1960 the document could be revealed to the whole world.
Having made himself familiar with the content of the secret document, Pope Pius XII was distressed, horrified even. He sealed it again and secured it in the safe for his successor.
In 1958, John XXIII was elected pope. He made himself familiar with the secret as late as two years later. It shocked him. He concluded then that the terrible punishments predicted in the address did not refer to his times. He ordered that the document be placed with other most closely guarded Vatican secrets and prohibited anyone from disclosing any information about it. He believed that the publicizing of the address could trigger panic on a world scale.
Pope Paul VI – John XXIII’s successor, having read the address, approved the decision of his predecessors in recognizing that the document should remain a secret of Vatican for some time. Pope Paul VI shied away from publicizing the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Still, he had no doubts that at least a part of it should be used to secure peace in the world. This was done during the Cuban crisis. Revealing the content of some fragments of the address to the leaders of the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain in the years 1963-1964 resulted in them entering into a peace agreement.
John Paul II familiarized himself with the content of the address of Fátima after the assassination attempt on his life in St Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981. He acted similarly as his predecessors in placing the address of Fátima back in the Vatican safe, thus not fulfilling the wish of Mary, Mother of God, which was written on the envelope by sister Lucia. This wish was the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the whole world. The time of “Punishment” was approaching, and the content of the “Third Secret of Fátima” was hidden from the world in a closed Vatican safe, unknown to people.
At night, “HEAVEN” itself intervened with Pope John Paul II in his apartment on the announcement of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. This is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”], “John Paul II’s Secret Vision”, page 91. Quotation: “I have learnt about the dramatic vision experienced by John Paul II from the church sources shortly before the canonization of Maximilian Kolbe. His personal secretary, prelate Dziwisz, heard a loud voice of the pope coming from his apartment. He was surprised as he knew from the pope’s schedule that there were no visits planned at that time and it was not customary for John Paul to pray aloud.
When he heard the Pope’s words “Please, be merciful to Poland” he entered the room and saw the pope hiding his face in his hands. There were tears rolling down his face. He was dejected and sad. I touched the pope’s shoulder and asked: “What has happened, Your Holiness?”. After a moment of silence the pope replied: “Nothing, I am OK. – So, why are you crying, Holy Father?” asked Dziwisz. – If you had seen what I saw, you would be crying as well.”
Who was this mysterious person that John Paul II was obviously talking to? What did the pope see? – the “Punishments” that would afflict the world:
The whole “Address” of Fátima, also referred to as the “Third Secret of Fátima”, enumerates the “Punishments” that will afflict humans the world over, Poland included.
The life of people living in the northern hemisphere is in danger of wars in which nuclear weapons will be used, “FLOOD” caused by the emergence from the sea depths of the “New Big Land” and the flooding of the Earth by seawater which is over the future land. The fall of “Planetoid” – a big boulder from the Leo constellation, which will fall into the Atlantic Ocean, near the Caribbean Sea, flooding the shore areas of three Americas and islands on the Caribbean Sea, bringing about huge destruction and sinking of islands and some parts of land.
The things to come are described in the “Bible-Apocalypse” in chapter 21, verse 1:
I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone and the sea is now no more.
When reading St John’s words in chapter 21, verse 1 it was difficult for me to accept the information that the sea was no more. Unfortunately, in the „Third Secret of Fátima”, on page 118, line 5 from the bottom of the page, it is written that “Movements within the bed of the Atlantic Ocean will cause the emergence of a new land.” The “New Land” predicted in the “Third Secret of Fátima” is to emerge from the sea as a result of deep-sea movements within the bed of the Atlantic Sea which are to last for a few weeks.
Which sea mentioned in chapter 21, verse 1 does this prediction refer to? Nostradamus, in a couplet marked C2 K52 determines the place of emergence of the “New Land”.
For many nights the earth will shake twice in the spring, Asia will be in 2 seas.
At present Asia is surrounded by sea from three sides.
The prediction of Nostradamus may only be fulfilled if there is no Arctic Ocean. For the prediction of Nostradamus to come true, the Arctic Ocean and seas within the polar circle should cease to exist and beds of these seas be moved upward, thus creating “New Big Land”. Asia will then be surrounded by the sea only from its two sides and it will happen in the spring.
Nostradamus failed to predict that the huge amount of seawater thrown upward by the explosion from the northern seas will also hit Asia, flooding the area of the “West Siberian Lowland” and possibly rushing further through the Turgai Valley toward Kazakhstan and into the Aral Sea, from where it will flow into the Caspian Sea, thereby flooding the Turan Depression. The inhabitants of lowland in northern and western Asia are in danger of “FLOOD”.
Mary, Mother of Jesus, wants to save the people who believe or will believe in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. When they see the “Sign” in the sky they should leave the low-lying area of the ”West Siberian Lowland” and move on to the mountainous areas.
The water and ice over the bed of the Arctic Ocean are 4,300 m in depth. The seawater, together with the bed of the Arctic Ocean and beds of other nearby seas will be thrown up following depth shocks and explosions, and then it will flood, up to a high altitude, the low-lying northern areas of North America, Europe and Asia.
At that time wars will be fought in Asia: China will fight with the Russian Federation, in Europe: Germany will attack Poland and Russia in order to take over Kaliningrad.
In a photo taken in the Brooks Range in Alaska, from the Mount Michelson at an altitude of 2,816 m, or from a plane, after the explosion under the bed of the Arctic Ocean, the Rocky Mountains and the Brooks Range will be visible in Alaska, with the rest area flooded by water. Northern Canada, from the Mackenzie Mountains to the mountains of the Baffin Island and the Hudson Bay, is under water. Further to the east the Greenland glacier and its edges can be seen as well as the ridges of mountains in Iceland, with nothing but water all around. The photo also shows Europe with the Scandinavian Mountains and the ridge of the Ural Mountains, with nothing but water between them. In Asia, between the Ural Mountains and the Putoran Mountains, there is a huge body of water in the area of the West Siberian Lowland, with the Verkhoyansk Range seen further to the east surrounded by water from its western side. The Indigirka Lowland and the Kolyma Lowland will be completely flooded by water. Further to the east, the Anadyr Mountains and the Koryak Mountains can be seen, with water surrounding them.
He who sees these lowland areas in the very north flooded by water will have no doubts that it is impossible for anyone or anything to survive.
Therefore, when shocks are felt from deep underground in the very North, within 30 days (this is the time limit for people to save their lives) from seeing the sign in the sky signaling the Apocalypse, the inhabitants of the northern areas and animals living there should be moved on to a higher, safer place. Animals sense deep-sea shocks much faster than humans.
The seawater thrown up from the Arctic Ocean and other seas within the “North Pole” will flood all low-lying areas in the north and flow onto other further low-lying areas of the land, or into seas and oceans, substantially raising their water levels.
Following the explosion under the bed of the Arctic Ocean, less water from the northern seas will flow into the Pacific Ocean, thus reducing the level of flooding of shore areas of Asia and North America from the side of the Pacific Ocean.
A huge amount of water thrown up, as a result of a depth explosion, from the Arctic Ocean onto the areas of North America will flood Canada and Alaska. The low-lying areas of Canada will remain under the seawater as the level of water in the Atlantic Ocean will be higher. Some part of water will flow from Canada to the United States and into the Atlantic Ocean, following the flowing of a huge “Flood” wave and the lowering of the water level in the Atlantic Ocean.
Water thrown up as a result of depth explosion under the bed of the Arctic Ocean and other seas in the North, will rush into the Greenland Sea and the Norwegian Sea, raising the level of water up to a very high altitude. It will flow as a very high wave into the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, thus flooding the low-lying regions of Norway and Sweden, the whole area of the Netherlands and Denmark. Flooded by the high wave of the seawater will also be the area of northern Germany, northern and western areas of Belgium, western areas of France, eastern and northern areas of Great Britain as well as islands on the seas and on the Atlantic Ocean. Having flooded Denmark, the seawater, still as a high wave, will flow into the Baltic Sea, flooding the sandbars and shore areas of the whole Baltic Sea.
The low-lying areas in northern Poland will be flooded by seawater and some of them will be flooded as a result of a higher water level in the Baltic Sea.
Water thrown up as a result of depth explosion under the bed of the Arctic Ocean and from the northern seas, will rush toward the northern Europe, flooding the low-lying areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russian on the European side, after which it will flow into the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland, raising the level of water in the Baltic Sea. Within Europe, in Russia, the northern areas of tundra will be flooded by seawater.
At present, it is difficult to determine the height of the initial Flood wave, the level of seawater in the Baffin Bay, the Greenland Sea and the Norwegian Sea as well as in the area of Canada. The water from these seas will flow into the Atlantic Ocean. Water rushing from Canada will partly flood the low-lying northern areas of the United States. Following the lowering of the water level in the Atlantic Ocean, it will flow into this ocean. A clairvoyant to whom I spoke told me that he had seen a very high wall of water. He didn’t know that this was the water of the Arctic Ocean and other northern seas, lifted by the depth explosion, together with their beds that will turn into land.
At the same time, a very large amount of water from the northern seas will flow into the Atlantic Ocean, raising its water level up to a high altitude. This high “Flood” wave flowing in the Atlantic Ocean will flood these areas of land that border on the ocean. The seaside ports and towns will be completely flooded by seawater after the flowing of a high sea wave. Next, the water will occupy further areas. Still, the water level in the Atlantic Ocean will be higher than at present.
It is hard to accept the fact that your house will be flooded by a high wave of seawater. If you want to save your life, you have to leave it.
Animals living in the very north will sense the movements of the earth’s crust, gradually intensifying. The flight of animals from endangered areas will make inhabitants of such areas leave as well. In the “Third Secret of Fátima”, in a part concerning the depth movements of the earth’s crust under the bed of the Arctic Ocean, the following is written:
“From the north, cataclysms will hit the Chinese army already in Europe, during fights with Russia. It will last only a few weeks, but the dread it causes will be so horrific that it will be justified to conclude that the world has not experienced similar calamities before.
A few weeks: will it be 35 days or maybe 63 days of depth shocks, followed by a horrific explosion and the “FLOOD”.
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
APOKALYPSE – FLODEN som vil oversvømme Kongerike Norge
Velsignet er Jesus Kristus.
APOKALYPSE – FLODEN som vil oversvømme Kongerike Norge.
I henhold til “Bud” fra Fatima som Guds Mor Maria gjennom skal søsteren Lucia sprede ut
over hele verden.
“Denne TEGN, som vises på himmelen betyr at Apokalypse har begynt.”
Og mennesker forlot Gud. Satan vil styre over verden og han vil forsøke å beherske Kirken. Gud vil ikke la det skje, straffer menneskene, slik at de vender seg tilbake til Gud. Disse straffene er beskrevet i Bibelen-Apokalypse, men kodet til “Tiden” kommer.
Disse straffene ble beskrevet i “Budet” fra Fatima overført av Jezus` Mor Maria i juli 1917 og til slutt overleverte Jomfru Maria en spesiell “Bud” til søsteren Lucia. “Budet” som ble kjent under navn av “Det tredje mysteriet fra Fatima”. Mange år senere skrevet søsteren Lucia ned “Budet”. I det Guds Mor Maria beordrer å spre “Budet” over hele verden. Dokumentet ble levert til pave Pius XII. På konvolutten stod det søsterens Lucias notat – etter 1960 skulle “Budet” spres over hele verden. Med tanke på at menneskene skal slutte å gjøre ondskap og vende seg tilbake til Gud etter at de blir kjent med straffene som er i vente.
Etter å bli kjent med det hemmelige dokumentets innhold var pave Pius XII forferdet og rystet. Han forseglet dokumentet på nytt og la det ligge i seifen i Watikan ventende for sin etterkommer.
Pave Johannes Paulus II ble kjent med “Budets” eller “Det tredje mysteriets fra Fatima” innhold etter attentatet som skjedde på Sankt Peters plass sendt dokumentet tilbake til seifen og ikke oppfylte Jesus` Mors ønske – å vise hemmeligheten til hele verden mens “Tiden” for straff nærmet seg til slutt av 1900-årene.
Selve “HIMMELEN” blendet seg i saken – i natt hos pave Johannes Paulus II. Det står i boken til Stefan Budzyński som heter “Guds berøring” på side 91. Johannes Paulus` II mysteriøs visjon. Man kan bare gjette om Jomfru Maria Jesus` Mor viste til paven verdens fremtidige tragisk sjebne. Etter å ha sett det som verden skal lide, gråt paven. Etter “Himmelens” intervensjon ba paven Johannes Paulus II om oversettelse “Det tredje mysteriet” fra portugesisk til italiensk.
Kardinal Joseph Ratzinger som var prefekt til Trodoktrinens kongregasjon overleverte paven Johannes Paulus II oversatt tekst til “Det tredje mysteriet” slik at det skulle sendes ut til hele verden på tv.
Teksten til “Det tredje mysteriet” finnes i Stefan Budzyńskis bok som heter “Guds berøring” på side 72.
Et egsemplær av oversettelse av “Det tredje mysteriet” av det hele “Budet” fra Fatima fra portugesisk original overleverte paven Johannes Paulus II til en katolsk forfatter Stanisław Budzyński for å bearbeide teksten og trykke den i Polen. “Det tredje mysteriet” ble trykket i bok “Spådommer til verden”. Under tittel “Fatima 117”. “Fatima 117” inneholder:
1. Det tredje mysteriet fra Fatima.
2. Forutsatt tredje verdenskrig.
3. Forstyrrelser i naturen.
4. Senere bud som ble overlevert til søsteren Lucia.
5. Jomfru Marias bud fra 1954.
6. Jesus ord som beskriver tidspunktet for invasjon av “Planetoid-stein” og giftig luft, gass over hele Jorden.
Hva slags straff skal straffe mennesker over hele verden?
1. Det bryter ut kriger der det brukes atomvåpen. I Asia starter Kina krigen mot Russland, og senere mot arabiske land som ligger ved den Persiske Gulf og landene ved det Kaspiske Havet, Sør-Europa og bomber Verden med atomvåpen.
2. Det tyske partiet NPD kommer til makten i Tyskland og erklærer krig mot Polen, Tsjekkia, Slovakia og Russland for å ta fra Russland den gamle byen Königsberg. Etter å ha vunnet over Polen, Tsjekkia, Slovakia og vinne tilbake Königsberg, skal Tyskland erklære krig mot Livauen, Latvia, Estonia, Danmark og inkluderer Østerrike til “det Store Tyskland”.
3. Atomvåpens utløsning skal forårsake forferdelige jordskjelv.
4. FLOMMEN på den nordlige halvkulen blir forårsaket av forutsatt hendelse – fra det Arktiske Havet vises det “det Nye Store Landet”.
5. Vulkaner over hele Europa eksploderer og det kommer til jordskjelv under Middelhavet, forferdelig høye bølger slår mot landets og øyenes kyst og fører til enorme skader.
6. Kinesisk hær skal herje over Sør-Europa.
7. “Planetoid-stein” nærmer seg til Jorden og faller ned i Atlanterhavet. Det fører til forferdelige katastrofe på det Karibiske Havet og de tre Amerikaer.
8. Gjennom skadet atmosfære og fra havets dyper kommer det gass som forgifter Jordens luft.
Ubegripelig høy vannbølge faller nedover land som ligger i Norden og oversvømmer dem før vannet svømmer videre ned og til havet. Det er umulig for mennesker og dyr å overleve dette hvis de ikke flyttes til trygg sted som ligger høyere.
Jesus` Mor Maria vil redde mennesker fra Norge fra FLODEN. Hun vil redde mennesker som tror eller vil tro på Gud og Hans Sønn Jesus. De skal forlate Nord-Norge i 30 dager fra tidspunktet TEGNET vises på himmelen og skal dra sørover til steder som ligger høyere på fjellet eller i Sør-Sverige. Den enorme mengden av vann som faller nedover Nord-Norge skal ødelegge alt. Senere kan de komme tilbake for å se hva som gjenstår.
Mennesker som bor i Vest-Norge og på øyer skal forlate dem i 30 dager fra tidspunktet TEGNET vises på himmelen og dra til steder som ligger høyere på fjellet. Når undersjøiske jordskjelv begynner og lyden til sprekkende fjell. Vannet fra sjøen som blir presset ut skal svømme gjennom Nordsjøen og oversvømme land. Havn og byer som ligger ved havet bir oversvømmet. Havnivå blir noen meter høyere. Bølgen vil bli lavere ved å spre seg over havene.
Mennesker som bor i Sør-Norge skal forlate bosteder og flytte seg til fjellene også i 30 dager fra tidspunktet TEGNET vises på himmelen. Bølgen vil være lavere her – opptil 300 meter og oversvømme Oslofjorden og Norges hovedstad Oslo. Kongen med familien skal flytte seg til fjellene. Englands dronning kommer ikke til å gjøre det og hun kan omkomme.
Norges kyst vil bli stormet av “Tsunami” forårsaket av undersjøisk jordskjelv under Ny York og Washington. Byene blir ødelagt.
Under Rhinen i Westfall vil kontinentale plater bevege seg. Byene i Tyskland i ved Ruhra skal falle ned og vannet oversvømmer dem. Nordlige delen av Tyskland blir oversvømt og Nederland.
Norsk flote skal dra til Syd-Polen og vente i en havn i Afrika i Luanda eller en annen, slik at den unngår å bli ødelagt. Etter at bølgen går over kan den dra tilbake til Norge med mat.
Jodren vil bli truffet av “Planetoide”. Det vil være en meget stor “STEIN”, ikke en komett. Faderen Pio sier også at det blir “Stein”. Mens den nærmer seg Jorden vil “Planetoide-Stein” varme seg opp til den glør og smådeler som faller fra den vil forårsake brann og ødelegge Paris. “Planetoide-Stein” vil treffe Atlanterhavet ved det Karibiske Havet og forårsake enorme skader i de tre Amerikaer og undersjøisk jordskjelv. Forferdelig store bølger av “Tsunami” vil falle over øyer og kyst og Europa og Asia og føre til enorme skader. Noen øyer og en del land på det Karibiske Havet vil falle ned. Undersjøiske jordskjelv etter Planetoides fall i Atlanterhavet vil føre til enorme jordskjelv ved Amerikaenes vestkyst.
“Det tredje mysteriet fra Fatima” forteller hvordan man skal kjenne til “Tiden” for “Planetoide-Stein” faller ned på Jorden. Det står på side 123.
Jesus` ord til vedens mennesker:
“Det vil skje i en mørk natt. Tordner og jordskjelv vil vare i to dager og to netter. Det skal blåse voldsomt. Den andre natten blir veldig kald, vinden vil tordne og det vil tordne omkring. Da lukker dere vinduer og dører, ikke går ut, sjermer vinduene. Kne foran korset, angre for deres synd og be Min Mor Maria om verne. Alle som ikke adyder, dør, for deres hjerter ikke vil tåle et sånt syn. Luften vil bli full av gass og forgiftet. Den vil omfavne hele Jorden.
Man skal be til Jesus` Mor Maria og be om verne og hjelp:
“Du, Hellige Dronningen, vår formidler og eneste håp, ha nåde over oss.”
Den tredje natten kommer det ild og jordskjelv og neste dagen kommer det sol, havet vil bli stille, straffene sluttes. En tredjedel av mennesker kan dø.
Mennsker har forlatet Gud. Bare de som tror på Gud, Hans Sønn Jesus og Hans Mor Maria har sjanse til å overleve. Jødene vil ikke gjenkjenne Jesus for Gud og derfor skal de straffes. De vil ikke forstå og anklager andre mennesker.
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
Warszawa, dato 03. desember 2008
For å redde floten skal alle skipene dra mot Syd-Polen og vente i havnene der og komme tilbake til Østersjøen når floden går over.
APOKALYPSE – FLODEN som vil oversvømme Kongerike Norge.
I henhold til “Bud” fra Fatima som Guds Mor Maria gjennom skal søsteren Lucia sprede ut
over hele verden.
“Denne TEGN, som vises på himmelen betyr at Apokalypse har begynt.”
Og mennesker forlot Gud. Satan vil styre over verden og han vil forsøke å beherske Kirken. Gud vil ikke la det skje, straffer menneskene, slik at de vender seg tilbake til Gud. Disse straffene er beskrevet i Bibelen-Apokalypse, men kodet til “Tiden” kommer.
Disse straffene ble beskrevet i “Budet” fra Fatima overført av Jezus` Mor Maria i juli 1917 og til slutt overleverte Jomfru Maria en spesiell “Bud” til søsteren Lucia. “Budet” som ble kjent under navn av “Det tredje mysteriet fra Fatima”. Mange år senere skrevet søsteren Lucia ned “Budet”. I det Guds Mor Maria beordrer å spre “Budet” over hele verden. Dokumentet ble levert til pave Pius XII. På konvolutten stod det søsterens Lucias notat – etter 1960 skulle “Budet” spres over hele verden. Med tanke på at menneskene skal slutte å gjøre ondskap og vende seg tilbake til Gud etter at de blir kjent med straffene som er i vente.
Etter å bli kjent med det hemmelige dokumentets innhold var pave Pius XII forferdet og rystet. Han forseglet dokumentet på nytt og la det ligge i seifen i Watikan ventende for sin etterkommer.
Pave Johannes Paulus II ble kjent med “Budets” eller “Det tredje mysteriets fra Fatima” innhold etter attentatet som skjedde på Sankt Peters plass sendt dokumentet tilbake til seifen og ikke oppfylte Jesus` Mors ønske – å vise hemmeligheten til hele verden mens “Tiden” for straff nærmet seg til slutt av 1900-årene.
Selve “HIMMELEN” blendet seg i saken – i natt hos pave Johannes Paulus II. Det står i boken til Stefan Budzyński som heter “Guds berøring” på side 91. Johannes Paulus` II mysteriøs visjon. Man kan bare gjette om Jomfru Maria Jesus` Mor viste til paven verdens fremtidige tragisk sjebne. Etter å ha sett det som verden skal lide, gråt paven. Etter “Himmelens” intervensjon ba paven Johannes Paulus II om oversettelse “Det tredje mysteriet” fra portugesisk til italiensk.
Kardinal Joseph Ratzinger som var prefekt til Trodoktrinens kongregasjon overleverte paven Johannes Paulus II oversatt tekst til “Det tredje mysteriet” slik at det skulle sendes ut til hele verden på tv.
Teksten til “Det tredje mysteriet” finnes i Stefan Budzyńskis bok som heter “Guds berøring” på side 72.
Et egsemplær av oversettelse av “Det tredje mysteriet” av det hele “Budet” fra Fatima fra portugesisk original overleverte paven Johannes Paulus II til en katolsk forfatter Stanisław Budzyński for å bearbeide teksten og trykke den i Polen. “Det tredje mysteriet” ble trykket i bok “Spådommer til verden”. Under tittel “Fatima 117”. “Fatima 117” inneholder:
1. Det tredje mysteriet fra Fatima.
2. Forutsatt tredje verdenskrig.
3. Forstyrrelser i naturen.
4. Senere bud som ble overlevert til søsteren Lucia.
5. Jomfru Marias bud fra 1954.
6. Jesus ord som beskriver tidspunktet for invasjon av “Planetoid-stein” og giftig luft, gass over hele Jorden.
Hva slags straff skal straffe mennesker over hele verden?
1. Det bryter ut kriger der det brukes atomvåpen. I Asia starter Kina krigen mot Russland, og senere mot arabiske land som ligger ved den Persiske Gulf og landene ved det Kaspiske Havet, Sør-Europa og bomber Verden med atomvåpen.
2. Det tyske partiet NPD kommer til makten i Tyskland og erklærer krig mot Polen, Tsjekkia, Slovakia og Russland for å ta fra Russland den gamle byen Königsberg. Etter å ha vunnet over Polen, Tsjekkia, Slovakia og vinne tilbake Königsberg, skal Tyskland erklære krig mot Livauen, Latvia, Estonia, Danmark og inkluderer Østerrike til “det Store Tyskland”.
3. Atomvåpens utløsning skal forårsake forferdelige jordskjelv.
4. FLOMMEN på den nordlige halvkulen blir forårsaket av forutsatt hendelse – fra det Arktiske Havet vises det “det Nye Store Landet”.
5. Vulkaner over hele Europa eksploderer og det kommer til jordskjelv under Middelhavet, forferdelig høye bølger slår mot landets og øyenes kyst og fører til enorme skader.
6. Kinesisk hær skal herje over Sør-Europa.
7. “Planetoid-stein” nærmer seg til Jorden og faller ned i Atlanterhavet. Det fører til forferdelige katastrofe på det Karibiske Havet og de tre Amerikaer.
8. Gjennom skadet atmosfære og fra havets dyper kommer det gass som forgifter Jordens luft.
Ubegripelig høy vannbølge faller nedover land som ligger i Norden og oversvømmer dem før vannet svømmer videre ned og til havet. Det er umulig for mennesker og dyr å overleve dette hvis de ikke flyttes til trygg sted som ligger høyere.
Jesus` Mor Maria vil redde mennesker fra Norge fra FLODEN. Hun vil redde mennesker som tror eller vil tro på Gud og Hans Sønn Jesus. De skal forlate Nord-Norge i 30 dager fra tidspunktet TEGNET vises på himmelen og skal dra sørover til steder som ligger høyere på fjellet eller i Sør-Sverige. Den enorme mengden av vann som faller nedover Nord-Norge skal ødelegge alt. Senere kan de komme tilbake for å se hva som gjenstår.
Mennesker som bor i Vest-Norge og på øyer skal forlate dem i 30 dager fra tidspunktet TEGNET vises på himmelen og dra til steder som ligger høyere på fjellet. Når undersjøiske jordskjelv begynner og lyden til sprekkende fjell. Vannet fra sjøen som blir presset ut skal svømme gjennom Nordsjøen og oversvømme land. Havn og byer som ligger ved havet bir oversvømmet. Havnivå blir noen meter høyere. Bølgen vil bli lavere ved å spre seg over havene.
Mennesker som bor i Sør-Norge skal forlate bosteder og flytte seg til fjellene også i 30 dager fra tidspunktet TEGNET vises på himmelen. Bølgen vil være lavere her – opptil 300 meter og oversvømme Oslofjorden og Norges hovedstad Oslo. Kongen med familien skal flytte seg til fjellene. Englands dronning kommer ikke til å gjøre det og hun kan omkomme.
Norges kyst vil bli stormet av “Tsunami” forårsaket av undersjøisk jordskjelv under Ny York og Washington. Byene blir ødelagt.
Under Rhinen i Westfall vil kontinentale plater bevege seg. Byene i Tyskland i ved Ruhra skal falle ned og vannet oversvømmer dem. Nordlige delen av Tyskland blir oversvømt og Nederland.
Norsk flote skal dra til Syd-Polen og vente i en havn i Afrika i Luanda eller en annen, slik at den unngår å bli ødelagt. Etter at bølgen går over kan den dra tilbake til Norge med mat.
Jodren vil bli truffet av “Planetoide”. Det vil være en meget stor “STEIN”, ikke en komett. Faderen Pio sier også at det blir “Stein”. Mens den nærmer seg Jorden vil “Planetoide-Stein” varme seg opp til den glør og smådeler som faller fra den vil forårsake brann og ødelegge Paris. “Planetoide-Stein” vil treffe Atlanterhavet ved det Karibiske Havet og forårsake enorme skader i de tre Amerikaer og undersjøisk jordskjelv. Forferdelig store bølger av “Tsunami” vil falle over øyer og kyst og Europa og Asia og føre til enorme skader. Noen øyer og en del land på det Karibiske Havet vil falle ned. Undersjøiske jordskjelv etter Planetoides fall i Atlanterhavet vil føre til enorme jordskjelv ved Amerikaenes vestkyst.
“Det tredje mysteriet fra Fatima” forteller hvordan man skal kjenne til “Tiden” for “Planetoide-Stein” faller ned på Jorden. Det står på side 123.
Jesus` ord til vedens mennesker:
“Det vil skje i en mørk natt. Tordner og jordskjelv vil vare i to dager og to netter. Det skal blåse voldsomt. Den andre natten blir veldig kald, vinden vil tordne og det vil tordne omkring. Da lukker dere vinduer og dører, ikke går ut, sjermer vinduene. Kne foran korset, angre for deres synd og be Min Mor Maria om verne. Alle som ikke adyder, dør, for deres hjerter ikke vil tåle et sånt syn. Luften vil bli full av gass og forgiftet. Den vil omfavne hele Jorden.
Man skal be til Jesus` Mor Maria og be om verne og hjelp:
“Du, Hellige Dronningen, vår formidler og eneste håp, ha nåde over oss.”
Den tredje natten kommer det ild og jordskjelv og neste dagen kommer det sol, havet vil bli stille, straffene sluttes. En tredjedel av mennesker kan dø.
Mennsker har forlatet Gud. Bare de som tror på Gud, Hans Sønn Jesus og Hans Mor Maria har sjanse til å overleve. Jødene vil ikke gjenkjenne Jesus for Gud og derfor skal de straffes. De vil ikke forstå og anklager andre mennesker.
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
Warszawa, dato 03. desember 2008
For å redde floten skal alle skipene dra mot Syd-Polen og vente i havnene der og komme tilbake til Østersjøen når floden går over.
Geloofd zij de Heer Jezus Christus
APOCALYS – ZONDVLOED treft het Koninkrijk der NEDERLANDEN.
De mensheid heeft zich van God afgewend. De wereld wordt door satan beheerd die de Kerk in zijn macht probeert te krijgen. God laat dit niet toe. Hij stuurt „Straffen” naar de mensheid. Deze werden door de Heilige apostel Johannes opgetekend in „het Bijbelse boek dat de Apocalyps wordt genoemd” maar die in „Tijd” werden gecodeerd.
Die „Straffen” die reeds ontcijferd werden, werden door Maria,de Moeder van Jezus, overgemaakt in de „Boodschap” van Fatima met de aanbeveling om deze boodschap aan de hele wereld bekend te maken. Zuster Lucia tekende ze op en ze werden overhandigd aan Paus Pius XII met op de envelop een aantekening van zuster Lucia: „na 1960 mogen ze aan de hele wereld bekend worden gemaakt”.
Paus Pius XII schrok erg toen hij kennis nam van de inhoud van het document. Hij verzegelde het document opnieuw en bergde het veilig op in de safe van het Vaticaan voor zijn opvolgers.
Ook Paus Johannes XXIII schrok hevig toen hij kennis nam van de inhoud van het geheime document, en verklaarde dat de vreselijke „Straffen”, die in de „Boodschap” van Fatima worden aangekondigd, zijn tijd niet betreffen. Het document belandde alsdusdanig opnieuw in de safe van het Vaticaan.
Paus Paulus VI bekende, na kennisneming van de inhoud van de „Boodschap” van Fatima, dat het document voor enige tijd het geheim van het Vaticaan moest blijven.
Daarentegen maakte hij aan de in onenigheid verkerende partijen van de Cubaanse crisis de fragmenten van de „Boodschap” van Fatima bekend die samen met de „Inhoud van het Derde Geheim van Fatima” werden opgetekend.
De onderling geagiteerde partijen gingen daarna meteen over tot het sluiten van een vredesovereenkomst.
Na kennis te hebben genomen van de inhoud van het Derde Geheim van Fatima, bergde Paus Johannes Paulus II het opnieuw veilig op in de safe. De wens van Maria om de volledige „Boodschap” van Fatima aan de Wereld te verkondigen, werd niet vervuld daar de tijd van de straf naderde, aan het eind van de 20ste eeuw.
's Nachts intervenieerde de „Hemel” zelf bij Paus Johannes II inzake de verkondiging van het Derde Geheim van Fatima. Dit gebeurde in zijn flat op het Vaticaan. Hierover wordt verhaald in het boek van Stefan Budzyński „Dotknięcie Boga” („De Aanraking van God”) op pagina 91 in „Het Geheime Visioen van Paus Johannes Paulus II”. We kunnen enkel vermoeden dat de Heilige Maagd Maria, Moeder van Jezus, het tragische toekomstige lot van de Wereld aan de Paus bekendmaakte. Toen Paus Johannes Paulus II te zien kreeg wat de wereld te wachten staat, barstte hij in tranen los en beloofde hij het „Derde Geheim van Fatima” in zijn geheel te publiceren. Paus Johannes Paulus II vroeg om de vertaling van het Derde Geheim van Fatima van het Portugees naar het Italiaans. Hij maakte de vertaling van tekst van zuster Lucia „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” over aan Kardinaal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect van de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer, om het via de televisie bekend te maken.
De tweede tekst van de vertaling van „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” met het origineel van zuster Lucia in het Portugees, werd door de Paus overgemaakt aan de Poolse Katholieke schrijver Stefan Budzyński om het te bewerken en te laten drukken in Polen. Het Derde Geheim van Fatima werd gepubliceerd in het boek „Voorspelling voor de wereld”, waarin de voorspellingen werden opgenomen in het deel dat de titel „FATIMA 117” draagt.
In „Fatima 117” werden delen van de boodschap opgenomen die door Maria aan Lucia werden overgemaakt, zoals: 1. Gebeurtenissen, dit is de inleiding die bewerkt werd door Stefan Budzyński.
2. Het Derde Geheim van Fatima.
3. De voorspelling van het verloop van de derde wereldoorlog.
4. Natuurstoornissen.
5. Latere boodschappen overgemaakt aan zuster Lucia.
6 .De Boodschap van Maria van 1954
7.Woorden van Jezus aan de mensheid van de hele wereld. Hoe de „Tijd” te herkennen waarop een „Vreemd lichaam uit de kosmos” het aardruim zal binnendringen. Pater Pio informeert dat het gaat om een „Rotsblok” en niet om een komeet. Deze rotsblok zal neerstorten in de Atlantische Oceaan, in de buurt van de Caraïbische Zee, en over de hele wereld zal de lucht vergiftigd worden met „Methaan” dat zich in het zeewater bevindt en ontstaat uit de ontbinding van dode lichamen in de oceaan en de gassen die uit de kosmos via de vernietigde ionosfeer binnendringen.
Door welke „Straffen” zal de mensheid van de hele wereld worden getroffen?
1. Oorlogen zullen uitbreken waarin atoombommen worden gebruikt
2. Aardbevingen
3. Een zondvloed in het Noordelijk halfrond die wordt veroorzaakt door het verschijnen van een „Nieuw land”
4. Vulkaanuitbarstingen
5. Het binnendringen van een „Planetoȉde-rotsblok” in het aardruim die in de Atlantische Oceaan neerstort, in de buurt van de Caraïbische Zee.
6. De infiltratie van Methaan via de vernietigde ionosfeer en uit de zeedieptes en de lucht van de ganse wereld vergiftigd.
Maria, de Moeder van Jezus, wil de inwoners van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland redden die geloven in God de Vader en Zijn Zoon Jezus Christus of die in hem zullen geloven. Ze wenst dat ze het Koninkrijk de Nederlanden – Nederland verlaten vóór de periode van het losslaan van de natuurelementen, en dat ze zich naar een veilige plaats begeven. Reeds eerder informeerde ik Hare Majesteit en de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland over de Apocalyps die de Nederlandse bevolking op een pijnlijke manier zal treffen – de ZONDVLOED. In het „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” wordt gemeld dat de landen van Europa erg vernietigd zullen worden: Duitsland, Denemarken, Nederland zullen worden overstroomd, en dat geldt ook voor de omringende gebieden. Nederland zal worden overstroomd door een reusachtige golf van zeewater. Thans informeer ik de bevolking die op het gebied van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland woont om het land te verlaten, nog vóór het wordt overstroomd en de laag gelegen gebieden van de Nederlanden – Nederland beginnen te zinken.
Het „TEKEN dat aan de hemel zal verschijnen, is het TEKEN van de aanvang van de Apocalyps”. Dit zijn woorden die door God de Vader die op 9 maart 2008 in de Kerk bij de ul.Gwiaździstej 17 te Warschau tijdens de Eucharistieviering van 10u45 werden overgemaakt.
Ik, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, heb deze woorden van God de Vader gehoord. Ik was erg geschrokken toen ik hoorde dat de volbrenging van „de Mysteries van de God de Vader in de Bijbel – Apocalyps” zo nabij is. Deze woorden van God de Vader wens ik over te maken aan de bevolking van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland.
Het „TEKEN” die we aan de hemel zullen zien, kan een lichtend Kruis, de Heer Jezus of een ander teken.
Wil men zijn leven redden van de zondvloed, dan dient men, na het verschijnen van het TEKEN aan de hemel die de Apocalyps aankondigt, binnen de 30 dagen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden - Nederland te verlaten en zich naar Frankrijk, Portugal of Spanje te begeven.
Noord-Duitsland en België zullen met zeewater worden overtroomd.
Er zal een oorlog uitbreken met Azië. Het Chinese leger zal Rusland aanvallen op het grondgebied van Azië. In „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” wordt gemeld dat het Chinese leger atoombommen zal werpen op wapenfabrieken en proefgebieden voor atoomwapens in Rusland en de hele wereld. De explosie van atoombommen zal opnieuw vernietiging en schokken veroorzaken. Tijdens de atoomexplosies zal, onder invloed van gassen met hoge temperatuur en onder hoge druk, een schokgolf ontstaan die vergezeld wordt van een hevige wind. Die zal op haar weg alles meenemen en een dodelijke, radio-actieve stof verspreiden die tijdens de atoomexplosie is ontstaan.
In het uiterste Noorden zullen, onder invloed van de schokken die verzoorzaakt werden door de atoomexplosies, onderaardse aardbevingen ontstaan die zullen aangroeien tot een vreselijk gekraak van barstende rotsen. In „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” wordt gemeld dat de onderaardse schokken slechts een paar weken zullen aanhouden, maar dat ze bedreigend zullen als geen ander gelijkaardige ramp die zich ooit op aarde voordeed. Ten gevolge van de vreselijke cataclysmen zal het Chinese leger zich terugtrekken van het strijdgebied in Europa, op het grondgebied van Azië.
Daarna zal een explosie plaatvinden. Het ijs, het water uit de Noordelijke Ijszee, samen met de zeebodem zullen bovenwaards worden gestuwd. Het ijs en het water zullen in de zeeën terechtkomen, en op het gebied rondom de Noordpoolcirkel dat met het water zal worden overstroomd. Daarna zal het water zich over het ganse gebied verspreiden en naar zeeën, en oceanen stromen en het waterniveau van wateren en zeeën doen stijgen.
De bodem van de Noodelijke Ijszee zal een „Nieuw reusachtig land” worden. De hoge zeewatergolf, die een reusachtige hoogte zal bereiken, zal het terrein van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland binnenstromen en het ganse gebied van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden overstromen. Na het doorstromen van de hoge ZONDVLOED-golf van zeewater zullen de laagste grondgebieden van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland met zeewater worden overstroomd. Het water in zeeën en oceanen zal een paar meter stijgen onder invloed van het water van de Noordelijke Ijszee, waardoor de laagste oevergebieden van het land overstroomd zullen worden met zeewater. Het water van de Noordelijke Ijszee, dat door de ondergrondse (onderzeese) explosie werd weggestuwd, zal zeer snel vloeien met een golf van meer dan 300 meter die onderweg alles overstroomt en vernielt. Er is geen enkele kans op redding met dergelijk ijswater die met snelle stroom vloeit en van bovenaf alles overstroomt, vernietigt en meesleept. Het grondgebied van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland niet verlaten is vrijwillig kiezen voor de verdrinkingsdood.
De oorlog zal uitbreken in Europa. In Duitsland zal tijdens de verkiezingen de partij NDP aan de macht komen, waar Udo Voigt de leider van is, en de huidige regering in Duitsland zal worden omvergeworpen. De Duitse Partij NDP zal erin slagen om de idee van Adolf Hitler in vervulling te realiseren, met name de oprichting van een „Groot Duits Rijk”. Om een „Groot Duitsland” op te richten, zal de Kanselier van de Partij NDP de oorlog verklaren: aan Rusland om het voormalige Kaliningrad te herwinnen. Dit zal gebeuren tijdens de oorlog van China met Rusland. Het Duitse leger zal het grondgebied van Noord- en West-Polen binnendringen, alles vernietigen en de ganse bevolking op de veroverde gebieden vermoorden.
De Duitse Kanselier zal, na de verovering van Polen, de oorlog verklaren aan de Tsjechië en Slowakije. Na de overwinning op Tsjechië en Slowakije zal de Duitse Kanselier de oorlog verklaren aan Litouwen, Letland, Estland, Denemarken en zal Oosterijk bij Duitsland worden ingelijfd. Na de verovering door het Duitse leger van de genoemde landen en de inlijving van hun grondgebieden, zal het „Grote Duitse Rijk” worden opgericht. De nazi-partij heeft uitsluitend het grondgebied van deze landen nodig. De bevolking die daar leeft zal worden uitgemoord of zelf eigen grondgebied verlaten.
Rusland zal haar leger naar Kaliningrad sturen om die uit handen van de Duitsers te onttrekken. Na de overwinning op de Duitsers op het grondgebied van Kaliningrad, zal het Russische leger zich op het Duitse grondgebied begeven om wraak te nemen op de Duitse bevolking voor de aanval op Kaliningrad tijdens de oorlog van China en Rusland. Dit wordt gemeld in „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima”. Het Russische leger zal tot aan de Atlantische Oceaan geraken, terwijl het onderweg alles vernielt en de Duitse bevolking uitmoordt. De legers die bedreigd worden door het binnendringen van het Russische leger op hun grondgebieden, zullen het Russische leger aanvallen die terug zal keren naar het Duitse grondgebied en zich in de richting zal begeven van Oekraïne, terwijl het onderweg alles vernietigt en de bevolking uitmoordt. Wat overblijft is het as en puin van steden.
De bevolking die het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland verlaat, zou zich in de richting van Spanje moeten begeven. Grote steden zoals Brussel, Parijs, Madrid, Lisbon en andere worden bedreigd. De Chinezen kunnen er namelijk atoomprojectielen op werpen. Men moet in kleine steden blijven en na de aarbevingen en „Zondvloed” terugkeren naar het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland om na te gaan wat niet werd verwoest, of het zeewater zich teruggetrokken heeft. Ik veronderstel dat in de loop van twee maanden de losgeslagen natuurelementen tot bedaren zullen komen. Duitsland zal erg verwoest zijn door het Russische leger. Op het Duitse grondgebied zullen onderaardse aardbevingen ontstaan, onder de bodem van de Rijn. Daarna volgt een inzakking van de grond in Westfalen. De steden in het Ruhrgebied zullen tijdens de aarbeving worden vernietigd.
Op aarde zal een „Planetoïde-rotsblok” indruisen die, terwijl het zich naar de aarde begeeft, gloeiend heet zal worden en in de Atlantische Oceaan zal terechtkomen en zal zorgen voor vreselijke vloedgolven of „tsunami's” die op eilanden en aan de oevergebieden zullen razen van de drie Amerika's, Afrika en Europa, en die verwoestingen zullen veroorzaken en het zinken van landdelen.
De bevolking die op de eilanden en oevergebieden van de drie Amerika's vertoeft zal, indien ze niet wordt overgebracht naar een andere veilige plek, sterven.
Wanneer zal het indruisen van de Panetoïde-rotsblok op de aarde plaatsgrijpen?
Dat zal tijdens een koude nacht gebeuren. Donder en aardbevingen zullen twee dagen en nachten aanhouden en er zal een hevige wind waaien. De tweede nacht zal het erg koud worden, de wind zal dreunen en na een bepaalde tijd zal het beginnen donderen. Sluit dan uw ramen en deuren en verlaat uw huizen niet, doe de gordijnen dicht. Kniel onder het Kruis (indien er een in uw woning aanwezig is), heb spijt voor uw zonden en vraag Maria, de Moeder van Jezus, om haar bescherming. Wie deze raad niet opvolgt, zal in een oogwenk om het leven komen.
De lucht zal worden verzadigd met gas en gif en de hele aarde vergiftigen.
Tijdens de derde nacht zal een vuur en een aardbeving ontstaan, en de volgende dag zal de zon al beginnen schijnen. Eén derde van de bevolking zal tijdens de Apocalyps omkomen.
Men moet zich tot Maria, de Moeder van Jezus, wenden en om redding vragen: „Heilige Koningin, bemiddelares van de mensen, onze enige toevlucht en hoop, heb medelijden met ons.
Wanda Stańka-Prószyńska
Warschau, 27.12.2008
Om zeevloot, schepen en boten te redden, dient men na het evacueren van de bevolking zo ver mogelijk zuidwaards te trekken. Men kan halt houden in de havens van Argentinië of in de Afrikaanse havens van Namibië, Zuid-Afrika of in de Indische Oceaan.
Waarschijnlijk zullen heel wat mensen de waarschuwingen van Maria negeren en hun woonplaats niet verlaten. Water is een natuurelement dat heel snel stroomt, men zal zich met moeite kunnen redden.
APOCALYS – ZONDVLOED treft het Koninkrijk der NEDERLANDEN.
De mensheid heeft zich van God afgewend. De wereld wordt door satan beheerd die de Kerk in zijn macht probeert te krijgen. God laat dit niet toe. Hij stuurt „Straffen” naar de mensheid. Deze werden door de Heilige apostel Johannes opgetekend in „het Bijbelse boek dat de Apocalyps wordt genoemd” maar die in „Tijd” werden gecodeerd.
Die „Straffen” die reeds ontcijferd werden, werden door Maria,de Moeder van Jezus, overgemaakt in de „Boodschap” van Fatima met de aanbeveling om deze boodschap aan de hele wereld bekend te maken. Zuster Lucia tekende ze op en ze werden overhandigd aan Paus Pius XII met op de envelop een aantekening van zuster Lucia: „na 1960 mogen ze aan de hele wereld bekend worden gemaakt”.
Paus Pius XII schrok erg toen hij kennis nam van de inhoud van het document. Hij verzegelde het document opnieuw en bergde het veilig op in de safe van het Vaticaan voor zijn opvolgers.
Ook Paus Johannes XXIII schrok hevig toen hij kennis nam van de inhoud van het geheime document, en verklaarde dat de vreselijke „Straffen”, die in de „Boodschap” van Fatima worden aangekondigd, zijn tijd niet betreffen. Het document belandde alsdusdanig opnieuw in de safe van het Vaticaan.
Paus Paulus VI bekende, na kennisneming van de inhoud van de „Boodschap” van Fatima, dat het document voor enige tijd het geheim van het Vaticaan moest blijven.
Daarentegen maakte hij aan de in onenigheid verkerende partijen van de Cubaanse crisis de fragmenten van de „Boodschap” van Fatima bekend die samen met de „Inhoud van het Derde Geheim van Fatima” werden opgetekend.
De onderling geagiteerde partijen gingen daarna meteen over tot het sluiten van een vredesovereenkomst.
Na kennis te hebben genomen van de inhoud van het Derde Geheim van Fatima, bergde Paus Johannes Paulus II het opnieuw veilig op in de safe. De wens van Maria om de volledige „Boodschap” van Fatima aan de Wereld te verkondigen, werd niet vervuld daar de tijd van de straf naderde, aan het eind van de 20ste eeuw.
's Nachts intervenieerde de „Hemel” zelf bij Paus Johannes II inzake de verkondiging van het Derde Geheim van Fatima. Dit gebeurde in zijn flat op het Vaticaan. Hierover wordt verhaald in het boek van Stefan Budzyński „Dotknięcie Boga” („De Aanraking van God”) op pagina 91 in „Het Geheime Visioen van Paus Johannes Paulus II”. We kunnen enkel vermoeden dat de Heilige Maagd Maria, Moeder van Jezus, het tragische toekomstige lot van de Wereld aan de Paus bekendmaakte. Toen Paus Johannes Paulus II te zien kreeg wat de wereld te wachten staat, barstte hij in tranen los en beloofde hij het „Derde Geheim van Fatima” in zijn geheel te publiceren. Paus Johannes Paulus II vroeg om de vertaling van het Derde Geheim van Fatima van het Portugees naar het Italiaans. Hij maakte de vertaling van tekst van zuster Lucia „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” over aan Kardinaal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect van de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer, om het via de televisie bekend te maken.
De tweede tekst van de vertaling van „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” met het origineel van zuster Lucia in het Portugees, werd door de Paus overgemaakt aan de Poolse Katholieke schrijver Stefan Budzyński om het te bewerken en te laten drukken in Polen. Het Derde Geheim van Fatima werd gepubliceerd in het boek „Voorspelling voor de wereld”, waarin de voorspellingen werden opgenomen in het deel dat de titel „FATIMA 117” draagt.
In „Fatima 117” werden delen van de boodschap opgenomen die door Maria aan Lucia werden overgemaakt, zoals: 1. Gebeurtenissen, dit is de inleiding die bewerkt werd door Stefan Budzyński.
2. Het Derde Geheim van Fatima.
3. De voorspelling van het verloop van de derde wereldoorlog.
4. Natuurstoornissen.
5. Latere boodschappen overgemaakt aan zuster Lucia.
6 .De Boodschap van Maria van 1954
7.Woorden van Jezus aan de mensheid van de hele wereld. Hoe de „Tijd” te herkennen waarop een „Vreemd lichaam uit de kosmos” het aardruim zal binnendringen. Pater Pio informeert dat het gaat om een „Rotsblok” en niet om een komeet. Deze rotsblok zal neerstorten in de Atlantische Oceaan, in de buurt van de Caraïbische Zee, en over de hele wereld zal de lucht vergiftigd worden met „Methaan” dat zich in het zeewater bevindt en ontstaat uit de ontbinding van dode lichamen in de oceaan en de gassen die uit de kosmos via de vernietigde ionosfeer binnendringen.
Door welke „Straffen” zal de mensheid van de hele wereld worden getroffen?
1. Oorlogen zullen uitbreken waarin atoombommen worden gebruikt
2. Aardbevingen
3. Een zondvloed in het Noordelijk halfrond die wordt veroorzaakt door het verschijnen van een „Nieuw land”
4. Vulkaanuitbarstingen
5. Het binnendringen van een „Planetoȉde-rotsblok” in het aardruim die in de Atlantische Oceaan neerstort, in de buurt van de Caraïbische Zee.
6. De infiltratie van Methaan via de vernietigde ionosfeer en uit de zeedieptes en de lucht van de ganse wereld vergiftigd.
Maria, de Moeder van Jezus, wil de inwoners van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland redden die geloven in God de Vader en Zijn Zoon Jezus Christus of die in hem zullen geloven. Ze wenst dat ze het Koninkrijk de Nederlanden – Nederland verlaten vóór de periode van het losslaan van de natuurelementen, en dat ze zich naar een veilige plaats begeven. Reeds eerder informeerde ik Hare Majesteit en de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland over de Apocalyps die de Nederlandse bevolking op een pijnlijke manier zal treffen – de ZONDVLOED. In het „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” wordt gemeld dat de landen van Europa erg vernietigd zullen worden: Duitsland, Denemarken, Nederland zullen worden overstroomd, en dat geldt ook voor de omringende gebieden. Nederland zal worden overstroomd door een reusachtige golf van zeewater. Thans informeer ik de bevolking die op het gebied van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland woont om het land te verlaten, nog vóór het wordt overstroomd en de laag gelegen gebieden van de Nederlanden – Nederland beginnen te zinken.
Het „TEKEN dat aan de hemel zal verschijnen, is het TEKEN van de aanvang van de Apocalyps”. Dit zijn woorden die door God de Vader die op 9 maart 2008 in de Kerk bij de ul.Gwiaździstej 17 te Warschau tijdens de Eucharistieviering van 10u45 werden overgemaakt.
Ik, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, heb deze woorden van God de Vader gehoord. Ik was erg geschrokken toen ik hoorde dat de volbrenging van „de Mysteries van de God de Vader in de Bijbel – Apocalyps” zo nabij is. Deze woorden van God de Vader wens ik over te maken aan de bevolking van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland.
Het „TEKEN” die we aan de hemel zullen zien, kan een lichtend Kruis, de Heer Jezus of een ander teken.
Wil men zijn leven redden van de zondvloed, dan dient men, na het verschijnen van het TEKEN aan de hemel die de Apocalyps aankondigt, binnen de 30 dagen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden - Nederland te verlaten en zich naar Frankrijk, Portugal of Spanje te begeven.
Noord-Duitsland en België zullen met zeewater worden overtroomd.
Er zal een oorlog uitbreken met Azië. Het Chinese leger zal Rusland aanvallen op het grondgebied van Azië. In „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” wordt gemeld dat het Chinese leger atoombommen zal werpen op wapenfabrieken en proefgebieden voor atoomwapens in Rusland en de hele wereld. De explosie van atoombommen zal opnieuw vernietiging en schokken veroorzaken. Tijdens de atoomexplosies zal, onder invloed van gassen met hoge temperatuur en onder hoge druk, een schokgolf ontstaan die vergezeld wordt van een hevige wind. Die zal op haar weg alles meenemen en een dodelijke, radio-actieve stof verspreiden die tijdens de atoomexplosie is ontstaan.
In het uiterste Noorden zullen, onder invloed van de schokken die verzoorzaakt werden door de atoomexplosies, onderaardse aardbevingen ontstaan die zullen aangroeien tot een vreselijk gekraak van barstende rotsen. In „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima” wordt gemeld dat de onderaardse schokken slechts een paar weken zullen aanhouden, maar dat ze bedreigend zullen als geen ander gelijkaardige ramp die zich ooit op aarde voordeed. Ten gevolge van de vreselijke cataclysmen zal het Chinese leger zich terugtrekken van het strijdgebied in Europa, op het grondgebied van Azië.
Daarna zal een explosie plaatvinden. Het ijs, het water uit de Noordelijke Ijszee, samen met de zeebodem zullen bovenwaards worden gestuwd. Het ijs en het water zullen in de zeeën terechtkomen, en op het gebied rondom de Noordpoolcirkel dat met het water zal worden overstroomd. Daarna zal het water zich over het ganse gebied verspreiden en naar zeeën, en oceanen stromen en het waterniveau van wateren en zeeën doen stijgen.
De bodem van de Noodelijke Ijszee zal een „Nieuw reusachtig land” worden. De hoge zeewatergolf, die een reusachtige hoogte zal bereiken, zal het terrein van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland binnenstromen en het ganse gebied van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden overstromen. Na het doorstromen van de hoge ZONDVLOED-golf van zeewater zullen de laagste grondgebieden van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland met zeewater worden overstroomd. Het water in zeeën en oceanen zal een paar meter stijgen onder invloed van het water van de Noordelijke Ijszee, waardoor de laagste oevergebieden van het land overstroomd zullen worden met zeewater. Het water van de Noordelijke Ijszee, dat door de ondergrondse (onderzeese) explosie werd weggestuwd, zal zeer snel vloeien met een golf van meer dan 300 meter die onderweg alles overstroomt en vernielt. Er is geen enkele kans op redding met dergelijk ijswater die met snelle stroom vloeit en van bovenaf alles overstroomt, vernietigt en meesleept. Het grondgebied van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland niet verlaten is vrijwillig kiezen voor de verdrinkingsdood.
De oorlog zal uitbreken in Europa. In Duitsland zal tijdens de verkiezingen de partij NDP aan de macht komen, waar Udo Voigt de leider van is, en de huidige regering in Duitsland zal worden omvergeworpen. De Duitse Partij NDP zal erin slagen om de idee van Adolf Hitler in vervulling te realiseren, met name de oprichting van een „Groot Duits Rijk”. Om een „Groot Duitsland” op te richten, zal de Kanselier van de Partij NDP de oorlog verklaren: aan Rusland om het voormalige Kaliningrad te herwinnen. Dit zal gebeuren tijdens de oorlog van China met Rusland. Het Duitse leger zal het grondgebied van Noord- en West-Polen binnendringen, alles vernietigen en de ganse bevolking op de veroverde gebieden vermoorden.
De Duitse Kanselier zal, na de verovering van Polen, de oorlog verklaren aan de Tsjechië en Slowakije. Na de overwinning op Tsjechië en Slowakije zal de Duitse Kanselier de oorlog verklaren aan Litouwen, Letland, Estland, Denemarken en zal Oosterijk bij Duitsland worden ingelijfd. Na de verovering door het Duitse leger van de genoemde landen en de inlijving van hun grondgebieden, zal het „Grote Duitse Rijk” worden opgericht. De nazi-partij heeft uitsluitend het grondgebied van deze landen nodig. De bevolking die daar leeft zal worden uitgemoord of zelf eigen grondgebied verlaten.
Rusland zal haar leger naar Kaliningrad sturen om die uit handen van de Duitsers te onttrekken. Na de overwinning op de Duitsers op het grondgebied van Kaliningrad, zal het Russische leger zich op het Duitse grondgebied begeven om wraak te nemen op de Duitse bevolking voor de aanval op Kaliningrad tijdens de oorlog van China en Rusland. Dit wordt gemeld in „Het Derde Geheim van Fatima”. Het Russische leger zal tot aan de Atlantische Oceaan geraken, terwijl het onderweg alles vernielt en de Duitse bevolking uitmoordt. De legers die bedreigd worden door het binnendringen van het Russische leger op hun grondgebieden, zullen het Russische leger aanvallen die terug zal keren naar het Duitse grondgebied en zich in de richting zal begeven van Oekraïne, terwijl het onderweg alles vernietigt en de bevolking uitmoordt. Wat overblijft is het as en puin van steden.
De bevolking die het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland verlaat, zou zich in de richting van Spanje moeten begeven. Grote steden zoals Brussel, Parijs, Madrid, Lisbon en andere worden bedreigd. De Chinezen kunnen er namelijk atoomprojectielen op werpen. Men moet in kleine steden blijven en na de aarbevingen en „Zondvloed” terugkeren naar het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden – Nederland om na te gaan wat niet werd verwoest, of het zeewater zich teruggetrokken heeft. Ik veronderstel dat in de loop van twee maanden de losgeslagen natuurelementen tot bedaren zullen komen. Duitsland zal erg verwoest zijn door het Russische leger. Op het Duitse grondgebied zullen onderaardse aardbevingen ontstaan, onder de bodem van de Rijn. Daarna volgt een inzakking van de grond in Westfalen. De steden in het Ruhrgebied zullen tijdens de aarbeving worden vernietigd.
Op aarde zal een „Planetoïde-rotsblok” indruisen die, terwijl het zich naar de aarde begeeft, gloeiend heet zal worden en in de Atlantische Oceaan zal terechtkomen en zal zorgen voor vreselijke vloedgolven of „tsunami's” die op eilanden en aan de oevergebieden zullen razen van de drie Amerika's, Afrika en Europa, en die verwoestingen zullen veroorzaken en het zinken van landdelen.
De bevolking die op de eilanden en oevergebieden van de drie Amerika's vertoeft zal, indien ze niet wordt overgebracht naar een andere veilige plek, sterven.
Wanneer zal het indruisen van de Panetoïde-rotsblok op de aarde plaatsgrijpen?
Dat zal tijdens een koude nacht gebeuren. Donder en aardbevingen zullen twee dagen en nachten aanhouden en er zal een hevige wind waaien. De tweede nacht zal het erg koud worden, de wind zal dreunen en na een bepaalde tijd zal het beginnen donderen. Sluit dan uw ramen en deuren en verlaat uw huizen niet, doe de gordijnen dicht. Kniel onder het Kruis (indien er een in uw woning aanwezig is), heb spijt voor uw zonden en vraag Maria, de Moeder van Jezus, om haar bescherming. Wie deze raad niet opvolgt, zal in een oogwenk om het leven komen.
De lucht zal worden verzadigd met gas en gif en de hele aarde vergiftigen.
Tijdens de derde nacht zal een vuur en een aardbeving ontstaan, en de volgende dag zal de zon al beginnen schijnen. Eén derde van de bevolking zal tijdens de Apocalyps omkomen.
Men moet zich tot Maria, de Moeder van Jezus, wenden en om redding vragen: „Heilige Koningin, bemiddelares van de mensen, onze enige toevlucht en hoop, heb medelijden met ons.
Wanda Stańka-Prószyńska
Warschau, 27.12.2008
Om zeevloot, schepen en boten te redden, dient men na het evacueren van de bevolking zo ver mogelijk zuidwaards te trekken. Men kan halt houden in de havens van Argentinië of in de Afrikaanse havens van Namibië, Zuid-Afrika of in de Indische Oceaan.
Waarschijnlijk zullen heel wat mensen de waarschuwingen van Maria negeren en hun woonplaats niet verlaten. Water is een natuurelement dat heel snel stroomt, men zal zich met moeite kunnen redden.
APOCALYPSE-FLOOD which will greatly affect the KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS - Holland
Praise be to God.
APOCALYPSE-FLOOD which will greatly affect the KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS - Holland
Mankind has abandoned God. Satan, who tries to take control of the Church, rules the world. God does not want to let it happen and He will send “Punishments” upon people as it was written down in “the Bible called Apocalypse” by St. John the Evangelist but it is coded until the “Time” comes.
Those “Punishments”, already decoded, were passed on in the “Address” of Fátima by Mary, Mother of Jesus, with request to announce them to the whole world. They were written down by sister Lucia and then delivered to Pope Pius XII with sister’s Lucia note on the envelope saying: “after 1960 the document can be revealed to the whole world.”
Having read the document, Pope Pius XII was horrified, thus he sealed it again and secured it in the Vatican safe for his successor.
Pope John XXIII, having made himself familiar with the contents of the secret document, was horrified and concluded that the terrible “Punishments” predicted in the “Address” of Fátima did not refer to his times. The secret document was once again placed in the Vatican safe.
Pope Paul VI after reading the “Address” of Fátima decided that the document should remain a secret of Vatican for some time. However, he presented some fragments of the “Address” of Fátima, written down together with the “Third Secret of Fátima”, to the feuding parties to the Cuban crisis. Having read these, the warring parties entered into a peace agreement.
Pope John Paul II, after becoming familiar with the contents of the Third Secret of Fátima, sent the document back to the safe, thus not fulfilling the wish of Mary, Mother of Jesus, to reveal the full contents of “Address” of Fátima to the world for the time of punishment was approaching, at the end of the twentieth century.
At night, “HEAVEN” itself appealed to Pope John Paul II in his apartment in Vatican on the issue of the announcement of the Third Secret of Fátima. This is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”], on page 91, “John Paul II’s Mysterious Vision”. One can only guess that Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, revealed to the pope the future tragic fate of the world. Seeing what was going to happen to the world, Pope John Paul II cried and decided to publicize the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Pope John Paul II had the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated from Portuguese into Italian. He gave the translated text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” written by sister Lucia to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in order to publicize the text via TV.
Pope John Paul II gave the second copy of the translation of the whole text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the Polish Catholic writer Stefan Budzyński in order to edit it and have it published in print in Poland. The “Third Secret of Fátima” was published under title “FATIMA 117”, among other prophecies, in a book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”].
“FATIMA 117”comprises some parts of addresses conveyed to Lucia by Holy Mother, e.g.:
1. Events – this is an introduction made by Stefan Budzyński
2. The Third Secret of Fátima.
3.The predicted course of the third world war.
4. Disturbances in nature.
5. Later addresses delivered to sister Lucia.
6. Address of Mother of God from 1954.
7. Jesus’ words addressed to people from all around the world.
How may we recognize the “Time” of “an alien object from the space” coming to the Earth? Father Pio says that this would be a “Boulder”, not a comet. The “Boulder” will hit the Atlantic Ocean, near the Caribbean Sea. Then the air all around the earth will be polluted with “Methane”, which is present in seawaters and comes into being by decomposition of dead bodies in the ocean, and with space gases which will break into through the damaged ionosphere.
What are the “Punishments” that people all around the world will be affected by?
1. Wars involving the use of nuclear weapons will break out.
2. Earthquakes.
3. Flood in the northern hemisphere caused by the emergence of “New Land”.
4. Volcanoes will erupt.
5. A “Planetoid-boulder” will hit the Earth, falling into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
6. Gas will pour into by the damaged ionosphere and Methane will come out from the sea depths and these will poison the air all around the Earth.
Mary, Mother of Jesus, wants to save people from the Kingdom of the Netherlands who believe or will believe in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. She wants them to flee from the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland for the period when the elements will rage and to move to a safe shelter. Some time ago I informed Her Majesty the Queen and the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland about the Apocalypse which will badly affect their nation, that is the FLOOD. The following European countries mentioned in the “Third Secret of Fátima” will be vastly damaged: Germany, Denmark, Holland. They will be flooded with waters along with all other territories by the sea. Holland will be flooded with a very high seawater wave. I hereby inform people inhabiting the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland to leave it before the flood comes and covers the lowland territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
“The SIGN which will appear in the sky will be the signal of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.
These are the words passed on by God the Father on March 9, 2008 in the church at 17 Gwiaździsta street in Warsaw during the service at 10.45. It was me, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, who heard the Words of God the Father. When I heard the words I trembled in fear for the time of fulfillment of the secrets of God the Father written down in the “Bible – Apocalypse” would be so near. I pass the words from God the Father to the people of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland.
The “SIGN” we will see in the sky will be an enlightened Cross, Jesus or another sign.
After the SIGN forecasting the Apocalypse appears in the sky in order to save one’s life from the FLOOD you need to leave the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland within 30 days and move to the territory of France, Portugal or Spain. Northern Germany and Belgium will be flooded as well.
There will break out a war in Asia. The Chinese army will attack Russia on its Asian territory. According to the “Third Secret of Fátima” the Chinese army will drop nuclear bombs on arm plants and testing centers in Russia and on the rest of the world. The explosions of nuclear bombs will result in immense destruction and earthquakes. During those nuclear explosions due to gases of very high temperature and high pressure there will arise a shock wave which will be accompanied by a gale sweeping away everything on its way and spreading lethal radioactive dust that would appear after the nuclear explosions.
In the very north, triggered by the quakes – the results of the nuclear explosions, there will start deep earthquakes increasing to horrific roar of cracking rocks. As it is given in the “Third secret of Fátima” these horrific deep earthquakes will last for few weeks only but they will be as dreadful as no other disaster that the earth has witnessed so far. As a result of these terrible calamities the Chinese army will withdraw from the war territories in Europe to the territories in Asia.
Then an explosion will occur. Ice and water from the Arctic Sea together with the bottom of the sea will be lifted up. Ice and water will fall into seas and on the lands around the Arctic Circle, flooding them before water flows all over the surface and down to seas and oceans, increasing the water level of seas and oceans.
The bottom of the Arctic Sea will become “New huge land”. A huge wall of sea water will burst into the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland, flooding with sea water the whole territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland. After the wave of the FLOOD flows over the most low-lying territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland will be covered with sea waters. The level of waters in seas and oceans will be higher from the water level of the Arctic Sea by a few meters and thus most low-lying shores will be flooded with sea waters. Waters from the Arctic Sea, thrown out by the deep-sea explosion, will be moving very fast and as a horrifying over 300 meter wave, destroying and covering everything on its way. There is no a single possibility to survive in such huge ice-cold water going in fast flow that will be flooding everything from above, destroying and sweeping away. To remain at the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland means to die from drowning of one’s own free will.
There will break out a war in Europe too. In Germany NPD party whose leader is Udo Voigt, will come to power in voting or by bringing down the current German government. German NPD party aspires to fulfill Adolf Hitler’s idea of forming “Great Germany”. In order to form “Great Germany” the chancellor of NPD party will declare war on Russia to regain former Królewiec-Konigsberg during the Chinese-Russian war. The German army will invade the territories of Northern and Western Poland, destroying everything and murdering inhabitants of the territories.
The chancellor of Germany, after having defeated Poland, will declare war on Czech and Slovakia. After the defeat of those countries he will declare war also on Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark and will annex Austria to Germany. After defeating the above mentioned countries by the German army and annexing their territories, “Great Germany” will be established. Nazis party needs only territories of these countries. The inhabitants of these countries will be murdered or they will flee.
Russia will send its army towards Kaliningrad to win it over from Germany. After defeating Germany in Kaliningrad Russian army will burst into the territory of Germany in order to take revenge on German people for attacking Kalininigrad during the Chinese-Russian war. This is forecast in the “Third secret of Fatima”. Russian army will come up to the Atlantic Ocean destroying everything on its way and murdering German people. Armies of the countries whose territories are under the threat of being attacked by the Russians will attack the Russian army and the latter will withdraw to Germany and then to Ukraine, destroying and murdering people on its way, leaving dust and cities burnt to ashes.
People leaving the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland should head for Spain. Big cities such as Bruxelles, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon and others are under threat. China may drop nuclear missiles on them. One should stay in a small location and after earthquakes and “FLOOD” go back to the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland to see what remained undamaged and whether the waters went down. I suppose that after two months the raging elements shall calm down. Germany will be badly destroyed by the Russian army. In the territory of Germany there will occur deep earthquake under the bed of Rhine river. Land in Westfallen will sink. Cities in the Ruhr Area will be destroyed in the earthquake.
The earth will be hit by “Planetoid-boulder” which on its way towards the earth will heat up till red and fall into waters of the Atlantic Ocean causing horrific waves “tsunami” which will flow on islands and shores of three Americas, Africa and Europe bringing about destruction and sinking of some parts of land. People inhabiting islands and shores of three Americas will die unless relocated.
When the “planetoid-boulder” will burst into the earth?
This will start on a very cold night. Thunders and earthquakes will linger for two days and there will be a gale, too. The second night will be very cold, the wind will be roaring, and after some time thunders will arise. At that time, close the windows and doors and do not leave the house and draw the curtains. Kneel under a cross (whether at home or under a tent), repent for your sins and ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for care. Those who will not follow this advice, will die immediately.
The air will be saturated with gas and poison which will spread over the whole earth.
On the third night there will appear fire and on the following day – the sun will shine. During the Apocalypse one third of the world population will die.
We should address Mary, Mother of Jesus begging her for salvation: “Holy Queen, mediatrix of people, our only refuge and hope, be merciful to us.”
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
Warsaw, December 27, 2008
In order to save the people the fleet, ships and vessels, after having boarded people, should sail as far as possible to the south. It would be advisable to reach the shore at ports of Argentina or Africans ports of Namibia, the Republic of South Africa or on the Indian Ocean.
Probably many people will ignore the Mother of God and would not flee from their dwelling places. Water is an element that flows fast, it will be hard to escape.
APOCALYPSE-FLOOD which will greatly affect the KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS - Holland
Mankind has abandoned God. Satan, who tries to take control of the Church, rules the world. God does not want to let it happen and He will send “Punishments” upon people as it was written down in “the Bible called Apocalypse” by St. John the Evangelist but it is coded until the “Time” comes.
Those “Punishments”, already decoded, were passed on in the “Address” of Fátima by Mary, Mother of Jesus, with request to announce them to the whole world. They were written down by sister Lucia and then delivered to Pope Pius XII with sister’s Lucia note on the envelope saying: “after 1960 the document can be revealed to the whole world.”
Having read the document, Pope Pius XII was horrified, thus he sealed it again and secured it in the Vatican safe for his successor.
Pope John XXIII, having made himself familiar with the contents of the secret document, was horrified and concluded that the terrible “Punishments” predicted in the “Address” of Fátima did not refer to his times. The secret document was once again placed in the Vatican safe.
Pope Paul VI after reading the “Address” of Fátima decided that the document should remain a secret of Vatican for some time. However, he presented some fragments of the “Address” of Fátima, written down together with the “Third Secret of Fátima”, to the feuding parties to the Cuban crisis. Having read these, the warring parties entered into a peace agreement.
Pope John Paul II, after becoming familiar with the contents of the Third Secret of Fátima, sent the document back to the safe, thus not fulfilling the wish of Mary, Mother of Jesus, to reveal the full contents of “Address” of Fátima to the world for the time of punishment was approaching, at the end of the twentieth century.
At night, “HEAVEN” itself appealed to Pope John Paul II in his apartment in Vatican on the issue of the announcement of the Third Secret of Fátima. This is referred to in Stefan Budzyński’s book entitled “Dotknięcie Boga” [“God’s Touch”], on page 91, “John Paul II’s Mysterious Vision”. One can only guess that Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, revealed to the pope the future tragic fate of the world. Seeing what was going to happen to the world, Pope John Paul II cried and decided to publicize the “Third Secret of Fátima”. Pope John Paul II had the “Third Secret of Fátima” translated from Portuguese into Italian. He gave the translated text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” written by sister Lucia to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in order to publicize the text via TV.
Pope John Paul II gave the second copy of the translation of the whole text of the “Third Secret of Fátima” to the Polish Catholic writer Stefan Budzyński in order to edit it and have it published in print in Poland. The “Third Secret of Fátima” was published under title “FATIMA 117”, among other prophecies, in a book entitled “Przepowiednie dla świata” [“Prophecies for the World”].
“FATIMA 117”comprises some parts of addresses conveyed to Lucia by Holy Mother, e.g.:
1. Events – this is an introduction made by Stefan Budzyński
2. The Third Secret of Fátima.
3.The predicted course of the third world war.
4. Disturbances in nature.
5. Later addresses delivered to sister Lucia.
6. Address of Mother of God from 1954.
7. Jesus’ words addressed to people from all around the world.
How may we recognize the “Time” of “an alien object from the space” coming to the Earth? Father Pio says that this would be a “Boulder”, not a comet. The “Boulder” will hit the Atlantic Ocean, near the Caribbean Sea. Then the air all around the earth will be polluted with “Methane”, which is present in seawaters and comes into being by decomposition of dead bodies in the ocean, and with space gases which will break into through the damaged ionosphere.
What are the “Punishments” that people all around the world will be affected by?
1. Wars involving the use of nuclear weapons will break out.
2. Earthquakes.
3. Flood in the northern hemisphere caused by the emergence of “New Land”.
4. Volcanoes will erupt.
5. A “Planetoid-boulder” will hit the Earth, falling into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the Caribbean Sea.
6. Gas will pour into by the damaged ionosphere and Methane will come out from the sea depths and these will poison the air all around the Earth.
Mary, Mother of Jesus, wants to save people from the Kingdom of the Netherlands who believe or will believe in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. She wants them to flee from the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland for the period when the elements will rage and to move to a safe shelter. Some time ago I informed Her Majesty the Queen and the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland about the Apocalypse which will badly affect their nation, that is the FLOOD. The following European countries mentioned in the “Third Secret of Fátima” will be vastly damaged: Germany, Denmark, Holland. They will be flooded with waters along with all other territories by the sea. Holland will be flooded with a very high seawater wave. I hereby inform people inhabiting the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland to leave it before the flood comes and covers the lowland territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
“The SIGN which will appear in the sky will be the signal of the beginning of the Apocalypse”.
These are the words passed on by God the Father on March 9, 2008 in the church at 17 Gwiaździsta street in Warsaw during the service at 10.45. It was me, Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska, who heard the Words of God the Father. When I heard the words I trembled in fear for the time of fulfillment of the secrets of God the Father written down in the “Bible – Apocalypse” would be so near. I pass the words from God the Father to the people of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland.
The “SIGN” we will see in the sky will be an enlightened Cross, Jesus or another sign.
After the SIGN forecasting the Apocalypse appears in the sky in order to save one’s life from the FLOOD you need to leave the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland within 30 days and move to the territory of France, Portugal or Spain. Northern Germany and Belgium will be flooded as well.
There will break out a war in Asia. The Chinese army will attack Russia on its Asian territory. According to the “Third Secret of Fátima” the Chinese army will drop nuclear bombs on arm plants and testing centers in Russia and on the rest of the world. The explosions of nuclear bombs will result in immense destruction and earthquakes. During those nuclear explosions due to gases of very high temperature and high pressure there will arise a shock wave which will be accompanied by a gale sweeping away everything on its way and spreading lethal radioactive dust that would appear after the nuclear explosions.
In the very north, triggered by the quakes – the results of the nuclear explosions, there will start deep earthquakes increasing to horrific roar of cracking rocks. As it is given in the “Third secret of Fátima” these horrific deep earthquakes will last for few weeks only but they will be as dreadful as no other disaster that the earth has witnessed so far. As a result of these terrible calamities the Chinese army will withdraw from the war territories in Europe to the territories in Asia.
Then an explosion will occur. Ice and water from the Arctic Sea together with the bottom of the sea will be lifted up. Ice and water will fall into seas and on the lands around the Arctic Circle, flooding them before water flows all over the surface and down to seas and oceans, increasing the water level of seas and oceans.
The bottom of the Arctic Sea will become “New huge land”. A huge wall of sea water will burst into the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland, flooding with sea water the whole territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland. After the wave of the FLOOD flows over the most low-lying territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland will be covered with sea waters. The level of waters in seas and oceans will be higher from the water level of the Arctic Sea by a few meters and thus most low-lying shores will be flooded with sea waters. Waters from the Arctic Sea, thrown out by the deep-sea explosion, will be moving very fast and as a horrifying over 300 meter wave, destroying and covering everything on its way. There is no a single possibility to survive in such huge ice-cold water going in fast flow that will be flooding everything from above, destroying and sweeping away. To remain at the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland means to die from drowning of one’s own free will.
There will break out a war in Europe too. In Germany NPD party whose leader is Udo Voigt, will come to power in voting or by bringing down the current German government. German NPD party aspires to fulfill Adolf Hitler’s idea of forming “Great Germany”. In order to form “Great Germany” the chancellor of NPD party will declare war on Russia to regain former Królewiec-Konigsberg during the Chinese-Russian war. The German army will invade the territories of Northern and Western Poland, destroying everything and murdering inhabitants of the territories.
The chancellor of Germany, after having defeated Poland, will declare war on Czech and Slovakia. After the defeat of those countries he will declare war also on Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark and will annex Austria to Germany. After defeating the above mentioned countries by the German army and annexing their territories, “Great Germany” will be established. Nazis party needs only territories of these countries. The inhabitants of these countries will be murdered or they will flee.
Russia will send its army towards Kaliningrad to win it over from Germany. After defeating Germany in Kaliningrad Russian army will burst into the territory of Germany in order to take revenge on German people for attacking Kalininigrad during the Chinese-Russian war. This is forecast in the “Third secret of Fatima”. Russian army will come up to the Atlantic Ocean destroying everything on its way and murdering German people. Armies of the countries whose territories are under the threat of being attacked by the Russians will attack the Russian army and the latter will withdraw to Germany and then to Ukraine, destroying and murdering people on its way, leaving dust and cities burnt to ashes.
People leaving the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland should head for Spain. Big cities such as Bruxelles, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon and others are under threat. China may drop nuclear missiles on them. One should stay in a small location and after earthquakes and “FLOOD” go back to the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Holland to see what remained undamaged and whether the waters went down. I suppose that after two months the raging elements shall calm down. Germany will be badly destroyed by the Russian army. In the territory of Germany there will occur deep earthquake under the bed of Rhine river. Land in Westfallen will sink. Cities in the Ruhr Area will be destroyed in the earthquake.
The earth will be hit by “Planetoid-boulder” which on its way towards the earth will heat up till red and fall into waters of the Atlantic Ocean causing horrific waves “tsunami” which will flow on islands and shores of three Americas, Africa and Europe bringing about destruction and sinking of some parts of land. People inhabiting islands and shores of three Americas will die unless relocated.
When the “planetoid-boulder” will burst into the earth?
This will start on a very cold night. Thunders and earthquakes will linger for two days and there will be a gale, too. The second night will be very cold, the wind will be roaring, and after some time thunders will arise. At that time, close the windows and doors and do not leave the house and draw the curtains. Kneel under a cross (whether at home or under a tent), repent for your sins and ask Mary, Mother of Jesus, for care. Those who will not follow this advice, will die immediately.
The air will be saturated with gas and poison which will spread over the whole earth.
On the third night there will appear fire and on the following day – the sun will shine. During the Apocalypse one third of the world population will die.
We should address Mary, Mother of Jesus begging her for salvation: “Holy Queen, mediatrix of people, our only refuge and hope, be merciful to us.”
Wanda Stańska-Prószyńska
Warsaw, December 27, 2008
In order to save the people the fleet, ships and vessels, after having boarded people, should sail as far as possible to the south. It would be advisable to reach the shore at ports of Argentina or Africans ports of Namibia, the Republic of South Africa or on the Indian Ocean.
Probably many people will ignore the Mother of God and would not flee from their dwelling places. Water is an element that flows fast, it will be hard to escape.
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